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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    sad that your going through all this. Friend (or so called friends) do drop off our grids when we're in crisis. There's no excuse for it. Your body is going to continue to lose weight with your sleeve even if your angry. Please keep us posted as to how your feeling and if there's anything we can do, please let us know. How are you taking care of you at this moment? This is a high priority, you will get another job and meanwhile you will get unemployment to help. This can be a time to reinvent yourself. You are very intelligent and have made your way this far....... keep plugging forward!
  2. Ms skinniness

    Hot Dogs & Sausages

    I ate a Nathan's dog july 4th and it was ok. It agreed with me and I could only eat less that half the dog! That was only 98 calories. Yayyyyy! I find that I really am not crazy about bread!
  3. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    GT: this is totally frustrating for everyone. However, for me, I have decided that I will not ever be able to let my guard down and indulge in the high carb foods again. I will gain my weight back and plus will become diabetic again. So low carbs for me. In addition, I focus my foods on more naturals, non-processed foods, organic foods. I eat less and therefore, I really want to give my body the healthiest foods out there. I haven't been able to get this methodology into eating in restaurants. So now I just focus on getting side orders of a Protein. I love salmon but won't order farm raised salmon, and most restaurants serve farm raised because it's cheaper. I also would prefer grass fed beef, but cringe at the price. So I have some adjusting to do. Your body will adjust, it will take a little time, we have time, we just want it now, not later, but right now! LOL Anyhoooo, I am going to look up that info from feedyoureye because I am totally curious.
  4. Ms skinniness

    Stomach Flu

    A lot of our children don't know what it's like to not have those luxuries, they take them for granite. I believe that when our children turn 16 that it's really beneficial for them to get a job so they learn how to manage their money. It does help them build self esteem in a real sense, and it keeps them busy so they stay out of trouble. I agree with it's time to do a little shopping for you. Undies are so fun. I liked shopping at Macy's with my daughter and I taught her how to buy some at a really good discounted price. She was amazed. Love my new undies! I really needed them. Hang in there and take better care of yourself. You deserve it! Live for today and be happy! Show your children how to take of you, they will be watching you and they will be learning from you. Look at it this way, if you don't do things to take care of you, you really can't take care of them. You come first!
  5. My surgeon or any other doc has told me this. I haven't heard of anyone experiencing this either. It sounds like your surgeon doesn't have much experience like you stated and is being extra cautious. Have you inquired about another more experienced surgeon? I know they have to get practice in somewhere, but gosh, I wouldn't want that on me. Perhaps that's why they use a bougie as a guide line. Can you ask if he uses one?
  6. Ms skinniness


    I ditto Pookyism! She is right on target. this is a life changing transformation to healthier eating and exercise. Time to Rock the boat and look at the triggers you might encounter on the road to skinniness! This will help in a life long change of keeping the pounds off. I am in the process and have learned so much about myself. I too am competitive and do not like to admit it.
  7. I use to have a ton of cloths in my closet, now have have very few. All are new and I love them. I like having a smaller closet and I intend on keeping my ward robe small. It's so much easier to find what I want to wear, and I still get bored with what I have. CONGRATS on the huge NSV!
  8. Ms skinniness

    Stomach Size- Thought This Was Crazy!

    This is totally interesting to me. I'm hoping that I can have a smaller stomach as time goes by. It just goes to show how much food we ate that we didn't need. I want to always get a high nutritional value from my foods and not get a bigger stomach. It is doable. no more surgery for me. Yayyyyyyyyyyy! This works, so hang in there and make all the healthy eating and exercise transitions that's needed.
  9. Ms skinniness

    Stomach Flu

    Karen ~ teens are the most difficult to handle. She is probably confused about her feelings and about what's going on. I remember those days when my daughter would act like a total B**** towards me. I would smile inside and remind myself that at that age, she knows nothing! So I chose my battles wisely. I also took a look inside me and worked on not over reacting to my teens behavior and what my reactions were. It was hard, but well worth it. My daughter and son has grown and have evolved in so many ways. Our relationship is better, but they still have their days. I'm glad your doing better and hopefully these days get fewer and fewer.
  10. Hummm, my surgeons told me the same thing. I have a bounce of a couple of lbs and I've just learned to except it. I can get in more calories if I'm adding differen't foods to my day. I am 9 months out and I do eat more. If I stick with high protein like meats, my calorie intake is low. If I eat nuts and stuff, my calorie intake is higher. So you might eat more nuts. I believe everyone has some bounce. You lose some, then the next day, it bounces up a few. It could be water fluctuation or TOM. It is frustrating.
  11. Ms skinniness


    Congrats! It is scary but well worth it. We have all been scared when making this life changing decision. Time to prepare for a new life style. i started by eating smaller portions and exercising. It helped.
  12. Ms skinniness

    One Year Surgiversary!

    You have a new lease on life! Yayyyyyyyyy! Me too! This is the best NSV ever! CONGRATS and keep it up! You Rock!
  13. Ms skinniness


    The scarring is not bad, they fade and blend in. I have 6 incision sites and 1 has disappeared into my navel.
  14. Ms skinniness


    I'd call the doc. The left incision where they pulled the stomach out, it was a little hard and fit into the palm of my hand. I called my surgeon's office and they told me to wear my abdominal binder. I had an appointment 2 days later and they checked it and said it was ok. I was afraid it was a hernia. It wasn't, but to be on the safe side, it's always best to follow up on things like that. If you have a fever or it's really hot, then go to the ER ASAP. Best wishes!
  15. Ms skinniness

    Sweet Nvs!

    This is a fabulous NSV!
  16. Ms skinniness

    How Long To Digest Jello?

    Getting the fluids in is a chore! It's hard work and frustrates me at times. Have you tried Popsicles sf? You are just a couple of days out and it is really important that you prioritize getting your fluids in first. CONGRATS!
  17. That is so true. I was at the Soup Plantation and there were 2 guys in there 30's and they had the table covered with numerous plates. I was shocked at how much they were eating! Everytime i looked up, they were going back for more food! It made me totally sick. One had over 12 bowls of soup, 4 large plates of salad, fruits, deserts, etc. They also wasted a lot of food. So, I am so thankful for my sleeve and i like the portion sizes I eat.
  18. Hope everyone is having a fun 4th of July!! :)

  19. Ms skinniness

    For The Post-Op Veterans!

    It seems to me that we spend a lot of time mourning the loss of our favorite foods, when, in actuality, we can have them when we're healed with moderation. I really don't want to eat all the stuff that got me fat to begin with. This was my opportunity to chuck the bad eating habits and start eating healthy. So I pretty much chose to eat proteins and some veggies. Today I did allow myself to have some cookies.
  20. Ms skinniness

    Here I Go Again (Scared)

    I had the same concerns, up to the moment they took me to the OR I wanted to get up and run away. I kept telling the docs to give me something, but they wouldn't until it was time to wheel into the OR. I woke up from the surgery and that was it. BAM! Done! Then I used my morphine push every time I woke up. I wasn't in pain but I knew that I would be at risk for leaving. LOL
  21. Ms skinniness

    Ready To Get This Surgery!

    For me, the sleeve was a perfect option for me. I first went to the orientation bc I wanted the lap-band, but when I heard about the complications of the lap-band and realized that it's not a permanent solution. I researched the vertical sleeve and loved what I was reading. It's permanent and very effective. I have lost 77 lbs and so happy I chose the sleeve! For me, it's been a god send.
  22. Ms skinniness

    Stuck Thinking About Food

    I still focus on what I'm going to eat and I struggle with knowing the difference btw hunger and thirst. It is getting somewhat easier now, i'm not freaking out when I miss my lunch. I still need work on this area.
  23. Ms skinniness

    So Anxious

    I would try not to think about it. The pain is that bad. It's just a little bit of discomfort for a short period of time. Work at getting healthy and smaller portions until your surgery if you can. It does help.
  24. Ms skinniness

    I Am Skinny And...

    I'm skinny and I still use the handicap bathroom. I like the spaciness of them.
  25. I would go if I was you. If they ask why your not eating very much then tell them your not hungry. No problem, they're probably going to be too busy to notice what your doing, and that's a good thing. have a fun time and take care of yourself by following your surgeon's orders!

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