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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. It's looking pretty good, can you cut out the potato's at all. The least carbs you have, the quicker your body goes into burn mode, also known as ketosis. However, you really aren't consuming that much. The protein amount is really good. Keep it up.
  2. Ms skinniness

    I Just Want To Cry And Scream!

    Can you call and talk to the person in charge? Make a big loud fit and tell them that you have to let your work know when your need to be off so they can get coverage. Be as loud as you can. The squeaky wheel gets fixed first. So sorry it's that way.
  3. Ms skinniness


    You most certainly qualify for this surgery. I'd talk with your doc tomorrow AM and have them appeal it. The only delimma is if they recognize the sleeve. They might only cover the GBP or the lap band. However, your surgeon can appeal this. Good luck.....
  4. Ms skinniness


    What a nightmare! What unprofessional professionals that you are dealing with. Hope it becomes a speedy process soon. It could be a good thing because at least now,you won't have to worry about the dentures being too big because you've lost all this weight!
  5. Ms skinniness

    Ive Reached A Big Number.....

    Wow! that's fabulous! Bet your feeling a lot better health wise too, along with feeling SEXIER! LOL
  6. Ms skinniness

    Another Nsv

    Yayyyyyyyy! This is an accomplishment! CONGRATS! Oh, there's so many more to come!
  7. Ms skinniness


    this is totally scarey! If as a last resort you can't have the sleeve, it would be an option to have the sleeve. I do have a friend that had the GBP and she did have dumping in the beginning, but later, she eats what ever she wants with no absorption issues. She did gain about 40 lbs of her weight back because she chose to eat the wrong foods. It is a viable option and it's better than the lap band. So my vote would be to go for it.
  8. Ms skinniness

    The Scale Move Yesssssss:

    I love it when my scale moves in a lower number. But I hate it when the numbers on the scale goes up! That stupid bounce. LOL Kathy is right, it is best not to get obsessed with the scale, it will drive you crazy.
  9. Ms skinniness

    Super Saturday Weigh In

    You are not defeated. You are a fighter! Look at all the weight you've lost so far! Once the acid reflux is under control, you are going to rock that sleeve! Right now, keeping your diet simple with The Basic Bootcamp Diet is a great choice, + you will loose more weight. Head up and kick a** with getting better.....
  10. I was terrified of the surgery. I was shaking and wanting to run away. I had many excuses that made a lot of sense to me. But I did it anyways. I am so thankful also. I didn't have to do a leak test the next day and I have had no complications at all. You will be so thankful and proud of yourself when it's done an over and you will learn healthier eating habits to live by. you will be so skinny at the end of the trail. I would do it again in a heart beat.
  11. Ms skinniness

    Common Practice?

    If I was in your shoes, I would call your insurance company and discuss the issue with them. I know that I can't bill an insurance company for services I provided if i haven't provided the services yet. It's highly unethical. This might be a great time to look into a different surgeon's office that are more ethical. I know that it is hard because you don't want to waste any more time. But I would hate to lose my money if insurance denies coverage. The insurance company can tell you the guidelines for acceptance. It's ok to be proactive. Please let us know what you decide and how it goes.
  12. Ms skinniness

    Feeling Better!

    So happy your doing better. Good to be out of the hospital and in your own bed.
  13. Ms skinniness


    You will not have any problems qualifying due to having a comorbidity of HBP. Do you have diabetes? that would definately help.
  14. When ever I touch my collar bone, I get a really weird feeling. LOL Not use to this.....
  15. I used the binder to protect my stomach bc I have 2 big dogs that sometimes jump on me. It also helped my left incision site when it was really sore from over doing it.
  16. Ms skinniness


    Really LT? this is kinda harsh. Just giving my opinion and that's what this site is for. We are not BULLIES as you imply. We just choose not to eat the stuff that got us fat to begin with. Some people can't do moderation and some can. No big deal. Not angry or offended just saying I choose not to eat or drink foods that are loaded with calories.
  17. Ms skinniness

    Look At Those Pelvic Bones Sticking Up!

    You look fabulous! You are so inspirational to me! I love your determination to get to your personal goal! I am so proud of you.
  18. Ms skinniness

    Pain In Both Sides?

    It could still be gas or you are over doing it. In all cases, it's good to get advice from your surgeon just in case it's an infection.
  19. Actually, it doesn't hurt to aim at a size 8. I am broad shoulder too and it's frustrating when I buy a jacket that's a size 8 and I can't wear it because my shoulder's are too broad. So I will settle for a size 10 when I have too. All sizes in clothing differ to some degree. I have said before that I would like to wear a size 6, but I don't like snug pants, but I also don't like loose pants. If you don't shoot for a size 8, the worst that will happen is your settle for a 10, depending on the sizing of the manufacturer. However, your body is going to be so hot and sexy your significant other will have a hard time keeping their hands off you! Yayyyyyyy that's success! Use your OCD to taking in your beautiful body size! Yep, you need to love your skinniness now!
  20. Ms skinniness


    I had this surgery to lose weight and to improve my healthy eating habits. A milk shake is full of sugar and is void from my diet totally. Try exercising or increasing your protein with a protein shake. I love Premier chocolate shakes, it reminds me of a milk shake. It is on my no list forever.
  21. Ms skinniness

    Travel After Vsg

    You will be fine! Just make sure you keep movin. Don't sit for long periods of time, drink lots of water and protein drinks. It will be fun and just what you need.
  22. Ms skinniness

    Mediccare Nyc Pre-Authorization

    The not knowing is the hardest part and waiting. Wish you luck on friday!
  23. Lookin Good! Keep it up! There's so much more to come.
  24. Ms skinniness

    Longest Stall

    Liberated sleeve is correct. This is your body readjusting to the big changes you have been going through. Measure your body and watch the difference in inches. This was my favorite time, seeing the inches come off.
  25. Ms skinniness


    Can you share with us what's going on? What are your triggers (causes) for you to eat more or the wrong foods? What types of foods are you eating? Portion sizes? Let's just get a grip on this right now. you had been very successful in using your sleeve as a tool until now. Now you need to readjust your thinking to the sleeve being a tool. Now use it. Look up LilMissDiva's The Basic Bootcamp diet and get back to the basics. Get rid of all your junk foods. Go back to eliminating the sugars in your diet. And visualize a healthier eating habit to help get back on track. Before you eat, ask yourself, "Am I hungry? Then drink Water to eliminate thirst. This go back to basics. For a couple of days, drink a lot of Soups to cleanse your body of the sugar cravings. You can do this, you've done this before. So what if you gained some back, now it's time to kick a** and get back on track!

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