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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    Coop: Isn't the UK 16 too big for you. I went up to the mountains this past week and forgot to bring my tops. So I had to buy one, I hated all of them and ended up buying a medium. I got it to our cabin and it was too big. Yayyyyyyy for the too big, but I will be donating it to the Goodwill when I wash it. You are going to have a great time and it sounds as if you have a back up plan. Meg: I love you lost a lb! yayyyyyyy! I like that you haven't given up. I on the other hand, am so bored with my protein diet and am looking towards sweets again. Darn that sugar addiction. Will get back on track tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a tough day though. I have my MIL ashes to be buried with her mom's ashes at a cemetary and have to deal with a dysfunctional family with a lot of emotional issues. I will have to control my emotional eating and head hunger then. Blahhhh! So tired of this. Anyways, we are gonna get to goal, sooner or later, so CHEERS to everyone!
  2. Ms skinniness

    Back On Track Thread

    Feedyoureye: I am having the same problem with foods. I am so tired of eating healthy foods like proteins that I totally want carbs right now. This weekend, i allowed myself to eat small containers (240 cal) of ice cream. I go to dinner with my family and I order a dinner and eat too much. I am so tired of not being to eat the unhealthy stuff. It's so sad. I am starting to read treatments books for emotional eating and a book called habits. I know what I should be doing, but have difficulties with redirecting myself to more healthier things. Now I've decided that I just don't want to eat. Sugar for me is addicting and I have been pulled towards sugars lately. I really need to get back on track and get rid of my head hunger. I have the same fears as you of failing and gaining te weight back. I'm beginning to panic.
  3. Parker's Dad: I love that you are willing to be a great role model for your child! CONGRATS! Now why are you not telling your MIL not to give him sugary stuff. Let her know how you feel in a positive way by a simple conversation. You and your wife are the ones that make the decisions on what your children will eat. Be proactive for him so that MIL will not sabotage him later in life. You are his parent and you have the say in what your children will eat. It's later that he will seek those sugary treats. So this is the time, right now, today! Sorry, I so admire all your strength and courage. BTW, it's ok to be assertive.
  4. Ms skinniness


    PQ: Great job taking care of yourself. I am so happy that everything is good and there was no stricture. Your doc was probably in a hurry and was just being matter of fact. If he does have any thoughts that your blaming him, then that's on him. You are not responsible for his junk. I love that you have been proactive with treatment and followed through. I'm so proud of you. Please try not to worry about the doctor and his behaviors, it's not about you at all. Continue to heal and be happy for you.
  5. I'm freaking out because I'm eating less that 1300 calories right now, and I'm back at my high bounce from 146 to 152. I'm really freaked out about it. I really don't work out but try to walk some.
  6. Ms skinniness

    6 Month Surgiversary :)

    Kayte, thank you for the feedback. You will do fine at 150 lbs and your hubby will smile ear to ear and be so proud of the hard work you've done to get this far. I am such a procrastinator at exercising so I'm not getting much in. I do walk longer distances by parking farther away from the store and my office. I just need to get into the gym and do it. Look forward to heading more about your journey.
  7. This is great! Congrats and learning to take control of our head hunger and make good choices is part of the battle. I am 9.5 months post op and have found myself eating more and grazing. I find myself eating more sugars now and I am totally addicted to sugar. I get a bite and I want more! So now I need to sustain from sugars once again and eat healthy fruits. I am getting bored with my diet and my hubby's eating is driving me crazy.
  8. Ms skinniness

    6 Month Surgiversary :)

    Congrats on your losses! Wow, 100 lbs. I'm stuck at 77 lbs but am so happy. Does your weight fluctuate up and down, has weight loss slowed down at all? I've been fluctuating and plus loss has slowed. Can't seem to get the last 16 lbs off. Once again, CONGRATS!
  9. Ms skinniness

    Feeling Ashamed....

    Have you thought about seeing a therapist to help deal with the shame of needing to have this surgery. We have all tried these diet fads and have failed. We all have thoughts that sabotage our successes. I am 9.5 months post op and I am working on issues relating to my eating. I am reading a few books now and plus i talk with a therapist on a regular basic. I am identifying my negative thoughts that contribute to my eating the wrong foods. There is nothing to be ashamed about with getting this surgery. We are so lucky that it is available because it does save our lives.
  10. Ms skinniness

    Nsv - While Driving

    Yayy! I continue to drive with my seat back, it's relaxing and spacey. Enjoy the NSV's! You've earned them!
  11. I say thank you. Smile and don't dwell on it. It reinforces that I'm looking good and that I need to cheerish that. I deserve it! So I recommend holding your head high, look them in the eyes, smile and say "thank you." Your intervoice is telling you, "yayyyyyyyyyyyyy I'm am successful and the benefit is looking so good!" You've earned this so embrace it.
  12. Ms skinniness


    Sometimes we need to get a little carbs into our diets. It might also be a B12 deficiency or iron. I agree with OTR that maybe it's time to up your protein intake also. Do you have a NUT you can see? She can evaluate your diet and make recommendations. I also have my PCP do blood panels to check what's going on with blood levels as well. Be very proactive and ask your PCP and surgeon anything you need to know.
  13. Ms skinniness

    It Is Just So Hard To Believe..

    It's so amazing the transformation your in! This is just the beginning, it is only going to get better from here on out!
  14. Ms skinniness

    Worried About Scars

    i was lucky, I got 6 incision scars. Not too bad, they are going away!
  15. Ms skinniness

    How Do You Deal With.....

    They're not your friends and so it really doesn't matter why they do what they do. You are making a life saving choice for you and are going to start feeling so good about yourself, they will be left behind in the dust! Keep it up and give yourself credit for all the hard work your going to be doing! You Rock!
  16. Ms skinniness

    Breadless Blt

    This sounds like something I am going to try. I had bacon over the weekend and ate a lot. Was really shocked when I seen the calorie count. It is so addicting. I see that you are below target weight. Great job!
  17. Ms skinniness

    My Hubby Keeps Eating My Food!

    My whole family drinks my protein drinks in the mornings and I buy 4 to 6 cases at a time. I don't mind that. My husband has diabetes and is over weight to boot, and we eat out a lot. He refuses to share with me because he knows that he can take my left overs to work the next day. This doesn't really bother me right now. I do get bothered if we have a really good hamburger and he's looking for more. It's frustrating for me because i don't want him to gain any more weight than needed. He is always hungry!
  18. I wish I had days like that now at 9 months out. in the beginning, there were days like that. I have head hunger now and it really bothers me. I get a hamburger and I want to eat it all. But I can't, thank you sleeve. My emotions get the best of me at times.
  19. My thoughts are with you! I'm very excited for you! Can't wait for you to join us on the BIG LOSER'S Bench!
  20. Ms skinniness

    Lifejacket Nsv

    I want to hear more of this from you! This is fabulous, you have worked so hard to get to where you are today that we need to pat ourselves on the back and say good job. Did you try the size 2 life jacket on? Hope so, if not, try it on when you go back. BTW: It is necessary to give yourself kudos so that your little one can learn to give herself kudos tooooooo!
  21. Ms skinniness

    Calories In?

    When your in a true stall for over 3 weeks or about, switch things up! Make sure your not drinking with meals, 30 minutes before, or 30 minutes after. Eat protein first and some veggies. Drink lots of water to stay hydrated and to keep things moving along. Eat more a few days, and then eat less. Keep your body guessing. Don't worry, you are going to lose the weight, your body is adjusting in inches right now. This is a good time to measure yourself and also, feel the difference in your cloths.
  22. It seems to me like he's the one being selfish! It isn't fun going in to the hospital and having 85% of your stomach cut out! It isn't fun not going into clothing stores and having to settle for something that fits. This was for your health and so you can enjoy a healthier life style with him and family. He's being the one being selfish and being a total A** as well. JMO of course. Let him know that his behaviors have really affected you and that you need his support with your decision. The surgery is done and if he wants to be married to you, then this is the time to be respectful to you and your decision that you have already made. Tell him, life goes on and let's just start over from here on out. Maybe he'll get over it. Oh, and when he treats you with disdain because of the surgery, leave the room, go for a drive and give him something to think about. It's not Okay to disrespect your woman! Glad to followed through and CONGRATS on your 30 lb weight loss.
  23. i am keeping you in my prayers! Sending some healing energy your way! At least your getting some help from medical professionals.
  24. Ms skinniness

    Please Help!

    Miralax took a couple of days to work for me. I was taking colace instead and it was really helpful, like the next morning.
  25. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    I love the conversations here. I've been away from the forum since friday and will be away coming Wednesday to next monday again. I'm really going to miss it. I had a horrible weekend where I ate more carbs than usual. I did feel a lot more energy and got more accomplished, but I also went up to my high bounce of 151 lbs. I know some of it's water weight because I use a lot of salt. So now this week, I'm going to get back to basics and get my bounce back down. I'm really needing to get my head hunger under control. Coops, you are doing really good now! Congrats, I love hearing that your feeling skinnier because after all, you are skinnier! GT, I love your determination and positivity. This is a great time for you to use some of your free time to exercise. you will find a job! Meg, I'm hoping the PPI works for you, I know I haven't been taking mine lately and I'm wondering if that had something to do with how much I was eating this weekend, not the good food either, some carbs. Now it's time for me to get back to basics!

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