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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. This is the best decision I have ever made. I went in wanting a lap band and ended up wanting a permanent tool. I have had no complications that were the fault of my sleeve.
  2. There's no hurry! You will get there in no time at all. I really enjoyed drinking small amounts of my protein drink at first. It was around the 4th week that I could drink the majority of it.
  3. Ms skinniness

    Nine Month Update!

    OMG! You look so beautiful! Congrats!
  4. Ms skinniness

    The Long & Winding Road

    CONGRATS! It's about time! It ill be here before you know it!
  5. I look at as giving reasons someone should go see his/her surgeon due to the many complications the problem could be. Everyone on here are coming from their hearts and wanting to help. Maybe we should stop coming to this site? I thought it was support and encouragement. I am seeing too many people getting hurt in some way and that is fully not my intent. I hope the OP does not get offended by this stuff.
  6. Ms skinniness


    I bought a case of the orange isopure and I couldn't stand them. So I only drink Premier.
  7. I'd start with your surgeon and PCP. You may have a UTI in addition to the other pains your dealing with. Good luck.
  8. Ms skinniness

    I'm So Irritated I Could Scream!

    I would call and talk to anyone and just plan let them have it..... The squeaky wheel is the one that gets the oil! Speak with the doc. Go in person if you have to. You have more than earned this. Best wishes!
  9. Lissa ~ I am so proud of you! You have done such a great job with losing weight and exercising and most of all, your willingness to help others on their journeys! You are very much a special person! Thank you again for being an inspiration to me. I love your PICS!
  10. Ms skinniness


    I like how you handle your addiction to Cheetos! Totally healthy and good advice to give. I also love my Cheetos and will natch some from my daughter and then leave the room quickly. I could probably eat the whole bag! LOL
  11. Ms skinniness

    Feeling Great

    This is the tough part of our journey. Seeing the size difference is really hard at times. It is quite helpful to find an old pic of yourself and put a new pic next to the old pic and you will see the difference! Keep up the hard work. Can't wait to hear more.
  12. Ms skinniness


    Start taking you PPI again and go back to basics. Try following LilMissDiva's "the Basic Bootcamp diet." It helps get rid of the cravings for sugar. Then follow a plan where you eat protein first, veggies, and a little bit of starches. Always ask yourself this question before eating: Am I hungry? If not, do something different like taking a walk. You can do this, it's just getting back on track and refocusing yourself. We all have this struggle.
  13. Ms skinniness

    2 Hour Count Down!

    Can't wait for you to join us on the BIG LOSER'S BENCH! Healing energy sent your way!
  14. The only thing I can't have is diet soda. Some people drink it and have no problems with it. I know that for me, if I take 1 sip, I'm hooked. That will be the only fluid I will drink. I also read about the weight gain in our mid sections from artificial sweeteners. But I can eat anything I want with no consequences. My taste for breads have changed. I don't like them any more. My PCP won't prescribe NSAIDS because Kaiser looks at the sleeve like it's the GBS. But i am so happy I choose this. It has changed my life.
  15. Ms skinniness

    Super Hd

    I personally will not take any of those products. I have thought about it and decided to trust my sleeve. I have my trusty sleeve and it will help me not over eat. I choose to exercise now by walking and I have so much energy. I am actually beginning to love it. I've tried those things in the past and it never really helped at all. I work on eating healthy, organic when possible, and protein first always. you are only 2.5 months out and if I got this correct, you are a guy and will lose your weight a lot faster than a lady. You got the advantage on this. Just be careful the substance isn't dangerous to you. I would hate to see you get sick by this stuff.
  16. Ms skinniness

    Ask The Person Below A Question, Answer The One Above.

    The world is in the palm of our hands, all we have to do is ask for it..... I wish I could go back to the 5 th grade and change the messages I got about food and exercise more instead having that extra sandwich. What would you change in your world today?
  17. The scale has dropped by 2 lbs since yesturday! Yayyyyyyyyyyyy! Still have more to go so will keep my calories at about 900..... :)

  18. Ms skinniness

    Getting Back On Track!

    Today is the day that I'm getting back to jump starting my eating plan. The scale has gone above where it dared to go and dammit, it's going the other direction now, so that means I'm going to be eating clean healthy foods right now. Yep, the first 2 days are going to be protein shakes, broths and more proteins. No more nibbling here and there. Really cleaning the whole house out of junk that somehow made there way into my kitchen. Time to refocus my attention back to keeping a careful food journal with my fitness pal. Does anyone want to join me?
  19. Ms skinniness

    Getting Back On Track!

    So happy for everyone that joins me. It helps keep me accountable and I really need that. We can do this!
  20. Lissa ~ now it's becoming a reality! you are one sexy lady inside and out!
  21. My favorite thing is how skinny my body is now. :wub: My least favorite thing is that I need a face lift because I have jowls and a droopy face.
  22. Ms skinniness

    The Last Few Hours Of The Countdown !

    I can't send you cyber lucky charms (too much sugar) but I will send you some cyber Cheerios! Looking forward to hearing from you after you've had a wonderful nap and please, don't hesitate on using the morphine drip they provide! i loved mine.
  23. Ms skinniness

    I Did Feel Good...

    It might help to sleep at an incline. At least it did me for a while. Are you taking a PPI? Meaning nexium, omeprazole, tums? It will get better from here on out. Take a lot of sips and walk, walk, walk,.
  24. Ms skinniness

    Medical Director May Deny

    They most likely won't deny because of a previous weight loss success. Gosh, many of us here have had successful weight loss and gained it back. It's just a process and the worst that will happen is that you (actually your doc too) will appeal it. no sweat just a little time consuming. Hoping for a speedy approval.....
  25. Ms skinniness

    Today Is The Day!

    Have a beautiful sleep and a quick easy recovery......

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
