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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Sleeved July 2Nd - My Story

    It's so amazing that we all through pretty much the same stuff. It is so scary to the point of the OR table and BAM! We're out like a light! yayyyyyyyy. CONGRATS and glad that your ok!
  2. Ms skinniness

    Diabetes - Gone!

    I am also diabetic too. I really just too Lisinapril to protect my kidney's but never any other meds until after the surgery when by glucose was in the 200 range. Haven't taken anything since and my blood gluscose is in the normal range. I was tested for A1C twice since surgery and at 3 months out it was 6.0. Then at 7 months I had it retested again it had gone up to 6.3. I had been getting some mini heresy's candies for about a week or two. So I can't have sugar and when I was talking to my PCP, he told me that I will always be diabetic but controlled and that 10 to 15 years down the road, I may need to take insulin to control blood sugar. He explained it like, people take insulin to treat their diabetes, and you choose the surgery to treat your diabetes. So I know that I really need to watch and eliminate sugar from my diet. So that's what I do. It's all so worth it.
  3. I had stressed on this too, but then realized that I am going to just shoot for the protein amount I was suppose to get, but reminded myself that it is just a goal and of course i wouldn't be able to hit that mark. I did finally get the goal amount but not until 7 to 8 months post op. It's a target # and you can only do what you can. Keep it up you are definitely Rockin that Sleeve.
  4. Sometimes I have felt frustrated when I can't eat, but it passes really soon. I am so glad that I can't eat a lot because to be honest, I don't need to eat as much as before to live. Eating less is where I want to be. I would have this surgery in a heart beat. I also focus on this is it, I will never qualify for another wls, so I will be happy. Oh the day of the surgery I thought, "what the hell did I do to myself?" Then quickly reminded myself that it's done and now I'm going to embrace a new chosen life style! Yep I have lost 77 lbs and am totally loving my new size. I love my skinniness. You will be there soon, I promise, your enjoy your bites of food, and be thankful for your sleeve because after all, you are one sexy person!
  5. Ms skinniness

    Prescribed An Nsaid

    My PCP, surgeon, and bariatric doc at Kaiser told us no NSAIDS period. Even with a heal spur I was told no. So I take tylenol.
  6. Ms skinniness

    July 4Th Challenge

    Brandy I am so sorry your Dad passed away! this is a really hard time for you and when feeling really down and out, write him a letter. Big hug right now.
  7. Ms skinniness

    "just Eat Already!"

    Ashley, so sorry your having this complication. Glad they found out you have a leak so they can put the stint in and it will heal. Hopefully soon you will look back on this and have little memory of it. This journey is well worth the little stuff too.... You are going to Rock that Sleeve.
  8. Bemabound: I had similar thoughts also. But then I asked myself this question, "how do normal people eat?" Who is to clarify normal? So i look at my family and they all eat really fast, and way too much food. I look at people in restaurants, and wow, they eat way tooooooo much! I was at souplantation and 2 guys around the age of 30 had a table full of plates of food that they had consumed. I was totally shocked by how much they ate! Plus they wasted a lot of food also. One guy had at least 12 bowls of soups and pastas. I look at friends eating and they eat a lot too. So what is normal. I try to eat slow but struggle with slowing down. I have never gotten sick from eating too fast, at times I have been uncomfortably full. But that's it. I can eat more now, and that really scares the hell out of me. Anyways, sorry for the rant. But what is your normal?
  9. Ms skinniness

    Labor Day Challenge 2012

    Humm, I would like to get to 145 lbs and be able to maintain said weight. CW: 148.6 GW: 145 TL: 3.6 Also: continue eating healthy Protein's first Eat more veggies Low carb (from veggies only) No Chips (cheetos especially) Increase exercise we can do this!
  10. Ms skinniness


    The A1C is a test for how much glucose is in your blood after fasting for 12 hours. People that have diabetes are diagnosed by the A1C level. Normal range is under or at 5.9.
  11. Ms skinniness


    I had started eating 3 mini hersey bar's and found out my A1C went from 6.0 to 6.3. So had to quit. It is addicting!
  12. I get a sensation in the back of my throat when I eat 1 bite too many.
  13. Ms skinniness

    Back To Work?

    I took about 1 week off. I have a job where I sit so it was approved by my surgeon. She just wants everyone to get up and walk as much as possible.
  14. Ms skinniness

    This Friday, July 6Th Is The Day!

    It is very exciting and frightening at the same time. Can't wait until your on the other side of the loser's bench. XOXOXOXOXO!
  15. Ms skinniness

    Just An Observation....

    No, not really. I am 9 months post op and I have not had any complications. I do have some acid in my stomach, but it is managed by my PPI. No problems.
  16. Ms skinniness

    Update On Patrick

    He's doing great! His recovery will be easy too! I love his positive attitude. XOXOXOXO
  17. Ms skinniness

    About To Head Out...

    You will be on the other side before you know it! Enjoy your evening! XOXOXOXOXO!
  18. Ms skinniness

    Stomach Flu

    Drink as much water as you can! This will pass. Let us know how your doing!
  19. Ms skinniness


    Life does change after our wls. your hubby has a habit of sleeping in the other room, so that may just be a habit. Also you said your hubby has a brain injury. Has he had his testerone tested. This hormone can effect his libido and he might be a little embarrassed or not realize that something is off. Oh and plus there is quite a culture shock going on for both of you. Things have changed in all areas of your life. This would be a great time to sit down and talk about what's going. This is a beginning for the 2 of you.
  20. My surgeon told me 8 weeks. Don't want to risk damage to my staple line.
  21. Ms skinniness


    I struggle with this periodically and I take Colace when constipated. I hate the feeling of being constipated.
  22. I have no repercussions when I eat more, and I can eat more than before at 9 months post op. But only on some days. I just choose not to eat that much more because of my fear of gaining weight and going back into my old habits. I am so fortunate because i really don't like bread that much and I try to avoid it. I have chosen not to eat pasta's and rice also. I am working on fighting my head hunger. I really don't need that much food to survive. It's just a habit that I have and an irrational thoughts that I want more food, even when i am full sitting with the plate in front of me. Now when I have a small portion in front of me, I am now stopping when I'm full and discarding the left overs. Fighting the belief that I have to clean my plate. It is a battle but with developing new habits, I will over come that.
  23. Now this is a fabulous transformation! Take it in and enjoy! Keep Rockin that sleeve!
  24. Ms skinniness

    Doing What I Am Suppose To

    CONGRATS! You are doing a fantastic job! Keep it up and let us know how your doing. We love to help.
  25. Ms skinniness

    3 Days Post Op And Feeling Low Help!

    It is really normal to be scare at this point. We all had buyer's remorse, but soon when things got better, we succeeded at losing our weight and we now love our sleeves! This is a life changing transformation that we are all going through. You have done great and have been struggling with hormonal changes which is quite normal. it will pass and you will be feeling better, getting more protein in your diet and will be embracing your transformational changes really quickly. Hang in here and post what ever is on your mind. You are on course and blooming! CONGRATS!

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