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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. This is such an amazing journey that we're all on. During this process of losing our pesky pounds, we learn so much about ourselves. This is truly rewarding. So happy your doing well! Keep it up!
  2. Ms skinniness

    Need A Nut?

    For my insurance company, I had to see a NUT. But I do know people who have gone to Mexico and haven't had to see a NUT at all. I did learn a lot from my NUT and am very thankful that I seen her. She was totally helpful. I did resent it though. But overall, highly beneficial.
  3. Ms skinniness


    I know you will do great, but I'm curious as to why you would wait until after your surgery to join Planet Fitness? Why not join now and start the habit of exercising before the surgery? Have you begun to change your eating habits as well? This is a great time to start so the shock of the diet change won't be as hard on you. Just a suggestion, I want you to have a safe easy journey. You can do this. I'm rooting for you.
  4. This is a really great question. I'd be interested in the answers too.
  5. Ms skinniness

    Quick Questions

    Weight loss stuff is a multi million dollar business. I'm sure the supplements can help in some ways, but the cost is really high. My SIL sells this product and I really don't buy from her because I can go to Sprout's and buy the same product with less cost and it works just as effective. My SIL swears by the product. She is 70 years ald and going strong. So I'm not discounting it, I just choose different products at a reduced cost. Those products might help to start your wl process, so I really wouldn't discount it. I highly recommend changing your habits and eating healthier too.
  6. Ms skinniness

    Labor Day Challenge 2012

    Ok, my Gw for this challenge was 145 lbs and last week I actually got to 146 lbs. So I was shy about 1 lb to my goal. However, this AM I was at my high bounce of 150 lbs. So sad. I had a very emotional weekend, both my MIL and FIL have passed away within 2 months apart and family are behaving horribly. So also mourning the loss of BIL and SIL. However, this is life and now it's time to kick myself in gear and get on with life. I have realized this past weekend that I really love my life. I am so fortunate to have this realization bc now it's time to move on. Yayyyyyy! I did make a ton of bad food choices, and now it's time to kick my A** and get back with taking care of my personal needs and desires. I will now engage in eating healthy, protein's first, fresh veggies, low carbs Low carb (from veggies only), absolutely no chips, especially no cheetos, and increasing my exercise. I need to lose at less 4 lbs and this I can do with The basic bootcamp program my LilMissDiva! Thank you Irene. Now it's time to get my A** in gear and do it.
  7. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    Coops and Globetrotter, Thank you so much for reminding me of my daily journey. This is not a race and I am human. I got on the scale today and was on my high bounce. I have been going through a lot of emotional baggage with family and realize that I have been focusing on food. Old behavior that needs to change. Both my MIL and FIL have passed away and my family are acting horribly. They practice their religion with such zest, but their behaviors are soo soo bad! This has brought up a lot of past issues that I had choose not to see and now have realized that my intuition of them where 100% correct but I had discounted my inner wisdom and thought that it was something about me. It was about them, and always has been. I have also come to the conclusion that I love my life, and am in such a great place with a great support system. I couldn't ask for anything better than this. Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback and reminding me that you guys are there for me. You guys totally rock! Keep it up.
  8. Ms skinniness

    Nealry A Year Already!

    I am 9 months post op and have lost approximately 77 lbs. I have a bounce of about 4 lbs periodically. I eat mostly proteins and veggies. I don't like breads, pastas, rice, and have cut back on potatoes. I can actually eat more now than before. It is very easy to get off course and have foods I don't need to eat. I find myself eating mindlessly at times, but still can't get too much food in. I would like to get down to 135 lbs, but I haven't really lost anything for a few weeks. I really want to focus on eating healthy and lean for now on. I really have to watch fats and eat lean now. I love my sleeve!
  9. Ms skinniness


    This is a true measurement of your weight loss! You have lost a ton of weight! The world is in the palm of your hands right now.
  10. Ms skinniness


    You very comfortable! WOW!
  11. Ms skinniness

    One dress, many stories

    Love it!
  12. Ms skinniness

    A shout-out to Ms. Monroe

    OMG! You look absolutely fabulous! What a great transformation! I am so happy for you. You have really rocked that sleeve!
  13. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    I am really not doing well right now. This weekend I have pretty much eaten what ever I wanted. Today I have been grazing all day long. I am such a fast eaten and I never have any consequences for eating fast. I wish I did. Instead, I just eat small portions. I usually eat really low carbs but this weekend, I had difficulty with retrieving names and stuff and that's caused by being in ketoses. So I went for lunch with my hubby and ordered 2 eggs and a short stack of blueberry pecan pancakes. OMG, the eggs were humongous, they looked like dinosaur eggs lol, and the pancakes were humongous also. I ate the eggs first and a couple bites of the pancake (I was hoping it would help get my thinking back). It's like I have become mindless about eating and have reverted back to past behaviors. I don't know how to get back to being mindful and diligent about what I eat. So frustrated. Sorry this is so long. Meg: The ice cream decision was humorous. Thank you for sharing. The decisions we make off the cuff are not always the best, but once in a while is ok. Sorry you had tummy freeze!
  14. Ms skinniness

    Surgery Was Postponed

    Good luck and I really like ur PCP!
  15. ditto on benjamin's feedback! try gatorade.....
  16. Ms skinniness

    Stupid Scale!

    I hesitate to eat the creamy stuff right now. This is a time to develop healthier eating habits. I was eating low fat yagurt sf, sf pudding, broths, etc. I really wasn't watching the scale early out so I didn't notice the times I wasn't losing weight. This worked for me. I was able to establish a more healthy eating habit. Now I really don't like breads and stuff.
  17. Wow! You lost 68 lbs and have a huge NSV! Going down 2 sizes is big! When was the last time you went down 2 sizes in such a rapid period of time. I love this NSV and I hope you savour it! It's awesome! So proud of you. Thanks for sharing.
  18. Ms skinniness

    Biotin Help!

    I take biotin 10,000mcg and yes, it really works. It won't stop your hair from falling out, but it does accelerate hair regrowth and as a side benefit, nails. My hair has been growing very quickly and also, it grows in other places too. I also take silica for hair regrowth. I love it. Hope this helps.
  19. Ms skinniness

    Need Some Help

    It does get better over time. This is most likely acid reflex and/or gas. Are you taking a PPI? (omeprazole, nexium, tagamet, mylanta?) Hang in there and eat slowly taking very small infant size bits.
  20. Ms skinniness

    Iron Deficiency?

    I'm a little confused. Where you diagnosed as anemic pre-opt? Are you taking any iron supplements? When I am anemic, I take an iron supplement that helps get me out of being anemic. I myself will look at the color of my gums and if the color is a pale pink, then I start taking iron supplements. Sorry I don't have an answer about this, but perhaps you can google it? That's where I find a lot of information.
  21. Not everyone has gas. I wasn't bothered by any gas, I slept in an upright position and walked. No problems here. Hope you don't get any either.
  22. Ms skinniness

    What Have You Heard?

    Oh, I will try it right now, I'm going to have a shake, put some chia seeds in it, let it sit for a few minutes and drink it. Thanks.
  23. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    GT: Great job! Ditch the cake, throw it in the trash! You are doing so good catching yourself. So proud of you. I hope I can do this too. Coop: I love hearing from you. You are an inspiration to me. Now I'm thinking about the last few pounds I need to lose. Yep, gonna jump back on the wagon.
  24. Ms skinniness

    How Much Food

    I find that if I portion my food out by measuring it and putting it in a dessert size plate or bowl, I do really good. I try and take a few minutes in between bites to assess where I am in being full. If I get a runny nose, burp, or sneeze then I know that I'm done eating. I usually try to eat small portions so that I don't stretch out my sleeve. It works for me. Let your stomach tell you when it's full by listening and not getting caught up with the notion I have to eat everything in my plate. I allow myself to throw food away now and don't feel guilty at all.
  25. Right now you should be having the procedure. Wishing you the best and sending healing energy your way! Can't wait to hear how your doing! And welcome to the BIG LOSER'S BENCH!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
