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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    One Year Out And Pregnant!

    That's awesome! Such great news! A new bod and a new life coming into this world to bless you!
  2. Sometimes it hard to when people don't comment about my weight loss and then I have to re-frame my thoughts to, "I did this for me and this is my new new skinniness, and I love it." That's my reality check, it's for me and it was frickin hard work to get here. So happy we are all supportive of each other.
  3. Ms skinniness

    Gained 6 Pounds And Happy....

    Your not done yet! Pretty soon those muscles are going to burn, burn, and burn more calories! That's a good thing. Good to see you on here, it's been a long time since I've seen you.
  4. Ms skinniness

    Handy Info I Found Today

    I've been getting her stuff for over a year. I like what she has to say and she's always promoting other people's stuff.
  5. Ms skinniness

    Biggest Omg Moments?

    Mine is looking at my size 8 pants and they look so tiny. yet I can fit into them, some are really loose too. Another is when my bones clank against each other.
  6. Ms skinniness


    We are always going up to Big Bear Lake and staying in our cabin. It's so beautiful! I have learned to hate the contractors up there though! Ughhhhhhhh! I will have to look into Silverwood.
  7. Ms skinniness

    Loosing Too Much Weight?

    THat doesn't sound like much of a problem I'd have, i stop losing a while back and would love to lose about 5 more lbs. Now I'm getting ready to jump backin.
  8. Ms skinniness


    Sad about the cubicle, but jealous about the kayaking! Yayyyyyyyyy!
  9. Ms skinniness


    I went on ebay and looked up dessert plates and bought some that are so pretty and just the right size. I also bought dessert bowls that are perfect portion sizes. i also have my husband eating off them too.
  10. Ms skinniness

    Is It Normal To Feel Super Hungry After Eating 2-3 Hrs

    A little banana is good, the protein shake is the better choice. It will also count as a liquid so it does take care of thirst. I can only eat 1/2 a medium banana at one time.
  11. CONGRATS to both of you! You will both be so scared you will want to just run! But that's normal so hang in there and just do it! you will have a nice sleep after the procedure.
  12. Ms skinniness

    Is It Normal To Feel Super Hungry After Eating 2-3 Hrs

    It is normal to get a little hungry within a couple of hours. I do, but I also am looking into drinking more water now, because some of my hunger is thirst and I just didn't know how to recognize it. You can have a small snack in between meals to hold you over. My NUT told me to eat some fruit. So I do. Hang in there and CONGRATS on your successes!
  13. Ms skinniness

    Dumped... 2 Weeks Pre-Op

    He wasn't a keeper. You didn't loose him because of your decision to have a surgery, he was already 1 step out the door. It's time to take care of yourself and focus on getting this done and recovery. The next guy will be a keeper and love you for who you are and respect that you value yourself enough to make a life saving choice like this! Keep it up!
  14. Ms skinniness

    Is It Normal To Feel Super Hungry After Eating 2-3 Hrs

    It would be more helpful if we had more information like when was your procedure, how much do you eat? What stage of the diet are you in?
  15. Ms skinniness


    Catracks: You have missed a lot! LOL
  16. Ms skinniness


    I think we should all take a deep breath and breath out. We are all good people with no mal intent and I'm sure no one has meant to hurt anyone else. This is a heated discussion. LT, i love the pic of your puppy, so cute. I made an assumption you were a guy and i do apologize for that. We all have our issues and that is what contributed to us putting on weight an being here. I like that you state what you think and to me, that takes courage. I think that everyone else here has a lot of courage too. We are all terrific people and we are in the same boat, together..... We can support each other and also share our own experiences here too. This is a terrific site to be on. Everyone here has great insight and intentions. So thank you for being part of my support and also helping me be accountable for what I choose to eat. Love to all......
  17. Ms skinniness


    That is called Head Hunger. Sip your water as much as possible and keep yourself busy. The head hunger will leave. Also try the other suggestions as well.
  18. Ms skinniness


    I ditto this. Also, the people that take the time to post in a response to an OP is doing it because they do care about the poster. In order for a person to make a change in his/her life to succeed at being success at keeping his/her weight off, we do have to make changes in our choices and lifestyle. This site is for everyone to post on and it's just their take on the OP's post. Frankly, when I'm struggling with something like having a "Milkshake," (just an example) I need someone who can give me his/her perspective on how they are handling the choices that are alternatives to mine. I read posts and I take what i want and I don't find the need to argue with anyone. I respect each one's slant on things and I choose my own.
  19. Ms skinniness

    Lane Bryant Jeans

    Hope you got a belt so next week when they're too big, they won't fall off. LOL Can't wait to her when you get down to a size 12.
  20. Ms skinniness

    Scared Can't Stop Cleaning

    The family is going to survive whether or not you have this procedure. This is a good opportunity for them to do something for you and help you in your time of need. The oldest one can also help out when he/she gets home. They need these skills to survive when they are out on their own. They can even help with cleaning up the house. Now if your getting nervous then it's a great ideal to keep yourself busy, bc you can't be anxious and busy at the same time. Best of luck and now it's your time to take care of you. Skinniness is awesome!
  21. Ms skinniness

    Labor Day Nsv

    What a great feeling.... A size small! Yayyyyyyyyyy! Success!
  22. Ms skinniness

    He's Obsessed With My Boobs

    Does it make you uncomfortable when he comments on your boobs? I wonder what he does in the OR and the patient is a sleep. It could be considered sexual harassment. Just curious......
  23. Ms skinniness

    Not To Ask A Dumb Embarrasing Question But...

    Your hymen most likely wouldn't bleed that much. If your on your period, that could be the cause. How far out are you? Could you have ruptured something? Were you well lubricated? This is probably a good time to call the surgeon to be safe.
  24. Ms skinniness

    What Can You Eat

    I love your upside down pic! Lookin good! Keep it up.....
  25. Ms skinniness


    Head Hunger is the worst. It's really hard to work through the head hunger and to realize we're not hungry, it's our thoughts that's leading us in that direction. Hey not to mention, you didn't go there! CONGRATS! That's a total victory...... We all have our own thoughts about how we are going to chose what we eat. I don't see any bad here, just each person's opinions. It does get kinda hot here sometimes but no one mean's to offend any one else.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
