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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    I Forgot - I Think .. Now What Do I Do?

    I use to worry about having to take my vitamin, I was afraid they wouldn't fit in my tummy. You can take and extra today or you can wait until tomorrow. No harm no foul.
  2. Ms skinniness

    Same Day

    I was in the hospital for 2 nights and discharged the morning after.
  3. Ms skinniness

    Its Official!

    That is so amazing! CONGRATS!
  4. Ms skinniness

    Over 4 Months Out

    Looking Good!!!!!!!!!!! Keep it up!
  5. Ms skinniness

    So Annoyed

    Of course it's going to come off. What did your doc say? Are you retaining fluids? How much are you able to eat? You body is still healing and is most likely retaining some fluids. Make sure your sipping as much water as you can and are getting in some protein shakes.
  6. Ms skinniness

    Eating Too Fast, Meal Times

    As i'm reading this post, I'm having flash backs about how I get so frustrated when the other people I'm eating are shoveling their food down. It drives me crazy. i use to be like that but now, I'm like, what's the hurry, my foods not going anywhere. When I'm done I can't help but push my plate away. I do have secret thoughts of wishing I could eat more because it's so tasty. But quickly reframe to how I love my skinniness! LOL
  7. Ms skinniness

    Eating Too Fast, Meal Times

    This is the hardest for me. I work hard to slow down but sometimes I don't. I have had no difficulties with eating. I sometimes have to just eat what I know will fill me up and leave it at that. Not always that easy, especially when eating out.
  8. Ms skinniness

    Post-Op Day 3....not Feeling So Hot

    I didn't have a BM for almost 10 days to 2 weeks out. My food intake was so minimal that there was nothing for me to put out. Also, the pain meds causes constipation. I did start taking Miralax for a couple of days. Glad your drinking your protein. And get lots of water in. It does get easier too.
  9. Ms skinniness

    Awesome Nsv

    I remember thinking, who wants to see a fat lady sking or tubing. Now I read your story and I realize what a dumba** I was. I have allowed myself to miss out on all these fun activities. Not any more. Thank you for sharing your story! This is truly amazing and has woke me up to all the things i have put a side.
  10. Ms skinniness

    Surgery Tomorrow!

    CONGRATS! Have a great day at Disneyland! Today is the last day of the former self you will experience. now it's nothing but uphill from here on out! Keep us informed in how you do with the surgery....... We'll be waiting for you on the BIG LOSER'S BENCH!
  11. The most exciting thing is, there's more to come! You look great! I also look at a photo of me before my surgery and I can't believe that I was that big..... LOL Now, I look and I can't believe I'm this tiny! It's amazing! CONGRATS!
  12. Well, I like measuring, but I eat out a lot and I have to guess at measurements. So I eat just to where i feel my stomach is full and I work at slowing down. I am such a fast eater at times and it's hard to recognize my full feeling. Yesturday got my favorate blackened salmon salad and I ate a bit, got up, went to the bathroom and came back to my hubby eating my salad..... I didn't mind, I took a few more bites and made a conscious effort to eat the veggies instead of just protein. later in the evening I was hungry and convinced my weak mind to have a mini cup of ice cream , but was still hungry and ended up eating some protein. The veggies don't fill me up for too long and I end up eating more. This is a lesson well learned, protein will always be first.
  13. weight before surgery: 223 lbs Weight at surgery: 209 lbs CW: 149 lbs GW: 145 lbs WL: 3 lbs. Also to become completely eating clean and exercising on a daily basis. Preparing my own meals from organics and no sugar that added by man kind. Only prepared food I will eat or drink are protein shakes by premier. I can do this, no sweat (I am sweating LOL). Let's get it on starting today.
  14. Ms skinniness

    Labor Day Challenge 2012

    This is my original post at the beginning of the challenge: CW: 148.6 GW: 145 TL: 3.6 Also: continue eating healthy Protein's first Eat more veggies Low carb (from veggies only) No Chips (cheetos especially) Increase exercise we can do this! I didn't make my challenge but had made some improvements. I had increased my veggie intake. I have increased my exercise. I have had a few cheetos here and there. But I'm ok with that. I weighed in this morning at 149.2. So I didn't make 145 lbs. I'm not really sad about it, but am still going to work to hit that mark even if it takes me a year. I am working on eating healthy, organic and clean. I am working on staying away from processed foods. I am even going to start preparing my own food just so I know what's in the food. This is part of my eating healthier lifestyle. Congrats to all for a job well done........ CHEERS!
  15. Ms skinniness

    Giving Away...

    You may be able to find some protein recipes on youtube where the protein powders would taste really good. I use my powders to make pancakes, pumpkin banana bread that are really really good.
  16. Ms skinniness

    Cheating On Liquid Diet

    Stuff happens, just don't cheat anymore. Time to shrink that liver so it doesn't get nicked during the surgery.
  17. Ms skinniness

    So Sad I Cannot Breathe

    This make me so sad to hear. Hope things get better.
  18. Ms skinniness

    How Many Chips Can You Eat?

    Baked Tostitos still aren't that great for us. They are corn based and corn is a carb. There are studies where people that consume a lot of corn, put on a ton of weight. now days, corn is found in everything. Even are meat are corn fed to fatten them up quicker. I really try to avoid corn based foods. I don't even feed it to my dogs. Sorry about the rant. A little bit of tostitos is better than potato chips or fritos.....
  19. Ms skinniness

    5 Weeks Post Op Pain Still?

    An abdominal binder is an elastic support that goes around your the area where your incisions are. It really helped me a lot to not feel the extra strain during the day. i got one from my surgeon's office.
  20. Ms skinniness

    5 Weeks Post Op Pain Still?

    It sounds like your over doing it. I had this difficulty and they told me to wear my abdominal binder and it helped. It will go away in time but try to do some stretches to strengthen you muscles. also, it wouldn't hurt to call your surgeon's office and let them know what's going on.
  21. Ms skinniness

    Ihop/ 5 Weeks Post Op

    That was a lesson well learned. Feel bad for your kids though. God only knows what was in the potatoes when they prepared them. I use to go to a small cafe and every time I ate there patato, I would have dumping. Straight to the bathroom. LOL Now I don't eat fried potatoes. Your 5 weeks out and your stomach is not ready for heavy greasy foods. Stay healthy and eat healthy.
  22. Ms skinniness

    Not Eating And Gaining...

    The truth be told, he was probably cheating for a long time. This is his loss and your gain. Now it's time to focus on your recovery both physically from the surgery and emotionally from the cheating. You are going to be one hot chick and he is going to regret everything he's done. However, it sounds like your marriage was in trouble before you had this surgery so everything is on track. This is the universe speaking to you. Take care of you and do what you need to do. Stressors will cause weight gain but it's most likely fluid retention. Get back to eating your proteins and focus on you. You can only control you and what you do or don't put in your mouth. So don't let him stop you from getting the nourishment that you so need right now.
  23. Ms skinniness

    Cookout, Oh Boy!

    What about some cut up fruit? I find that I am drawn to fruits now and you might also be able to eat some fruit too.
  24. Feed Your Eye ~ I have read a ton of posts from you since I first had my procedure 11 months ago. The one thing that I know about you is that you will dump the 8 lbs you gained and get back on track now that you can do the things you love. It is really emotional to lose a best friend, a parent, a pet and we start to question our own mortality. With all the other stressors such as a pet illness and the high cost of paying for vet bills would definitely throw me a big curve ball. Now it's time to throw the curve ball back to the universe and get back to basics. Just know that you have given this community a lot of love and support and we are now here to help you in any way we can. How is your knee? What can be done for the Carthage that's not there? Hopefully no surgery is required. Keep healing that knee. XOXO
  25. The liver will shrink when your losing weight. The pre op diet is to assist with rapid weight loss. It still shrinks the liver too.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
