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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Do The Work!

    In order to be successful in our journey, it is necessary to do all the hard work of preparing (pre-opt) and educating ourselves on how our food addiction manifests itself within us. The sleeve is just a tool help with portion control. It's our head that gets us into eating too much, eating the wrong foods that aren't nutritious, ect. This is hard work but also very rewarding. This is a journey for the rest of our lives and it's our job to do the work. CONGRATS! Today is my 1 year surgiversary and happy I did the work. Still have a lot of work to do though.
  2. Ms skinniness

    Im Not The Dr.messenger!

    I love taking care of yourself! Being proactive helped save a lot of anxious moments! CONGRATS!
  3. Today is my 1 year surgiversary! Yep, and oh how happy I am for my sleeve! :)

  4. Ms skinniness

    Bleeding Gums

    That would be a long effect on Heparin. I'm not a doctor so it would be good to get a medical doc's intake on this. Have you called your dentist? The quickest way to get a quick answer would be to call your surgeon's office and let them know what's going on and they can give you some feedback or order some blood workup. Let us know what's going on.
  5. Ms skinniness

    Looking For Advice

    This must be scarey for you, I'm reading this and thinking can't your surgeon figure out what's going on? I'm with your NUT on this, eat whatever you can keep down. What if you went back to basics of a liquid diet for a few days and try to reintroduce some foods then? Can you ask the doc if there's too much stricture? If it was my surgeon, I would keep calling every day or go and see him. You are 8.5 weeks post op, you've paid your dues and they need to be a little more proactive in figuring out what's going on with you. Meanwhile, go back to broths and drinking water to stay hydrated. Let us know how your doing.
  6. Ms skinniness


    The bubbly stuff is most likely gas. Maybe you could call your surgeon's office and describe the bubbling and they can give you feedback on what you can do. That's what the office is for, to call in and ask questions when needed. Here's to a fast recovery!
  7. Ms skinniness

    I Just Chickened Out

    Instead of being a chicken, why don't you call the office and reschedule and just go and ask the surgeon questions that you are afraid of. Give it a chance and don't let your anxiety get you down.
  8. That wasn't a very pleasant psych eval. It is her job to tell you some of the consequences of the surgery on your marriage, but that doesn't mean it's going to happen. I haven't heard from a huge majority of people here that his/her weight loss caused their divorce. In those marriages, there were already underlying issues playing. I would take note of what the therapist told you and work on changing them if you feel it's hindering you in any ways. We can all make changes in our behaviors to assist in strengthening our relationships with others. This is not a bad thing. It's a good thing. now you know what you might want to work on in your new journey. Time to celebrate! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Cheers to a New Journey In Life!
  9. Ms skinniness

    My New Nsv! :)

    Crystal: I love your post! I like that you stated that this worked for you and you are not telling others to this either. You are a success! Those are the rules that I basically follow and do have some foods I shouldn't. Keep up the good work and I love reading your posts.
  10. Ms skinniness


    Yep, getting sick would be horrible at this time. Stay away from him as much as possible. Good luck and hope you stay well.
  11. Ms skinniness

    Seeing A Therapist

    Therapy is scarey for many people. It's about sharing your most vulnerable stuff. you can do this, you need some coping skills to make it through your daily stressors. So sad your hubby was diagnosed with cancer. That alone is a scarey journey. Just go in and and take 1 thing at a time.
  12. Wow, that was scarey? Did you think about calling your surgeon's office and talk to the on call doc? Let us know what your doc says when he emails you back, or better yet, can you call your surgeon instead of waiting for an email. I's really like to know what happened.
  13. Ms skinniness

    My New Nsv! :)

    Wow you are so tiny! That's also an NSV! I love it when our legs no longer rub and there's actually light.
  14. Ms skinniness

    Bariware - Portable Portion Control For Us!

    It's cute and affordable.
  15. Ms skinniness


    Congrats! Can't wait for all you guys to join us on the BIG LOSER'S BENCH!
  16. I'd say you have a scheduled date and you should keep the date. Your mom and hubby will take good care of the kids while your away. And besides, they will be much better by tomorrow morning. Hope you keep the date with the surgeon. Let us know.
  17. Ms skinniness

    Help I'm Hungry!

    Take it one day at a time and you will do just fine. this is hard to stay on track especially when you know that your day is coming up to add other foods to your diet. But it will pass before you know it.
  18. Ms skinniness

    Yes It Happened...and Yes It Made Me Sad.

    Sad that you were justifying to your co-worker how you lost weight and then wammo! She gives you this hugh surprise that rocked your whole day. It so sucks! You are totally right! This is not the easy way out. We have all worked hard to get to this point in our lives and we still have alot of work to do on our food triggers. Thank god tomorrow is a new day! Chin up, smile and let it go. That person has no ideal the emotional struggles you've been through. Hang in there and get out of that funk! Give it back to her. We got your back!
  19. Ms skinniness

    My 1St Vacation With My Sleeve!

    I really love this NSV!
  20. Ms skinniness

    Approved! <<<Doing The Snoopy Dance>>>

    Awwwww, I love the snoopy dance! Congrats and that was super fast!
  21. This just totally sucks! Hope things go better for you!
  22. Ms skinniness

    This Pain Is Bad...

    The hospital gave me an abdominal binder. But I'm sure you could find them on the internet like ebay or amazon.
  23. Ms skinniness

    Bad Dream

    Some times we are working through inner conflicts through our dreams.
  24. So now it's real! You are scheduled for surgery and it's going to happen! This is totally normal and we are going to be happy to have the empty next to us on the BIG LOSER's BENCH occupied! Congrats and try to focus on something else to distract your anxiety.....
  25. Ms skinniness

    This Pain Is Bad...

    I had the same thing and my surgeon's office told me to take it easy and to not over do it. It finally went away about week 6. They also told me to wear my binder to support my stomach which helped also.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
