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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Dont Know If This Is Tmi But.....

    I had a D&C 2 months before my surgery and wls was not postponed.
  2. Ms skinniness

    2 Months Out, Still Only 6 Lbs Down

    Out of curiousity, can you tell us you diet on a day to day basis? Have you talked with the surgeon? Are you exercising? Please let us know. BTW, what are your portion sizes?
  3. Ms skinniness

    Primary Care Dr. Supportive?

    Just know that it's ok to ask for what you need, or else you won't get it. You can do this! Plus, you have a bonus of being educated in this field and you know the pro's and con's of wls. You will have no problems with getting a PCP to refer you. Let me know how it goes.
  4. It's time to give yourself a break and pamper yourself. This is a major surgery you've been through and you are having some hormonal changes. No big deal. Your body is working hard to repair the trauma your going through. Rest, drink a lot of water, more water, and protein. You are doing fine. CONGRATS by the way! Can't wait to hear about more weight loss! Cheers!
  5. Ms skinniness

    Primary Care Dr. Supportive?

    Actually, I was open and upfront with my PCP. I told him I was thinking about going to Mexico for a wls and he knew that I had been struggling with my weight, I was right on the border and my blood work was coming back just making the diagnoses of diabetes. I told him that I had been told by a wls place that Kaiser does refer for wls. I qualified with my BMI being low with a comorbidity. It might of helped with me being a mental health professional.
  6. Ms skinniness

    Scared !

    It want stretch out unless you are over eating. Make an effort to eat healthy, no sugars, high protein with veggies from here on out and you will be fine. Always eat healthy because you love your new new body! Yayyyyyy! Embrace your skinniness.
  7. This has made me laugh! The Goodwill is a great ploce to shop!
  8. MGM: I'm so glad your having the surgery in August. I really doesn't matter what others say about this surgery. It is a major life transformation for you and you will decide what is in the future for you. It might involve you husband and maybe not. This is not the time to worry about. Take 1 day at a time. His family can stay in their own house and let him deal with them. Best wishes!
  9. Ms skinniness

    Weight Loss

    Dadto2 said it perfectly! You have lost 50 lbs, could you have lost that before getting your sleeve and keep it off? Wow, I look at 50 lbs and am totally in ahhhhhhhhh! Just keep doing what your doing and exercise. All the weight will come off in your bodies time. Enjoy the journey!
  10. Ms skinniness

    Hungry! Lower Bmi-Pre Op

    Sounds like your doing ok. Before my surgery i had cut my portion sizes in half and I was always hungry. After surgery, I wasn't hungry, I had a lot of acid and gas and I confused that with hunger pains. Now, I have mostly head hunger in which I am addressing on a daily basis.
  11. I totally love your humor! Congrats! Your not done yet, you will need to buy smaller sizes later on! But it will be fun! The only pain is from your pocket book! LOL Keep it up!
  12. PDxman is totally correct. Contact your doc today, this is not normal. You will lose the weight, it will take time. Throw away the scale if you have to. Or put it in a place where it's really hard to get too.
  13. I haven't heard anyone mocking anyone. Some were just having a little humor. I haven't read anything her telling her that she needs to divorce her spouse. What they have been saying is that if someone isn't treated with respect, then an end result might be a divorce. I for one, recommend marital counseling, but it was stated that the spouse doesn't see he has a problem, and that's it's her issue. I read these posts as support and validation for how the person is feeling at the time. They're all valid. JMHO.
  14. Ms skinniness

    What Am I Thinking?

    Former_VGB is totally right! I have even found myself sabotaging myself when I do have a emotional bout. It's not fun and I find that I want more of the sugar when I let my guard down and take a handful of M&M's. I am addicted to sugar and sugar is very toxic to our bodies. I crave sugar after having something sweet. It will even cause my A1C level to increase. That means I'm diabetic still. Now the sleeve hasn't failed me! I've failed my sleeve! I make the choices of what I put in my mouth, not the sleeve. So I know that when I take a bit of something with sugar, I will want more of that junk! So, now I'm getting rid of everything that has sugar! I am trying to eat foods that are l ingredient only. Wish me luck! i love eating out, but get somewhat frustrated cuz I can't eat that much. On the other hand, I do love it because I can't eat that much. Anyways, instead of a donut hole, try a piece of fruit. Your body will thank you later on.
  15. Kansas1966: It's amazing how some spouses think that it's okay to be disrespectful to our feelings and treat us poorly. It's really sad when we realize that our children are watching everything that goes on between our spouses and us. This is what they learn and will carry on to their own relationships with others. This would be a great time to seek marital counseling, and if he refuses to go, then you go by yourself and get the tools to change your relationship patterns for the better. You don't need to be treated with total disrespect, no one deserves that! You are a beautiful woman and need all the tools you can get to help with keeping your weight off as time goes on. your spouse will most likely try to sabotage your success due to his own insecurities. Sorry, I'm not trying to hurt you in any way, but your children and you are the most important things in your life.
  16. Ms skinniness

    Cheated Last Night

    Are you eating a lot of sugars? I just watched for the 3rd time (just to remind me) a 60 minute episode about the toxic effects of sugar. Sugar is addicting and leads to diabetes and cardiac problems. Sugar also feeds tumors and cancers. If you have a moment, go to the 60 minute website and search for the episode on sugar. it really opened my eyes. Sugar is a addiction for me and I find myself going back to eating it. Such a struggle for me. Let me know what you think about it. Sugar also leads to obesity. I look at people in my community and 80% of them are way over weight, including our children. It's so sad, I hate the journey they are embarking on. I plan to start a program to help educate on healthy diet and exercise.
  17. Ms skinniness


    Tekara, So happy to hear your up. This is a pretty scary time for you, and yes, you will be sleeved soon! I hope your look into the negative effects of a chemical that we eat on a daily basis and eliminate it from your diet. It is believed that tumors feed on sugar. So this is a great time to battle the urge to eat any kind of sugars to help eliminate tumors and cancers. if you can go to 60 minutes and download the episode on sugar, it would be very informative for you. I am working really hard to get away from sugar. I sometimes go back and eat it, but then gather my self up, and avoid it at all cost. No sugar for this body!
  18. Ms skinniness

    1 Year And I Have Lost......

    Dud2stud: Isn't it amazing the transformations that happen to us! you have 3 girls hot for you! You look great and have a lot more confidence! Great job! Keep it up!
  19. Ms skinniness

    Wish I Could Turn Back The Hands Of Time :-(

    The bad news is, this is permanent, the good news is, this too shall pass after you find the right PPI. Your stomach is healing and producing a large amount of acid. It will get better, Just try and hang in there! that your throwing up.
  20. Ms skinniness


    I know that I ate corn in the cob 2 days ago and I was able to digest it. harmony reminds be of a larger corn. In fact i have read numerous stuff about how corn is not good for us and I recently read that corn is good for us. so confusing.
  21. Now that's a sexy waist! Yep, enjoy and CONGRATS!
  22. Ms skinniness

    Severe Epigastric Pain?

    What ever it is, it's not normal. This would be a great time to go to the ER to find out what's causing it. Actually, last night was the perfect time. Let us know what it is.
  23. Ms skinniness

    Another Question!

    I was going to suggest drinking some G2 Gatorade low calorie to get re-hydrated. Getting enough fluid is such a chore!
  24. Ms skinniness

    Cheated Last Night

    That's good for keeping it under 1500 calories. Supposively, you will lose 1 lb per week. Yayyyyyyyyyy! Keep it up, you will be at goal in no time!
  25. Ms skinniness

    Cheese Question

    I would eat any kind of cheese. but I really like the baby bels because they are the perfect size. Love um. I love all those other cheeses posted also at around 3 weeks I believe.

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