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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Dilema ...

    It wouldn't hurt to ask her in private. and if she doesn't feel comfortable sharing, then that's ok too. She might be dying for you to ask her but doesn't know how to come out and say anything. I'd ask.
  2. Cowgirljane: Do you have any links for the studies you read by any chance? It would be interesting to read. Thanks....
  3. Pureed meats sound really gross to me! Yuck! I just sipped on my protein drink (Premier). Ate low fat light yogurt, sf jello, sf pudding. It will work out! CONGRATS!
  4. Ms skinniness

    Major Stall

    Yep, this is our life now. Down, then up, then there's that pesky teaser of going down maybe 1 lb. However, this is probably going to be our hard work beginning now. That means, increasing exercise, eating healthy, oh an let's not forget to have fun and show our beautiful bodies off! Yep that's what we do. Shannon: where are you in needing to lose more lbs? Are you close to goal? Do you have 100 lbs to lose? I agree with shaking up your diet, eat more calories or decrease calories. Ditch the junk food if you have any and eat protein first, veggies and some fruit. You will move, it just takes longer now.
  5. Ms skinniness

    Five Weeks Out... Slow Loss?

    It's so frustrating to have an expectation of losing a massive amount of weight right after surgery, and then to lose only 15 lbs in 5 weeks! LOL Actually you are doing great! Right on track! Instead of worrying about whether or not you've lost enough weight in comparison to others, try sitting back and enjoy watching the inches just disappear! That's exciting, especially when you can get into way smaller cloths. It's going to happen whether or not you obsess over it or not. So please just let it happen and enjoy each day with this wonderful tool called the sleeve! YOU ARE DOING GREAT! Keep it up.
  6. Ms skinniness

    Sweet! I'm Diabetic!

    My PCP told me that this is not a cure for diabetes. This procedure is a treatment for diabetes that I choose instead of taking medications. It could be forever, and it might not be. Either way, I really want to take advantage of where I am today. I am making the choices to eat healthy and try to eliminate all the poor food choices that are sugars. I do know that from lab tests that when I have not had anything sugary my A1c dropped to 6.0. Then when i started indulging in some mini candy bars, it shot up to a 6.3. When stopping the indulging in mini candy bars, my A1c went down to 6.1. I was also drinking G2 gatorade and I'm going to take another blood test to see where my A1c is then. I suspect G2 gatorade because it has sucralose in it. Anyway, sorry for the massive post.
  7. Ms skinniness

    Well Im Finally Sleeved !.

    Congrats! Enjoy your pain meds! LOL
  8. Ms skinniness

    Photos Of My Journey

    Looking good!
  9. Ms skinniness

    Water ... Water

    Yes, you can drink too much water and it can deplete your electrolytes. The best thing would be to ask you doc how much water is too much.
  10. I've dyed my hair numerous times without any dilemmas. What's going to fall out, will fall out no matter what. It does grow back. Enjoy your weight loss.....
  11. I know that I struggle with eating when not hungry from triggers and I thought I'd post this for others who are struggling with the same thing. This sleeve is a wonderful tool to help with portion control, but it's also our thoughts that can drag up back to weight gain. Here it is: By Michelle May, M.D. Our environment is loaded with triggers for eating when we're not really hungry and for continuing to eat past the point of satiety. Learning to recognize these triggers and respond in an effective manner is the key to thriving in our food-abundant environment. What is a trigger? Think about the word trigger for a moment… In behavioral terms, a trigger is anything that serves as a stimulus that initiates a reaction or series of reactions. This concept is analogous to a mechanical trigger, defined as a mechanism that activates a sequence. Thinking about a trigger in mechanical terms is helpful because it takes the emotion out of it for a moment. More importantly, it reminds us that a trigger has no effect on its own and must be activated in some way. Similarly, your triggers for overeating are powerless over you—until you choose to act on them. Dismantle the machine When faced with one of your triggers, instead of automatically eating, use the following mindful eating concepts to FEAST instead (excerpt from Chapter 3 of Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat): Focus – Whenever you want to eat or continue to eat, that is your trigger to pause and ask, Am I hungry? or Am I still hungry? In essence, you are creating a new trigger for yourself - wanting to eat now triggers you to pause and check in. This pause creates a gap between the stimulus and response, allowing you to respond instead of react. Explore – If you're not hungry, get curious. I wonder why I want to eat right now even though I'm not hungry. What was the trigger? Accept – Don't judge yourself; you wouldn't judge a machine for having a switch. Instead, say: Hmmmm, isn't that interesting? Strategize – Choose how you’ll respond: I could eat anyway if I want to. For now, I am not going to activate this particular sequence of events. Let's see...what else could I do until I'm hungry? Take Action – Each time you choose not to pull the trigger, you weaken its connection. It's as if the wires rust and eventually break. Further, each time you choose a different action, you create new connections. With practice, you’ll hardwire these new pathways—like insulating the wiring. Michelle May, M.D. is the founder of the Am I Hungry?® Mindful Eating Workshops and Facilitator Training Program (hyperlink to http://amihungry.com/) that helps individuals learn to break free from mindless and emotional eating. She is the author of Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat: How to Break Your Eat-Repent-Repeat Cycle. (Download chapter one free.) what do you guys think about this?
  12. Ms skinniness

    Omg! Here It Is

    This is the greatest thing you will ever do for yourself. God's speed in recovery!
  13. Ms skinniness

    Survived Surgery - Maybe Home Today

    Don't forget to ask for some meds for your nauseousness. CONGRATs! Keep it up.
  14. That is so true. When we say "I can't," it puts a negative spin on it. I also say "I don't" also lately.
  15. Ms skinniness

    Struggling W/ Everything

    When I'm not getting enough liquids in, my stomach gets swollen and it gets more difficult. Keep sipping every 10 minutes to get hydrated. Also check in with your surgeon's office to keep them informed.
  16. Ms skinniness

    Not Losing Any Weight! Upset And Fustrated!

    It is frustrating to have an expectation to lose more, but in reality, WOW you have lost 25 lbs in a very short period of time. there is a time during the first month that we do have a stall because are glycogen level is burned and then your body has to replenish it. Are you losing in inches? Have you taken measurements of your body? If not, this is a great time to do it. Now you might be saying your a slow loser, and if that's the case, even better, your skin will have time to shrink and you won't have so much loose skin as if losing it fast would. You are doing great so please don't get into the habit of weighing yourself on a daily basis because that can cause a lot of frustration! Weigh yourself 1 time per week. Your doing great so try not to get consumed with this. We all lose at different rates.
  17. Ms skinniness

    Pre-Op Diet And Hair Loss

    I didn't have this problem pre-opt. I started loosing my hair 3 months post op. But I had started taking biotin and silica to help with hair regrowth and now my hair grows so fast I have to see my hair dresser more often to dye the grays. There really isn't anything to stop the hair loss, but remember, it grows back and it's a very short period of time.
  18. Ms skinniness


    We all have the same thoughts going through our heads. We are excited and scared to death at the same time. The "what ifs" drive us crazy. If at all possible, keep yourself busy doing something to distract yourself from thinking about it. You will be very successful with you weightless with the sleeve if you go through with it. you will make the life style changes needed. This is a new beginning and you can make the best choices for you!
  19. Ms skinniness


    I take 3 colace and they work great.... I tried Miralax, spent a lot of money and it took a couple days to work.
  20. Ms skinniness

    Help! Exercising Made Me Gain Weight?!

    When I started working out with a personal trainer, he told me that I would gain weight because I was building muscle. he was totally right, I did gain a couple of pounds. It's no big deal, the muscles that are gaining will help you lose your excess weight faster. Keep it up.
  21. Ms skinniness

    50 Pounds Gone!

    Looking GooD! Love the transformation....
  22. Ms skinniness

    Is It Me Being Crazy Or Them Being Clueless?

    All this stuff is extremely anxiety provoking. If I was you, I would call the surgeon's office and ask them for a list of things that they require to be completed to present to the insurance company for approval. That way you can be proactive in getting those things done ASAP. Best wishes and I hope the process goes faster.
  23. Ms skinniness

    Mental Breakdown Anyone?

    It sucks period. Thank god it gets better! Hang in there.
  24. Ms skinniness

    Disney After Vsg

    Try ordering off the side menu. It's cheaper and the right size.
  25. Ms skinniness

    Driving ?

    I was told after I wasn't taking my pain medications any more.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
