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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Celebrity Wls

    I really don't know why they haven't eliminated the band. it only makes since that once the band is removed or defective, a person is most likely going to have other complications. I choose the sleeve because it was permanent and not as invasive as the GBS. I know that I will never be able to have another wls so I wanted it to be a permanent tool. Now I have it and I know that it's what I really needed. Before I new about the sleeve, I was looking into a lap band, but now, so happy I choose the sleeve, it has saved my life.
  2. Ms skinniness

    Moving On To Phase 2?

    Try thinning down your pureed. It is a transition and now your tummy has to adjust. give it a little time and it will get better.
  3. For me, I have Kaiser so this information about my sleeve is all over my medical records, but I tell them anyways because I don't want any mistakes that might jeopardize my stomach. I canceled my hygienist appointment early on and told them that I had this surgery. I was afraid that bacteria that was dislodged from my teeth cleaning would affect my staple line. My hubby had a knee replacement and he couldn't go have his teeth cleaned without taking an antibiotic the night before due to the bacteria in his mouth going down to his knee and causing some kind of infection. So I played it safe and canceled my appointment. My dentist was very supportive and so was my hygienist.
  4. Ms skinniness

    Soreness In Legs/skin

    Sometimes my calves hurt because I was dehydrated. I do have dry skin more often now, but nothing else. Have you called your surgeon's office? They would give you the best answers due to that being their scope of practice. Please let us know what you find out. This is very interesting to me.
  5. Ms skinniness

    Hard To Get Used To! (In A Good Way!)

    Isn't it wonderful! CONGRATS! You are already Rockin that Sleeve! So excited for you.
  6. Ms skinniness


    One of the side effects of being in ketosis is high acid in your body. This can cause your mouth and throat ulcers. Not a pleasant side effect. maybe talk with your dr about this.
  7. Ms skinniness

    Hi! I Am New To The Site...

    Hi Jodi, this is a great site to get support and help with any questions you may have! Everyone on this site are awesome and helpful....
  8. Ms skinniness

    If I Dont Lose The 10Lbs

    You can do this! Go high protein, low carb, and drink a lot of water..... Keep it simple and you will succeed.
  9. Ms skinniness

    Burning Questions

    I too would love to hear from someone 5+ years out. Plus answers to the rest also.
  10. I told my hubby, son and daughter, best friends, sister and brother in-law and nephew. My FIL and MIL never asked and that was ok. They did notice my weight loss and told me how good I was looking and that My hubby is gonna have to stop eating so much and get in shape. LOL. I pretty much tell everyone as long as it's appropriate. I have only had a negative experience from my best friend and she was freaking out telling me I really didn't need surgery, I just needed to work on losing weight. Now I'm watching her gain weight and the unhappiness when she's cloths shopping. But I let her struggle with her issues and I still tell every one. I love my sleeve and it's the best thing I've ever done for me. I'm not going to worry about what others think because what do they know really! Nothing, absolutely nothing! So here we are with surgery or contemplating surgery and I believe I will always speak my truth, yes, I had wls and I love it! That's what I tell them. No explanations as to why. It is my business. Most are curious as to what it actually is so I educate them.
  11. Ms skinniness

    Ny Waiting For Medicare Approval

    Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
  12. Ms skinniness

    Finally! A Booty Call In Sight!

    Hanging on by a thread here! LOL
  13. Ms skinniness

    I Love My Pcp!

    Doing the happy dance with you! yayyyyyyyyyy! We seem to fret about things that we shouldn't. I do it too. But now I'm working on just putting it out there and seeing where it goes from there.
  14. Ms skinniness

    Bummed Beond Beleif . . .

    We love our furbabies so much, like our children. I have always second guessed myself when making a decision like that. There is no right time. I know that when our babies our suffering to such a great extent and have medical illnesses like tumors, it is really hard on them. My daughter's ferret died yesterday and it was really sad for her and I. She was such a joy to us. It was hard to see her suffering and we did all we could for her. She's in a much better place now, no pain and she has been released from her physical body and has no pain now. We will always miss our beloved critters and have them in our hearts. How lucky were we to have their love and companionship with no judgements. Hugs to everyone, especially Rootman and his lovely wife! :wub:
  15. Ms skinniness

    It's A Never Ending Journey!

    OMG! This is so true. I'm 8.5 months post op and I still make mistakes. I am just now learning that I need to order off the side orders in restaurants instead of the full blown meal that I can't eat. I have wasted so much money that way because I never go back and visit my left overs. My hubby gets them and it's really not doing him any favors. So, as of today, I will order off the side menu's and steal bites from my hubby's plate . Also I really need to start preparing my meals. It would be so much easier in the long run. Also, I'm going to schedule my meals and not eat anything in between the meals. i confuse my thirst and hunger cue. So, I still have a lot of mental work and now is the time to do it.
  16. Ms skinniness

    I'm Approved!

    CONGRATS! This is the beginning of a new journey for you.
  17. Ms skinniness

    45 Minutes Until Surgery

    I know that you have been successfully sleeved by now, so sending you healing energy for a speedy recovery!
  18. Ms skinniness

    I'm Up

    It is so normal to be anxious right now. I kept busy the day before and really didn't think about it to much. Just did my liquid diet as directed by my surgeon. I wanted to run the next morning though at the hospital but didn't. Boy am I glad I didn't. This is the best decision I have ever made and I am now looking at how my head hunger affects me. Yep, it's just a tool but now it's time to look at all my sh** in my head.
  19. This to just a meeting between to people. It is important to be honest and upfront because it is important to make sure that you understand and are capable of making an important decision as to having this procedure. No sweat and nothing to fear.
  20. Ms skinniness

    24 Hours Away From My Rebirth

    I will be waiting for you on The BIG LOSER'S BENCH! Sending healing energy your way for a speedy recovery!
  21. Ms skinniness

    Bottled Water

    reading the stuff about bottled water makes me sick. I have been wasting my money on bottled water and it's worst than my tap! Yikes. Oh well, lesson well learned, I need to research more products that I eat.
  22. Can you give us a picture of what your eating, how much, fluid intake, exercise routine? this would help immensely. You might of just had the cursive 3 week stall. Can't wait to get this info. Wish I could help more at this moment, but will after info.
  23. Ms skinniness

    A Reminder To Me

    Love It!
  24. Ms skinniness

    Water In Mx?

    I believe they give you bottled water in the hospital. I know lots of people that go there and they drink bottled water.
  25. Ms skinniness

    Three Week Post Op Tomorrow

    It hard to get all this stuff in your tummy. It's still swollen and healing but it gets better everyday and it is so worth it! Keep it up and CONGRATS on a job well done! You have succeeded and will continue to drop those pesky lbs.

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