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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Men With Before And After Pics

    Kathy: He has earned a swelled head! W are all rockin our sleeves!
  2. Ms skinniness

    Surgery Tomorrow!

    This is the last evening of this life and tomorrow is a new day for a new journey to begin! CONGRATS! Sending healing energy your way!
  3. Ms skinniness

    One.. One... Onederland!

    Congrats~ it's a great feeling to accomplish onderland!
  4. Ms skinniness

    Men With Before And After Pics

    Wow! This is an amazing transformation! Keep it up! SEXY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Ms skinniness

    Gym Or Bike

    I might bet on the bike. It's really rewarding to go out into nature and get our exercise.
  6. Ms skinniness

    9 Months Post-Op Progress Picture

    OMG! I love your transformation! And there's more to come....... CONGRATS!
  7. Ms skinniness

    5 Confessions (Join In)

    I love these confessions. I confess that I am not exercising like I need too.
  8. Ms skinniness

    My Day Is Here

    Sending healing energy your way! Your new life is about to begin! YAYAA!
  9. Ms skinniness

    Follow This Topic

    I have assumed that i would receive replies to the ones that i push "follow." This is a great question.
  10. Hey Coops, thanks for putting this in perspective. I am at goal but am freaking out about my bounce. I am so afraid that I have failed also by gaining and reverting back to old habits. So scarey. You my friend are awesome! You have been and still are very determined to get those pesky lbs off and you will! I love your determination and you always have great feedback and messages for others. Thank you so much for all your support. Keep on with healthy eating and exercise when possible. Katie: I know that I feel comfortable in my body right now and I prefer to wear a size medium when I can fit in a size small. I don't like clothes that are snug on me. The shirt in my pic is a size small and I gave it too my daughter. When I was past the 1/2 way mark to my goal, my weight slowed down also and took a while to get here. I had the same fears as you and every one else that i was done losing and was the first failure. But in reality, there is no such thing as a failure here (in my book). We have not taken the easy way out, this is the hardest thing that we have ever done in our lives. We made a great decision for us and it will be a tool for us for the rest of our lives. I will always eat Protein and veggies and try to keep sugars to a minimum.
  11. Ms skinniness

    Surgery Is Today!

    This is the beginning of a new you! You will do great and in addition, you are going to learn a lot about yourself. This is a fantastic journey and is the hardest thing you will do in your own life. CONGRATS! Welcome to the Big Loser's Bench!
  12. Ms skinniness

    Am I Really Losing Weight?

    Yep, this is how we all are. We struggle with seeing ourselves getting smaller. We get smaller but have the same body structure as before pretty much. We are a mini version of our former selves, but we fit into tiny size clothing. That's where are exercise comes in and helps tone our bodies. But you are smaller and comparing pics are a great way to see a difference. Keep it up, you are getting smaller!
  13. I wasn't able to weigh myself yesterday, so I did today and I'm at my high bounce of 151 lbs. I have evaluated my date and am consuming approximately 1200 calories on my bad day. So I'm wondering if I'm at the end of my weight loss? Hummm, I'm not ready to give up. I won't be able to drop 5 lbs in the next 2 weeks so I won't make my challenge this labor day. But that's ok. I just want to eat healthy.
  14. Ms skinniness

    Excess Skin

    If you stop and think about it, even if you don't lose the weight, you will still have a lot of skin that is filled with fat! You won't be able to buy those cute smaller size clothing where styles are cuter, you will have many health issues to boot! Now I perfer the excess skin because the worse case scenario is that I'll have to get plastics if it bothers me too much. This is quite a dilemma. By the way, I'm deathly afraid of the side affects of being diabetic and suffering from the complications and even death. So excess skin, here I am.
  15. I am going totally crazy these days. My weight keeps fluctuating up and down and I am eating a lot more than I use too. I'm am always hungry now and I realized that I'm not taking my PPI, so today I started taking them again. I've gotten lazy about taking my vitamins and so I'm going to get bette at taking them. On the up side, I am finding myself with more energy and wanting to do a lot more activities. I need to get back on track. thanks for listening.
  16. Ms skinniness

    That Last 30 Pounds -- Arrrggghhhh

    I have 5 to 10 lbs to go and I am totally bouncing back and forth. Plus i find that I can eat more now too. I'm also a stress eater. You will do this! It will come off. Congrats on your accomplishes so far! You've done great! Keep it up!
  17. Ms skinniness

    Completely Given Up

    There is no such thing as failure here. Yes when we are at a stand still, we do feel like we've failed, but in reality, we haven't! you are doing great and at the end of the road when your at goal, you will have less baggy skin to deal with! That's fantastic in it's self. Just continue to eat proteins and veggies and the weight will come off. We are have times when we experience this too.
  18. Ms skinniness

    What Vitamins Do You Take?

    I get my silica from health food store. You can also find it on line too. I also take Biotin in addition and my hair is really growing fast.
  19. Missmachine: You might be able to get more calories in, and it sounds like healthy foods, it just means that your Doc might have used a bigger bougie. That isn't a problem anyways because your still losing weight at a rapid pace. No problems at all. Just eat healthy and eat a lot of protein first then veggies and then some carbs. I love that you lost 40 lbs in 2 months! Keep it up!
  20. Ms skinniness

    Omg The Scale Finally Moved

    Yep, it's just a tool. It's up to us what we put in our mouths and whether or not we exercise. We can do this! You've only lost 5 lbs? Congrats!
  21. Ms skinniness

    Strange Food Cravings

    Excited to hear your thinking about healthy foods, even if you can't eat them yet. I love colorful fruits and veggies, I just can't eat that many.
  22. Ms skinniness

    The Weight Keeping Falling

    The office use to schedule me with a PA for the first 3 visits and I realized I needed to ask to be scheduled with the Doc. So now I always see the doctor and next month is my last visit with her. IT will be 1 year with no complications. Yayyyyyyyy!
  23. Today is such a hot day!

  24. Ms skinniness


    Love it! And I can only eat a little bit!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
