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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness


    I would be careful with how much you do lose. If you lose too much, they will cancel the surgery. I had that experience but when they realized that I had a comorbidity, I was approved. The doc did tell me not to lose anymore weight until the surgery. It was quite crazy making.
  2. Ms skinniness

    Diet Pop ?

    Personally, I choose not to drink anything with artificial sweeteners in it. I know that once I take a drink of it, I will be totally addicted to it again. I tend to just drink diet soda when having it. No water, no juices, just the diet soda. So I won't even touch it.
  3. Ms skinniness

    Sooo Hungry

    This will pass and your be sitting on the BIG LOSER'S BENCH before you know it..... CONGRATS!
  4. Ms skinniness

    Plastics Dr. Said No

    I really like the new name better. It's a mark of my success....... YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!
  5. Ms skinniness

    Tomorrow Is The Big Day!

    Tomorrow is a perfect day for having this procedure. Here's to a speedy recovery!
  6. Ms skinniness

    Plastics Dr. Said No

    I really didn't expect myself to have as much difficulties as I am now with the way my face is and my neck. I look in the mirror every day and see that I have jowls and a drooppy face. I as so considering saving money for a life style lift. A friend of mine had it done and she said it cost about $10,000. now I believe it would be worth it. The rest of my body is ok with some skin. maybe a tt would be nice too.
  7. Ms skinniness

    The Basics Boot Camp

    I have cut all artifical sweetners down to a very low percentage of my diet. I would rather just use a little bit of real sugar if I must. I am working on eating organic or at least anything with less that 5 ingredients on the label. I don't want to be a processed body that can't rid my extra lbs.
  8. Ms skinniness

    Non Scale Victories!

    CONGRATS! I love these NSVS. I loved the first time my ring fell off my finger and I didn't notice it. Then I decided that when my other ring that was smaller would fly off my finger that I would be done with my weight loss. Well, it still hasn't happened yet but I think my weight loss is good. I'm stuck at this weight with a bounce of 3 lbs. Not bad, i do like my body size. Ironically, now I'm focusing on my face! I so desperately need a face lift. LOL Nothing is ever going to be perfect.
  9. I like you question Kathy. I would also like to know this info. I often hesitate to give advice on what to eat due to the fact that I don't know the if the doc has specific limitations due to an underlying medical problem.
  10. Ms skinniness


    I've had a few sips of alcohol at about 6 months. My NUT had told us stories about patients that drank alcohol and died. I also must say that the class was geared towards the GBS. So I tend to stay on the safe side.
  11. Ms skinniness

    Tall Torso

    I am curious, even if you have a tall torso and your height is 5'6", then how would that make you 6'?
  12. Ms skinniness

    My Journey...

    This has been a very frustrating journey for you so far. Dr Kim is highly unethical and perhaps it's a god's send that you are not having him do your surgery. He could cause you major damage. I wish you luck on your upcoming surgery and if you are a smoker, this gives you extra time to quit.
  13. Ms skinniness

    Gallbladder :-(

    It's really helpful for me to read these posts. I have and x-ray coming up the 1st of October. I have high level of bilirubin and my PCP wants to check my GB. I have no pain or any other sxs that I am aware of. Thank you so much for sharing this.
  14. This is a fabulous transformation !
  15. Lissa, CONGRATS! U have been an inspiration toe and I would like to thank u! Keep up the hard work and when I'm at my home PC I will drop u a line! Hugs and Kisses!
  16. Ms skinniness

    Did It! Done It!

    Great job! So active so soon! Welcome to the BIG LOSER'S BENCH.
  17. I was just reading material about healthy foods and snacks on real age for diabetes and I am already doing it. One thing I learned is that I won't be eating the low fat yogurt anymore due tot he high sugar content. It's plain yogurt sweeten with real fruit! yep, I love eating healthier and way small portions! :) Oh and no artificial sweetner's for me. They reck havoc! :) happy day every one!

  18. Even though we have this wonderful tool there are times where I forget and try to eat like before. But I can't, thanks to my sleeve. I do really good if I use my dessert size plates, but if I use a salad plate, I put too much on there and then I try to eat it when on automatic pilot. LOL. I'm still working on throwing food out when I'm food. I hate my old core habit of eating everything on my plate. If I'm really really hungry, I put too much on my plate. So at 10 months out, I'm still learning not to do that.
  19. Ms skinniness


    I was told by all my doctors that nothing with aspirin due to the possibility of getting a stomach ulcer. Our stomachs are much smaller now and the aspirin will irritate the stomach lining also. I take loratab or acetaminophen.
  20. Ms skinniness

    Emotional Vampires & Toxic People

    Time to kick them to the curb! I only want people in my life who love me for who I am. I have no time for negativity! Good job!
  21. Ms skinniness

    Approved Fed Bcbs!

    Congrats! I had to stay in the hospital for 2 nights.
  22. Ms skinniness

    Corn On The Cob?

    Is it on your stage plan. at 6 weeks out I was in the mushy stage. You could do this if it's mushed up. Soft foods are good.
  23. Ms skinniness

    Did/does Anyone Else Feel This Way?

    LoveJones, that's a man for you! They do lose weight at a faster pace. You are not a failure, you have lost 14 lbs and have just begun to lose weight! It's coming, be patient!
  24. Ms skinniness

    50 Pounds Down!...

    How much have you lost total, when was your surgery? This info is critical to give any answers. Sorry I can't give much help other than ask questions.
  25. Ms skinniness

    Dumping And Sliming... Ugh

    I could understand getting dumping syndrome from eating too fast or too much, but the other day I was out and about and had an egg and sausage with a friend at a restaurant. Within 20 minutes I had a dumping episode. I haven't had one of those since before my surgery 10 months ago. I have been eating eggs and sausage for months now with no episodes. Blahhhhhhhhh! I hate dumping.

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