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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    So I think it's time to get back to business for me. Been up on the Mountain and eating horribly! Still proteins with some extra carbs. So after reading the previous posts from Meg, Escape_pod, and Coops, I am inspired to get back on track. Today I was looking at my lower stomach and pelvic region (with my cloths on) and I realized that if i didn't have this excess skin, I would be wearing a size 6 pants or small and be really comfy. So, I am going to start my challenge with increasing my exercise by going to the gym and doing weights, drinking more water, and worst of all, working on my head hunger stuff because I eat when I'm not hungry and that's pretty darn stupid for me to do that. Thank you guys for the inspiration.
  2. Ms skinniness


    Congrats glad ur doing well.
  3. "Care deeply for yourself, and have the wherewithal to do what it takes to make yourself happy. Go out and claim the life you deserve!" — Bob Greene

  4. Ms skinniness

    Lil Msdiva Boot Camp Check-In 9/25-9/29

    Hey, i am officially dropping out on you guys. So sorry I can't finish, I think I need to be on a balanced diet with some healthy carbs for a while. I boinked yesterday and the day before. I will be routing you guys on...... You can do this........
  5. Ms skinniness

    Can't Have Artificial Sweeteners

    You don't have to have sweetners. You can still have a little bit of sugar, it's just recommended that you don't. Not a problem and this is a good topic to talk over with your surgeon and NUT.
  6. Ms skinniness

    Slider Food?

    Cheetos, chips, cakes, cookies and candy
  7. I so wanted a taco tonight so I thought I could eat 2, after all they are small. Well, I could eat 1 and was so sad........

  8. Ms skinniness

    Here Comes The Waiting Game!

    It is anxiety provoking! take a deep breath and let it out to release some of the anxiety when you need to. It will be here before you know it. Has the surgeon set a surgery date yet?
  9. Ms skinniness


    Yep that sounds like me. I was hungry for the first couple of weeks, but then I found out that it was acid in my stomach and started taking my omeprazole. And a few days later, it was gone.
  10. Ms skinniness

    Feel Like Throwing Up

    The day after my surgery I tried to drink and cranberry juice and it sucked. All I did was sip water all day and sleep. Didn't worry about foods at all. I took it easy the first week. Then I started adding protein drinks. Take it easy it is majorally important to get your water in by sipping, sipping, and more sipping.
  11. It will get better. Did your doc give you any meds for the nauseousness? If not, maybe he/she will give you something. Hope it goes away really soon. Congrats on having a positive outlook!
  12. Ms skinniness

    Int Hospital

    you got the number.
  13. Ms skinniness

    Must Gain 14Lbs Before I Qualify.

    Yep, you must gain. I read on here one doc recommended wearing ankle weights while being weighted. then work on gaining weight while your jumping through the hoops for the insurance company. It's truly up to you. It sounds like you are set on this surgery so it's time to eat more. That's it, I can't believe I'm telling you this. It's totally up to you and I wish you luck on what ever decision you make.
  14. Ms skinniness

    Head Cold

    I'd be scared too! Stay away from the family! LOL That's going to be very difficult. Maybe if it's ok with you doctor's office, see if you can take some zinc. That may help your immune system.
  15. Ms skinniness

    Got It

    yayyyyyyyyyyy! I can't wait for you to join us on the BIG LOSER'S BENCH! CONGRATS!
  16. Ms skinniness

    Int Hospital

    Confused???? What is INT Hospital?
  17. Ms skinniness

    Am I Eating Too Much? Sleeved Aug 14Th.

    Too be honest, if it's pureed than it's okay, but if it's not, then it is too soon to be eating that much food. At 3 months out I was only able to eat about 5 bites of my food. Now I could eat a whole yogurt because it was soft and was able to condense down. Your stomach is still healing and you need to be extra cautious with what you eat, the consistency etc. This is the time to call your NUT ASAP for professional guidance. If you don't have one, call your surgeon's office and check with them. Good luck and thanks for asking.
  18. Ms skinniness

    Feelin Blue

    It is really sad when we are left by someone we love. Now, let's look at the other side of the coin. You have lost 105 lbs and are looking hotter than you have 105 lbs ago. This woman wasn't a match for you and this leaves you open to fine someone that truly loves you for who you are. This is a new beginning and it is hard, but worth it.
  19. Ms skinniness

    Whats On Your Bucket List?

    Wow! This is exciting! CONGRATS! I hope to get a Chevy Silverado soon!
  20. Ms skinniness

    Lil Msdiva Boot Camp Check-In 9/25-9/29

    Checkin in for day 3. Sorry guys, I don't know what's going on with me. I had this horrible metal taste in my mouth yesterday and it scared me. I did not feel well at all so I thought it was ketosis. So I decided to eat a little carbs with dinner. I felt a lot better and then I started thinking. "could it be the orange mio drops I put in my water?" So I started drinking just plan water and it tasted refreshing. But i still have this metal taste in my mouth today. I think I might just have to make an appointment with my PCP soon. But back on plan for today. Oh I also drank 110 oz of water yesterday. Yayyyyyyyyyy on the water even if it was flavored with mio drops. Good luck everyone.
  21. Ms skinniness

    I Gained 15Lbs!

    I had a low BMI and they were hinting on me gaining weight to meet their BMI requirements. I was approved by having diabetes. All the hoops for nothing. I do like the ideal of the ankle weights though. LOL Wish I would have thought of it.
  22. Ms skinniness

    Leg Cramps - Is It Common?

    I would really watch for dehydration. You might also try adding a little gatorade low cal for the electrolytes and stuff. I would also give your surgeon's office a call. It wouldn't hurt.
  23. Ms skinniness


    Cut portion sizes down to half, eat protein, cut carbs, and exercise. That will do it.
  24. Ms skinniness

    First Post - Op Appointment

    Way to go! Congrats!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
