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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. WHen you say enormous meal at Red Lobster, how much do you mean? It's probably nothing compared to before, so I wouldn't worry too much about that meal. I would think to only keep good things in the house that are on-plan to eliminate the temptation. You got this!! SophieJaneB: My meal was a 1/2 cup creamy potato and bacon Soup, 1/2 skewer of grilled shrimp, and 2 cheddar bay biscuits. I haven't eaten this much since pre sleeve time. I do try to keep unwanted foods out of my house and am constantly telling my adult children to not bring it home. i'm not hungry, i have that head hunger you were speaking of. keeping busy helps me not to eat, but the truth is if you want to eat that badly-you are going to find something. I really need to keep busy and drink more fluids. thanks kathy At night or when I get home from work I want to eat everything not nailed down. I like the idea of trying to stay busy. I feel a driving urge to put food in my mouth when my mind goes idle. Niahri I totally do the same thing, it's like a switch has flipped in my head and I start searching the cabinets and refrigerator. LOL. I think I'm going to force myself to go for a walk with our puppy. tried getting hubby to go last night, but he refused. Minckle a friend of mine is a Vision Board. A vision board is a terrific ideal! Thank you, I had completely forgot about visualizing what we want!! Thank you all for the wonderful feedback, I will have to put it in gear now.
  2. You have such a beautiful smile! Love it! I can see your new found confidence! you Rock Girl!
  3. Ms skinniness

    Will This Ever Pass

    Fortunately, every day will be better than the last day. This is an opportunity to focus on relaxation, healing, and relaxing. This will be a slight memory in the next 2 weeks. Make sure you are getting in as much water as you can and some protein. Thinking for you!
  4. Ms skinniness

    Losting Weight

    Yes, patience can help you. Focus on healing, walking, sipping, and getting in some protein. you will get better and the weight is going to just fall right off! No need to obsess on the scale, it won't change anything. So sit back and enjoy the roller coaster ride! You deserve it.
  5. Ms skinniness

    Hope It Was Ok

    With the amount of food your eating, cream of soup isn't going to hurt you at all. You are doing fine. Make sure you drink water and eat a little something throughout the day. You can do this!
  6. I had surgery on Oct 4, 2011 and I have also experienced times when I can eat a lot more than before. it scares the sh** out of me too. I am so fearful that I will eat more and gain weight. Last night I went to the Red Lobster and had 1/2 cup of creamy potato and bacon soup, 1/2 grilled shrimp skewer, and 2 of there delicious cheddar bay biscuits! I so regretted it about 30 minutes later. Way too much food. I will always have to watch what I eat and be methodical about staying with small portion sizes. I have a lot of head hunger too which is totally frustrating for me.
  7. Ms skinniness

    Will I Ever Feel Hungry?

    Yes, you will feel hungry later out. When I skip meals I get all shaky and I start to panic. I know that I need to eat 3 meals a day, small ones, all be it. However, yesterday I didn't have lunch but i had some snacks. So I was wondering why I was able to eat more at dinner. I didn't really feel full until about 20 minutes later and boy i was really feeling uncomfortable. I don't think I want to skip meals anymore. I will be diligent about getting food in my tummy.
  8. Ms skinniness

    Death To The Scale

    I've been there and done that! Except I had no gun! But I visualized it. This is what I call a bounce and I absolutely hate it. Now, I'm just getting to the point i don't care, I'm going to go by the lower point and I don't adjust my tickers. I just put the lowest # in and leave until I get another loss. I also stopped weighing myself every day and started weighing myself on a weekly basis.
  9. Ms skinniness

    Rant Post-Op Issues

    I would feel the same way if I was in your shoes also. Have you tried going back to a liquid diet? Protein drinks and broths. You stomach is having a hard time with the transition and your body has been in ketosis. Not that you've added sugar to your diet, you may be have dumping syndrome. I know how that really sucks! NOW, I'm not a doctor, but it wouldn't hurt to just go liquids and see if your feeling better. Please keep us informed as to how your doing. I love the Premier chocolate protein drinks. Hang it there, it will get better!
  10. Ms skinniness

    Going Out To Dinner Advice

    People take lunch boxes for their kids all the time. What I did when eating out was order some vegetable beef soup, and I drank just the broth. They even brought me some apple sauce one time, but I hated it! So sweet. I'm all in for either way. It's the people your with that's important!
  11. Ms skinniness

    Scrambled Eggs 5 Days Post Op...

    I'd at least wait until 3 weeks out! It would be a shame if you ate scrambled eggs so soon and it caused a leak in your staple line. My surgeon had us on a full liquid diet for the first 3 weeks, 3 weeks of pureed, 3 weeks of soft and then regular food. I in no way wanted to get a leak in my staple line, so i followed the rules of my surgeon.
  12. Ms skinniness

    Mind Games

    Wow, this is truly a transformation with more to come! Good job! You have really worked hard to get here and it shows! CONGRATS!
  13. Ms skinniness

    Help Pls Need Advice !

    So now it's time to take care of yourself! No more excuses! Make sure you aim at getting 64 ozs of water in (including protein drink). Start by scheduling the time when you will be able to have your protein drinks, the same time every day would be ideal. Keep a water bottle with you at all times. Dehydration really sucks big time. I had it and I learned that getting my water in everyday is a high priority now. When I don't have any water, I can feel my stomach feeling dry. You can do this, it's just a learning curve and making new habits that help you. If you don't take care of yourself, then how can you help others? Later you will look back on this and think, wow, what was I thinking? This is the best decision I have ever made.
  14. Ms skinniness

    "just Eat Already!"

    I'm so happy your in the hospital so they can figure this out. you must have been totally dehydrated. Your stomach is in a transition and hasn't quite adjusted to changing food textures. Please get as much rest as you can, you need it.
  15. Ms skinniness


    Wow! This is actually a miracle that the tumors were found! This is life saving in itself! I know it is really scary and to look at your baby and think "I might not be here to see her growing up and see my grandchildren. " My thoughts are with you and I want you to have nothing but the best. Do you have a support person that you can talk too. It really helps to talk about what your going through.
  16. Ms skinniness

    How The He** Did That Happen!

    This is such a great place to be! CONGRATS! You have changed your habits and that is monumental. Keep it up!
  17. Ms skinniness

    When Will I Start Losing?

    You have probably already started to lose weight! The 9lbs is from water retention and your stomach is really swollen. Take it one day at a time and try to weight yourself 1 timer per week. The scale will drive you crazy.
  18. Ms skinniness


    The pain is nothing! It's like have a sore and the areas around the sore get pulled. Its a lot of discomfort. At least for me.
  19. Ms skinniness


    Yep, it is pretty scary to take pills. The gas can cause a lot of discomfort so it's best to get up and walk, walk, and walk, and sip, sip, and sip as often as you can. It will get a little better everyday. now that your home, you will feel better a lot faster. keep it up and ask us any questions you need too. Welcome to the BIG LOSER'S BENCH!
  20. Ms skinniness

    No Longer Morbidly Obese!

    That's a wonderful NSV! Keep it up, pretty soon you will be at normal weight! Yayyy!
  21. Ms skinniness


    This is a really great time to keep taking your pain meds! It gets better every day! Are you still in the hospital? I loved my morphine pump. I used it all the time. When I got home, I only used it 1 time for a HA that came on suddenly. I was in the hospital for 2 nights. No complications, just discomfort.
  22. Ms skinniness

    Yay! 1St 25 Lbs Gone!

    That's fantastic! Have you been sleeved yet? Keep losing it! It will happen!
  23. Ms skinniness

    Frozen Yogurt Anyone?

    I know that we should be eating sf stuff now, but I've been getting concerned about the artificial sweetners in them now. I'm thinking that maybe have something with a little more natural sugar might be alot better. So I am starting to look at whole foods with no additional additives. The less ingredients the better. However, I do eat yogurt, frozen, one in a while.
  24. Ms skinniness

    Cholesterol Still Very High

    Catracks ~ interesting the medical profession is always making statements about how unhealthy are cholesterol levels on but it isn't even consider as a comorbidity for consideration for wls. how iranic.
  25. This is all a process that we're going through! I love it! We get to see the old habits that had got us to our fat suits and now we can work on changing those habits for a more healthier life. We all have a skinny person inside us and now it's just seeing that skinny person come to fruition! Yayyyyy! We will get there and we are working hard to get to our goal and to maintain! The biggest step is acccepting us for who we are in our own skin. Great job everyone! We are all beautiful people.

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