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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    8 Months Or More!

    I have really slowed down to a crawl in losing weight and am eating between 1200 to 1500 calories a day. I am about 11 months post op. I have a bounce of about 4 lbs from 146 to 150 lbs. I have learned to drink a diet green tea to aleviate fluid retention and it works. Trying to control my mindless eating and learning coping skills to not eat out of boredom, stresses, or the fact it's time to eat. Lots of hard work to do still.
  2. Ms skinniness

    Low Fever

    Have you been walking? Are you able to sip your water as needed? I do believe in checking in with your surgeon, it may be a blood clot and/or dehydration. Let us know how your doing.
  3. Ms skinniness

    8 Months Or More!

    Yes, I am eating and drinking more. It's easier to drink now and I have an appetite. I can eat small portions more often. I don't believe that my stomach is stretched. I think that I have head hunger and I mistake thirst for hunger. So I'm working on it. I'm in maintenance now and loving it.
  4. Ms skinniness


    Catracks~got ya! I'd keep him too, but if I was getting red and sweaty and could lead up to an infection. there's the option to get a referral if you desire. I really don't want to get much plastics either. Maybe my face and upper pelvic area (under neath the belly button) would be helpful but I'm self pay. Not sure I want to go to Mexico though. Traveling might be really uncomfortable after the plastics.
  5. Ms skinniness


    You might need a new dermatologist. If your excess skin is causing medical issues, then your insurance should pay to have it removed. I could only hope for that. So take advantage and maybe you can get a tummy tuck or something. I wouldn't mind doing that in about a year or so.
  6. So, your finally starting to live! Congrats! I've missed you on here. Thanks for sharing, this is really important! You have a fabulous transformation!
  7. Ms skinniness

    Why Oh Why?

    If you do your chest X-Ray now, and there's an inflammation there, you would have time to take an antibiotic to clear up the inflammation. If you go on the 4th and there's an inflammation, you might have to postpone the surgery due to the inflammation. It's a tough call. I'd say, do a chest x-ray now and if you need to, redo the x-ray at a later date. the 4th isn't really that far away either. These are really tough decisions to make. Best wishes. XOXO
  8. Ms skinniness

    Why Oh Why?

    14 days is enough time for your cold and cough to go away. You will do fine, eat as directed and perhaps rest a bit to help the cold go away. I know that my FIL had a cough and they did surgery anyways. So there's still a chance they will do the surgery.
  9. Ms skinniness

    Profile Picture

    Ok, just go to your profile page and click on frame for your pic, then click change, click on browse and locate your pic. Can't wait to see your's, I just changed mine. So if duplicated, I just had to adjust.
  10. Ms skinniness

    Profile Picture

    I believe you can go into profile edit and click on the profile pic and it will come up. then go to browse and locate pic you would like to use.
  11. Ms skinniness

    Question About Water

    I was told by my surgeon that protein counts as water in the beginning, but later it doesn't. This was also confirmed by my NUT. I try to drink as much water as possible because it helps me not feel hunger. Congrats on getting yourself back on track!
  12. I get that feeling when I'm really full. Mind goes away after a bit. When do you get that sensation? How long does it last? Is it painful? Mine isn't painful, it's just weird.
  13. Ms skinniness

    Very Small Nsv

    I so love your new lifestyle change!
  14. Ms skinniness

    Labor Day Challenge 2012

    Peacequeen ~ you will make it! Congrats! It's wonderful to reach our goals..... yayyyyyyyyyyy!
  15. Ms skinniness

    Surgery Is Now Only Hours Away

    It will get better each day.....Congrats! Welcome to the Big Loser's Bench!
  16. Ms skinniness

    7 Months Out With Pics

    There's no bragging on going here! I love your deranged smile, it's beautiful! Your beautiful! You have done a great job.
  17. Ms skinniness

    Pep Talk! Was It Worth It?

    Iggy, so sorry you have been through so much! I know all you want to do is feel better and go home. I am sending some healing thoughts your way! Take care and keep us updated in how your doing. XOXOXOXO!
  18. This is going to be amazing for you! you will recapture the skinny you and be so much happier. Sorry to hear your boyfriend bailed on you. It will work out one way or another. This is a good time to focus on you, changing your eating habits to more healthier eating habits, and healing.
  19. It's better to lose 2 lbs than to gain 2 lbs. you have done good, even if you cheated 1 time. Just keep doing what your doing and it will come off.
  20. Ms skinniness

    Pep Talk! Was It Worth It?

    I know that everyone goes through this fear before having the procedure. I was totally scared to death and wanted to run as far as I could when checking into the hospital. There is such a stigma about having wls and our fears of being judged that we sabotage ourselves in so many different ways. Feel the fear and do it anyways is what I go by. I had the surgery on 10/4/11 and have lost 77lbs. I have had no complications and am so thankful that I have this tool to help me maintain my skinny body now. The docs do a thorough batch of tests looking for complications that may hinder your health and will only do it if you are a good candidate for this. They have you do a pre-opt diet to shrink your liver so that they don't nick it doing the procedure. The death rate during this surgery is very very narrow, less narrow than the GBP. You will do fine. Take a deep breath when feeling anxious and tell yourself "I'm OK!" Hope to see you on the BIG LOSER'S BENCH! XOXOXOXO
  21. Ms skinniness

    Pain After Eating

    Are you chewing you food to a pulp? Are you taking too big of bites? What types of food are you eating and how far out are you from your surgery? I would call you doc as mentioned above.
  22. Ms skinniness

    What To Eat

    Wow, you have lost 10 lbs per month! That's great! Here is a little reality check, people are more interested in themselves and seldom pay attention to what others are doing. And if they are paying attention and criticizing you, then kick um to the curb and move on because they are not a loving part of your life. You will lose more weight and have less loose skin to boot! It will happen, just give it time. Now it may be time you start eating adult food though. Like lean meats and lots of other Protein based foods. Try to avoid sugars and carbs for a while. You should be at a stage where you can eat regular food now. I eat a lot of chicken, fish, pork and beef. I will then eat a little bit of veggies if i have room. The baby food you have been eating may have too much sugar and is also processed. I try to stay away from processed foods as much as possible. Hope this helps.
  23. Ms skinniness


    Could it be an allergy?
  24. OMG you look so beautiful!
  25. Ms skinniness

    Surgery Is Now Only Hours Away

    Yep, there is a lot of anxiety going on right before the surgery. It's the unknown and the catastrophizing we to in our heads. Do something different and keep yourself busy. You will do great tomorrow and when you wake up, you will not feel a thing because you will have pain meds (like a morphine pump) that will keep you comfortable. You will most likely sleep most of the day and night away and before you know it, you will be on your way home with your sleeve! CONGRATS and here's to a speedy recovery!

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