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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Cholesterol Still Very High

    Here is a good place to get info on statins. www.spacedoc.net
  2. Ms skinniness

    Cholesterol Still Very High

    Thank you all for the info on statins (lipitor). I have decided to stop taking it from yesterday on. I had also discussed this with my SIL because she had told me not to take statins a few months ago, but never explained why. She connected me to another RN and she was talking about the side effect of lipitor are killing people. Which is true and yes, docs do listen to the pharmaceutical companies and don't do much research into the negative side effects. This RN told me that a relative of hers had neurological damage from taking this med with slow speech and cognitive processing. She gave me 2 websites that I'm going to go research after I finish posting this. Have a nice day everyone and thank you so much!
  3. People are so consumed with themselves. So what if your looking at them. They should be flattered. LOL Best to keep busy while walking. It might be a great ideal to wear headphones and listen to music too.
  4. Ms skinniness

    Aroma Therapy

    It's a good thing I have just eaten! These sound so delicious! I love the Lasagna cupcakes too. I just have to remember that I really can't and don't want to eat too much. But it is amazing how our mind can work against us. LOL
  5. Ms skinniness

    Cholesterol Still Very High

    My PCP has me on lipitor because one of my cholesterol is above goal. It will go down really soon I promise you. Even if your eating a lot of protein and cheeses. I do and I have a family history of high cholesterol. Hang in there and enjoy today! No frets or worries..... enjoy your new skinniness!
  6. CONGRATS! Tomorrow is the day of your re-birth. It is so exciting yet scarey at the same time. you will have the urge to run away but please remind yourself that this is totally normal. Picture yourself being skinny with a lot of energy with this wonderful sexy body of yours! You can do this.
  7. Ms skinniness

    Lately I've Been Slacking!

    Candace ~ I really struggle with getting my veggies in. My diet is mostly protein. I still struggle with getting all my fluid in at times, but recently it has been no big deal. It is such a learning curve. Can you call your ob/gyn and tell her the BC pills are making you really bloated. I had a Mirena IUD put in and I have had no difficulties with it at all. I am constantly talking myself out of exercising. I need a lot of help in this area too. LOL Any suggestions?
  8. Ms skinniness

    What I Look Forward To The Most

    Owwww your hormones are already for sex! Yayyyy! It is a lot of fun to shop for cute cloths. I use to hate shopping, but now I just love it! This is such a great feeling today! Now, please don't get me wrong, there are still a lot of hard work ahead of you. But you can do it!
  9. Ms skinniness

    Hair Loss?

    Hi, this was also a concern of mine too. I started losing my hair at about 2.5 months post op and stopped losing it in my 7th month. I lost about 33% of my hair and because I have religously been taking biotin 10,000 mcg and silica, at 9 months post op, I have a full head of hair. 33 % is new growth and it is growing really fast. I don't find very any hair in the drain any more which is very pleasing to me. I had no bald spots, it was distributed evenly through out my scalp. People don't even notice that I have lost my hair. So glad to have a full head of hair.
  10. Ms skinniness

    I Need Some Advice

    That is so frustrating to have an IV bag clamped. Didn't the other nurses check it before? I'm glad that you finally pointed it out to the nurse. You did a great job being an advocate for yourself. I know if I was you I'd want a lot of pain meds to help with a horrible HA. Hang in there and hope your home soon.
  11. Ms skinniness

    So Thrilled!

    Phatdivabbt: I do the Basic Bootcamp by LilMissDiva. I will drink my protein drinks and drink a lot of broths from homemade soups and things. It helps get away from the sugar cravings that I sometime feel. This is for 2 days. Check it out by doing a search, I would post it here but I just had my computer serviced and I can't get my office word to work. Hove to call Microsoft.
  12. Ms skinniness

    I Need Some Advice

    Skane10: one of the side effects of a low carb diet is HA. How much water do you get in? Is it at least 64oz? If not then it can be contributed to dehydration. I hope this is helpful. Before surgery I would get massive migraines that were debilitating. Since surgery I have not had any migraines and am very very thankful. But I do get a slight HA when I don't get enough water in me.
  13. Ms skinniness

    I Gained 5 Lbs

    swde73 ~ You are 3 weeks post op and your tummy is still really swollen from the staple line. The weight gain is most likely fluid retention. I love your out look and you are going to be very successful in loosing your weight! I love the positive attitude! Keep Rockin that Sleeve! It will happen.
  14. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    Meg ~ this is so true, we are so good at taking care of others and that's what we have be taught and reinforced in so many different ways. Now it's time for us. It was hard for me to focus more on me, because after all, I wouldn't have to take responsibility for me, and I could blame it on others if I so desired. now I am totally taking care of me first, hubby, and family. I have more to give others when I take care of myself. The only person to blame for my past poor choices in food is me. It's time to be forgiving for the poor choices and not taking better care of myself. Now i focus everyday on me. It has made my whole life more rewarding and I am very thankful for this opportunity to take care of me. I had to hear the underlying messages I got from my mom which became big core issues. the message I got was "I didn't know what I was thinking, I had an attitude when I was crying, etc, etc, etc. That was a big wake up call because my mother is the type of person that places blame on every one else and was a very depressed person. So it's taken a lot of work to over come this. So thankful I have done the personal work and now I am so proud as to where I am in my life. It's all about me. Yayyyyyyyyyyy! So for the rant!
  15. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    NannyG ~ I am in the same boat, I eat a little bit of carbs, and low and behold, I had a 5 lb weight gain within a week period of time. Yikes! So I finally dropped 4 of those lbs. I think it was water retention. But I will have to focus on protein, veggies and some fats. I have a lot of head hunger that I need to address. It is so hard but am learning the task to just refocus myself to eating a fruit or something. You are an inspiration to me and hope to here more about your experiences. thanks so much for sharing. Dorrie
  16. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    GT ~ it is frustrating when we make a bad choice and eat the wrong foods, and then to boot,your pants feel snugger. You have just lost you job and are turning to food again for emotional comfort which really suck. Now "STOP" making yourself throw up! It is not going to help. Get the foods that junk out of your house and refocus to Proteins. there are occasions where you will eat bad choices in food, but that's ok. Just take a bite or two and put it away. The place for the junk is actually the trash can! I have found myself eating more at times and it is scaring the pant off me. It's like "Oh ****," WTF did I just do. But I have to forgive myself. For now on, I've decided that if I want some stupid chips or something, I'm going to go for a long walk to work it off. If you keep up the forced throwing up, you are going to ruin your beautiful teeth in the process and could damage the staple line in some way. we care about you and don't want you to harm yourself in any way. We all make bad choices at times. When having a desire to eat bad choices, talk to your boyfriend if you feel comfortable with him, or call a dear friend. Also write a blog on here so we all can help you. Time to get back on track and you will. You have done so much and have lost a lot of weight, so put your head up, get back on track, and STOP beating yourself up. You are awesome!! You will find another job because you are very persistent! Thank you for posting here and keep up informed as to how your doing. When you get scare, come here to VST and talk to us. If you would like to PM me, it would be a pleasure to hear from you.
  17. Ms skinniness

    Blood Clot

    It's a good think those docs are pro active in getting treatment for your blood clot! That was a close one. Sorry happy your be ok.
  18. Ms skinniness

    I Gained 5 Lbs

    No worries, you have had a lot saline via IV and your stomach is very swollen still. Hang in there, the 5 lbs will drop off like a flash! CONGRATS!
  19. Ms skinniness

    H Pylori

    Is pylori a bacteria? I think I've heard it before but am not sure.
  20. Ms skinniness

    I Need Some Advice

    I hope this is good news for Want2bSkinny: Since having my sleeve on October 4, 2011, my migraines have stopped, none, nada. I am so happy and relieved. Hopefully this will happen for you also.
  21. I am working on getting in a lot more fluids today and look at my issues with head hunger.....

  22. Ms skinniness

    So Thrilled!

    OMG! I am on all liquids today and that looks absolutely delicious! I am so wanting this! Uggggggggggh!
  23. Ms skinniness

    Introducing Myself

    I believe that surgeons should not be offering lap band because of the complications from the band. When I was looking into wls, I was looking at the lap band. Then I heard about the sleeve and after researching it, i opted for the sleeve because it's permanent. With the lap band, it's a temporary fix and people learn to cheat with liquids or worst yet, the doc can overfill and cause a restriction needed surgery again. the sleeve is just a tool to help us with portion control. However, it is still up to us to change our diets, learn about the triggers to eat the wrong foods, and to increase our exercise. I love my sleeve and would do it over in a heart beat. I will most likely never qualify for another wls so I have to work with what I have and that's a pretty sexy body! Love it! However, everybody's choices are their's to make and I hope you make the right choice for you. After surgery, I had no nausea and vomiting and have had no complications whatsoever.
  24. Ms skinniness

    I Need Some Advice

    Pookeyism is absolutely right! your stomach is very swollen right now and it is extremely important to sip, sip, sip, and to slowly gnosh on your popsickles. It will take time, but it will get easier with time. Your full time job is to keep yourself hydrated.
  25. Ms skinniness

    Muscle Milk

    By cutting out the sugars, and eating high protein, your body will start burning the fat in your body by using it's glycogen reserves. I am addicted to drinking my Premier Chocolate Shakes from Costo and it has very little sugar. It tastes really great too. Keep away from sugars ASAP. It will help you lose weight quicker and easier.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
