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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. The reality of this is that you have this hot new body and have made so many drastic changes in your life right now that your BF is fearful of losing you! Yep, he is. This is not your problem so don't take it on. I do agree that this would be an excellent time to seek couples counseling to get your relationship back on track and to also address your emotional eating patterns. This is a team effort for both you and your BF and so now is the time to get back on track with everything. You can do this!
  2. Ms skinniness

    Victory Kinda.

    So proud of you for all your hard work and determination! Great job!
  3. Ms skinniness

    Nsv For Me

    Fabulous! I love these NSV'S! Bet you were on top of the world!
  4. Ms skinniness

    It Just Got Real

    It is up to you in whether or not you have the surgery. But if they have offered you the orientations class, then yes, surgery is an option. Their job is to educate you in different options and will offer you other ways to lose weight. When I began, I knew that I needed the surgery because everything else wasn't working for me. I would try different diets, lose, gain the weight back. I was always hungry. My focus was to attend the 12 required classes, do all the necessary tests, and get the referral for Dr LePort's office. They did require a certain amount of weight loss and I had lost some weight, but not all the weight. If you miss one of the classes, you will be required to make it up and that makes the process much longer. Good luck and keep your focus if you know that this is what you need.
  5. Sit back and enjoy ur Roller Coaster ride! happy trails !
  6. Ms skinniness

    Before And After Pics

    Amazing! A new u!
  7. Ms skinniness

    Family Sabatoge

    Your family is supportive, however, they don't stop to think about what your going through. they are use to having everything provided to they by you and so it hasn't hit them yet about the changes that the family is going to go through. Gently guide them into the kitchen and show them that they are capable of making their meals. This is a great time to help them learn how to be independent. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Congrats!
  8. Just got back from the mountain and am starting a whole new list for being thankful for my sleeve! Yep, I love my sleeve. :)

  9. Ms skinniness

    It Just Got Real

    Liamlover2011: I had my surgery at at Dr. LePort's office in Fountain Valley and the doctor I used was Dr Francis. Or is it Dr kelly. her name is kelly francis or francis kelly. However she is very straight forward and professional. The Orientation is informative and there will be a lot of people there. Like a whole room of people and lasts about 45 minutes to an hour. The also have you fill out some paper work too. No big deal. That's where they tell that they will call you to schedule the Options class for 12 weeks. It took about a week to get my class schedule. I do recommend that you give them about 4 days and call the Orange Pavilion Health Care to find out if you can schedule an appointment. It doesn't hurt to be pro active. Hope to see you here really soon!
  10. Ms skinniness

    Century Club! Woot Woot!

    Yep that will do it! You have upped ur calories and put ur body into shock mode. Keep mixing it up and that helps prevent stalls.
  11. Ms skinniness

    Before And After Pic

    Congrats! You have lost 40 lbs and that's fantastic. Keep it up.
  12. I am totally working on keeping the carbs really low. I know that I am a sugar addict and once I start eating bad carbs, that is what I seek. I do need to get into exercising. You will get back on track with your exercise, you are very determined and have done great in your weight loss too! The hard work now is to stay on track and not get side swiped by our past behaviors. I know, easier said than done. This is the hardest for me right now. We are all in this struggle together.
  13. Ms skinniness

    5 Confessions (Join In)

    I am really struggling with myself right now. I love going out to eat with my family and I confess that I really want to eat more at those times! I hate to give up my food. Last night we went to Olive Garden and I ate a stupid bread stick, a little bit of zuppa toscano soup, 2 bites of steak, a tiny piece of pepper and a roasted potato. That's a lot for me these days but I hated watching my family eat and I couldn't. I really need to stop eating out.
  14. greiga: Hope you can go home today. You will do much better at home. Keep sipping every 15 minutes.
  15. I have trouble with sitting too long or on hard surfaces, I have no butt flesh! I love my new ward robe but have very few cloths. Being able to go shopping with friend that are bigger than me now and seeing her struggle with her size (she is a nay sayer). Actually, I love my skinniness and love it when someone is so kind to compliment me on my weight loss. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy for us! The down side is the expense of buying a new wardrobe! Ha, I've got this! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy for all of us!
  16. Ms skinniness

    Dumping Syndrome

    Your body is not ready for eggs yet. To me, dumping syndrome is where food goes right through me, sweats and hot, and/or vomiting. Thank goodness I haven't done any of those things.
  17. Ms skinniness


    Being dehydrated is no fun. When I feel dehydrated and have less urine output, I go to Kaiser and get an IV. Also I start drinking G2 Gatorade which is very helpful.
  18. Ms skinniness

    Achalasia Heller Myotomy Surgery

    That is fantastic news you have! Hopefully you can get both done at the same time. So happy for you!
  19. Ms skinniness


    I bought the orange at GNC and can't stand it so i didn't buy anymore.
  20. Ms skinniness

    Weight Flictuations

    Actually I can fluctuate between days about 3 to 4 lbs. It is frustrating, I will weigh in at 149 lbs today, and tomorrow I will weigh in at 146 or 150. So I really need to weigh myself l time per week but since I'm doing the maintenance thing, I see a lot of fluctuation.
  21. Ms skinniness

    It Just Got Real

    It took about 6 months with Kaiser OC. I had to get a referral from my primary, attend an orientation, get scheduled for 12 Options classes, do numerous tests during the course of the options class, and schedule an appointment with the surgeon. Such a long process but well worth it.
  22. The bottom line is always about $$$$$!
  23. Ms skinniness

    Mindful Eating

    Hi, I was just reading a topic on head hunger and I ran across this in my email section so I thought that I would just post it here. I struggle with eating when stressed out and emotional eating. I haven't read the info yet but am afraid it might just be an advertisement. If it is, there's still no harm in sharing this. Please enjoy.
  24. Ms skinniness

    Today Is My Birthday.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It way past the time to take your life back! Congrats!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
