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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    I Need Help Please!

    Snacking can be ok if your eating proteins. I make my snacks either cheese or nuts. I try to eat for nutrition. There are a few occasions where I will have something that is a carb, but I do it because I want to get my body out of ketosis. My mind gets fuzzy and my words sometimes come out wrong. I am working on eating healthy carbs now like fruits. It is really easy to fall back into old patterns of eating from our past. So I work at keeping the junk food out of my house and eating small portions. I use special desert plates that are beautiful and only put in so much food, otherwise I could possibly eat too much. Those are my tricks that work for me most of the time.
  2. Ms skinniness


    You are so normal. We all have these fears and yes a very very small percent of people die from this procedure, more die from the GBP surgery. The truth be known, obesity will kill you first...... the docs do such a through workup on you that if there is any doubt as to you making it through this surgery, they won't do it. The surgeon's don't want any one to die on his/her watch. It was really scary for me the morning of the surgery, and I wanted to run so bad. Thank God the surgery was scheduled for 6:00am because I might not have made it through the day. I am very thankful that I followed through with the procedure, today I'm healthy as I can be. If you choose to continue on and get the sleeve, you will not regret it. It's the best thing that's happened for 99% of us here on VST. Hang it there! We got your back......
  3. Ms skinniness

    Bmi Of 35.

    My BMI was a 36 when I got sleeved and they weren't going to do the surgery until they checked my medical records and found that I had diabetes. I had to be persistent and even changed my height from 5'7" to 5'6". But I've lost 77 lbs so far and am looking pretty darn skinny.
  4. Ms skinniness


    Sometimes I get this when I eat a little toooooo much. I try to eat a little less.
  5. Ms skinniness

    9 Months Post Op And New To The Boards!

    Glad your not antisocial anymore! We could of used your help and feedback here! LOL Wow, you have lost 95lbs!! Thats fantastic! CONGRATS!
  6. Ms skinniness

    Poop Anyone?

    Bubles: I would not take anything right now. I wouldn't even be thinking about it actually. Relax and have a wonderful weekend, you've earned it.
  7. Ms skinniness

    Smoking :( Vs. Eating

    It's really hard to tell you how to break your 3 month stall when we don't have any data on your diet. But have you tried chewing gum. As for your diet, go back to eating the basics like LilMissDiva's The Basic Bootcamp Diet here suggests. It's pinned somewhere. Good luck and let's get that other 50 lbs off.
  8. Ms skinniness

    My Non Scale Victory

    Better wear it while you can, because pretty soon, it's going to be tooooooo big! Ha! CONGRATS!
  9. I am about 1 year out and I know that I can gain weight if I eat the wrong foods. The sleeve is a great tool to help us eat less and maintain when eating a healthy diet. there are numerous people on here that are over 2 years out and they are maintaining their weight very well. This is such a learning process. I love my sleeve and am so thankful that I have chosen to have it. It is a life changer.
  10. Ms skinniness

    Poop Anyone?

    There's really nothing there to poop out yet. You are taking in such small amounts of food. I didn't have a poop for about 2 weeks and then it was nothing. You are doing just fine. Some people take Miralax to help them go but it can take up to 2 days.
  11. Ms skinniness

    It's Happening!

    CONGRATS! Time will go by in no time and you will be on your way to skinniness! Can't wait until you get here.....
  12. Ms skinniness

    Surgery Yesterday And Doing Great!

    That is really great! You are doing really well. When I was where you are, I was such a baby, I just curled up and rested. CONGRATS! And welcome to the big loser's bench.
  13. You have really come a long way! CONGRATS! This has been a true life saving procedure for you. I'm so glad to hear that you've learned a healthier way to eat with new habits. Yayyyyyyyyyyy! I know that when I have a something with sugar, that is what I start seeking. So I also choose to just eat healthy foods for better health! I'd die if I gain my weight back! I always love your post!
  14. Ms skinniness

    Success! 4 Months Post Op :)

    CONGRATS! You look absolutely beautiful! Keep it up!
  15. Ms skinniness


    Hey!!!!!! Wake up! This is fabulous that you want a better healthier lifestyle!. I am a Marriage and Family therapist and I highly recommend that you get up and out of bed and go for a walk each morning. Look at nature around you, smell the air, be thankful for whatever you had. You are a beautiful vibrant woman and it's time to rise to the occasion. You are having a lot of hormonal releases in our body. If you can't get out of bed to exercise, then go see your PCP and seek out a therapist that can help you. You can do this. I want you to tell yourself that you are going to be so much more healthier and have so much more energy, and will be much more happier than in the past. This is a great thing that you have chosen and am so fortunate to be able to benefit from it. First, up your protein some, drink as much water as you can. This is the worst part and pretty soon, you will be eating more foods. Try some soup broth. You can do this. I know you can. Keep talking with us on the board for support. Ask questions. But do get out and start walking.........
  16. Ms skinniness

    Mini Goal

    You rule woman! Getting your Master's is awesome! CONGRATS on all your accomplishments!
  17. Most things that I eat are clean. I do love my Premier shakes and I have 1 a day,sometimes 2. Other times I'm eating nuts and an occasional protein bar. I will only eat organic now but find that to be somewhat limited at times. I now am looking for variety at meals and enjoying my salads.
  18. Ms skinniness


    I love these NSV'S! They're the best!
  19. Ms skinniness

    Good News And Bad News

    Congrats on hitting onderland, BOO to gallstones! Hope you don't need surgery!
  20. Ms skinniness

    How Many Chips Can You Eat?

    I love this experiment. I can see how chips are a slider food and how easily it is to eat too much. For me, I want to eat healthier due to the knowledge that I was able to have the sleeve because of my diabetes and that if I eat carbs and stuff like before, I will eventually get my diabetes back. So I really focus on trying to eat healthy 95% of the time. I know that once I start eating something with sugar, that is what I seek. I know that moderation is a key point, but if I wasn't able to do it before my surgery, then I don't see myself doing it now. My thoughts are my worst enemy if i crave something. I chose to eat healthy and exercise. Yep! That's what I'm choosing these days. Thanks Butterbean for sharing this with us. I really hope that no one thinks I'm on my high horse because I'm not. Everyone will make his/her own decisions on how they chose to eat. I love making my own choices.
  21. Ms skinniness

    Trouble Swallowing

    Even if you had your hiatal hernia repaired, you can still have acid reflux. I would talk with your surgeon as soon as possible to inquire about take a PPI (nexium, omeprazole, prilosec,) and talk with you doc about what soft food is. My docs and NUT describe soft food as yogurt, sf pudding, sf jello, soups or pureed foods, protein shakes. Don't rush yourself with eating foods like breads, pastas, and tortillas. It's best to stay away from the carbs for a while.
  22. try mixing the water with some low calorie gatorade. It helped me get water in a lot.
  23. Ms skinniness


    Your body is holding on to the water right now. You are also readjusting in inches also. Your body is taking a semi break, it's confused and now trying to readjust to the new norm. The more water you get in, the more likelihood of your body letting go of the water.
  24. Ms skinniness

    I Just 'came Out'

    I'm so proud of you! There is no shame in choosing to have to have this surgery! This is the best decision I have ever made and I told everyone. Everyone was supportive and if not, I distanced myself from their negativity.
  25. Ms skinniness

    Kids/babys After Sleeve

    My surgeon said not to lift anything over 10 lbs. for 8 weeks. perhaps you can have someone come over and help you with the kids for the first few weeks and have the little ones crawl on your lap so you can hug them and tend to their needs. Take it one day at a time.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
