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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Semi New Here

    Wow! The sleeve has saved your life already. Without the other stuff, you might not have figured out you had a non cancerous tumor. CONGRATS!
  2. Ms skinniness

    Best Nsv So Far!

    CONGRATS! I love these NSV's!
  3. Ms skinniness

    Orange County Sleevers

    Hi, I live in OC and I was sleeved on October 4, 2011. It's really normal to be really really anxious before the surgery. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask or PM me if you would like. what part of OC are you in? I'm in fullerton area.
  4. Ms skinniness

    Is This Weird ?

    No it's not wierd, but it is your new life style after the procedure! It helps with quick weight loss.
  5. Ms skinniness

    Is This Weird ?

    My pre-opt diet was just the day before. Just liquids etc. I did reduce portion sizes a couple of months before my surgery date to 1/2.
  6. Ms skinniness

    List of foods that you can eat when fully healed

    Hi Slowkat. You can eat a variety of foods at a meal, just like before but in smaller portion sizes. But always make sure you eat your protein first (2-3oz) and then veggies, and yes, they can be mixed together. No problems with mixing, just way smaller portion sizes than before, like a couple bites of this, a bite of that, etc. This was a great question to ask.
  7. Ms skinniness

    Please Dont Judge - Yes Or No Is Fine

    I am a therapist and I strongly recommend NO smoking!
  8. Ms skinniness

    It's Official...i'm Full Of Crap

    Hope it's just Poop!
  9. Ms skinniness

    Cannot Drink Or Feel Sick

    This is often a problem when a person is dehydrated. Take tiny sips as often as possible and talk with your doctor about this. sometimes if I put gatorade mixed with water, I can get more fluids down.
  10. Don't give up yet. Call your surgeon and talk with them about it. There should be a way around this. let us know after you speak with your surgeon and he/she views your test results. Sending positive energy your way.
  11. Ms skinniness

    5 Days And A Wake-Up

    Isn't it exciting! There's hope to a healthier life now and you are almost there. Hang in there and I can't wait to hear about your journey!
  12. Ms skinniness


    Hey Stevie: We've all had times like this also. It will pass and you will recoop your energy and start feeling better really soon. CONGRATS! To a healthy more energetic you!
  13. Ms skinniness

    My Husabnd Is In Surgery Right Now

    Hopefully he's in recovery right now and doing well. Best wishes are with you.
  14. Ms skinniness

    Omg Protein Killer

    I believe that even if you could get all your protein in, you'd still lose hair. your body has taken a big hit and was traumatized to some extent. Now it's sending all it's energy on repairing the stomach. So some hair (maybe about 33%) will fall out, but it will grow back rather rapidly also. Enjoy the ride and looking forward to hearing more about your accomplishments as time goes on.
  15. Ms skinniness

    5 Days Post Op And Down :(

    It gets easier as time goes by. Soon you will be able to eat like the new normal you and eating healthy than in the past! Your body will look so hot and hotter as time goes by and you will feel so good about yourself that this will all be worth it!
  16. Ms skinniness

    Omg Protein Killer

    You are doing just fine! You are very early out and should expect to be able to get more protein in as your stomach heals and is not swollen. The most important thing is that your getting all your fluids in. Water first then protein. Oh and protein shakes count as fluid. Dehydration is the biggest problem right now. I am almost 1 year out and I still drink my Premier Shakes. they have 30 gms of protein in 11oz with very little sugar. They taste great too. Keep up the great job and CONGRATs!
  17. I can't believe that I have gained a lb. I have been eating sugary stuff and didn't eat any protein last night. boy am I paying for it. Back on track now. :)

  18. Ms skinniness

    Five Months In

    Now this is what I call proactive! You will be a huge success with your weight loss! CONGRATS!
  19. Ms skinniness

    Carbonated Beverage 10 Weeks Out

    My surgeons also said no carbonated drinks ever. I have had some urges to drink a soda here and there but don't allow myself too. I would be devastated if it stretched my stomach out and I gained weight. So I choose to follow my doc's rules to the T! Well not all of them, but the majority. Just squeeze some lemon or Orange in your water or use mio. They taste ok. I carry mio in my purse.
  20. Ms skinniness

    Very Odd

    That was your body reacting to the sugar! Try to avoid sugar at all cost. It will get better for you.
  21. I have not been able to be on this site very much lately due to big construction work at my house and I have no computer at home. I miss everyone!

  22. Ms skinniness

    Thinking Of Postponing My Vsg

    OMG! Your family are so afraid of change. This is for you and you absolutely deserve this. Just do it and don't discuss it with them anymore. You can come here to this site for support. They will see your transformation and notice how much more happier you are with yourself and learn from it as well. Don't let them sabotage you! You are so lucky that you have been approved, and many others are hoping to be approved as well. You are so worth this. My daughter wasn't for this with me, so I didn't talk to her about it either. But I did take her to my surgeon's appointment and the Doc told her this is the hardest think I could ever do! They all love how happy I am now and they even get to eat all my left over food from eating out too. They love it! They will change. If you feed a connection with anyone on here, feel free to PM them.
  23. Ms skinniness

    Scaredand Excited

    Well, we are all scared when getting this surgery. Like any other surgery, there is a risk of death as well. But it is very rare. The sleeve has very low risk factors attributed to it. You are talking about going under with anesthia and not waking up. My rationale for this is that i'd rather die in my sleep than suffer from the horrible diseases that are/were contributed to my obesity. Trust in God, or what ever belief you have and you will prosper. I was horribly scared but had the surgery anyways. It was very simple, I went to sleep and woke up and it was over. Presto, just like that. Then my journey began and if I was to make the decision over again, I would definately do it over. Try to put your anxiety at rest. The surgeons and your PCP will look at all aspects of your health, including your heart and look at the risk, and be up front with you. If the surgery is too risky, they won't do the surgery, they don't want anyone to die on them. Relax, maybe get some therapy to help with your anxiety and you will do fine.
  24. Ms skinniness

    Husband Is Confused...

    I strongly recommend marital counseling. Dad needs to have a relationship with child. U need his help, it sucks having to be a super mom and wife.

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