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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    3 Weeks Out

    You are doing really great losing 5 lbs a week! Congrats!
  2. Today I weight 145.8! yayyy, I finally lost a few ounces and I'll take them an run. LOL Have a great day!
  3. Ms skinniness

    Why Are We So Embarrassed?

    Actually, it is us that are embarrassed about this. Others can not make you feel anyway, only if you give them the power too.
  4. Ms skinniness

    Annoying Psych Eval

    That psych had alot of bias and should not let that interfere with approving you for surgery. It sounds like she projected her issues on to you. Can you get a second opinion? I would........ Best wishes.....
  5. I am hoping my niece will go to Mexico and have this surgery also. The doctors take really good care of their patients because they want more patients to come. They are very protective of their Medical Tourism.
  6. Not bad... I hope this isn't going to be such a struggle after the 2 or 3 year mark. LOL You would look so hot in a size 10! I put on my size 6 jeans today after a long time and they fit so much better now. Very comfy I might say.... I feel hot in them to...LOL I have been at this spot for a long time, my weight fluctuates by 2 to 4 lbs depending on the day. But my body has redistributed fatty tissue out of my stomach finally and so I don't have a spare tire now..... Yayyyyy! Pookeyism you have done fantastic! You can do this.
  7. Ms skinniness

    Gaining Weight Being Sick?

    It's basically water weight. It will come off really easy. I fluctuate by a couple pounds constantly and it always comes down. You are doing great and have a lot to go also. Get well!
  8. Ms skinniness

    Stress Through The Roof!

    It sounds like you have alot of hormones today. It is normal to go up some, you will lose more weight, really soon. Please reschedule your appointment for your ultra sound asap. Take care of yourself and perhaps I may suggest some counseling for you and your hubby if he's willing, it can do wonders for you..
  9. I believe that we do what we have to do. If you can't get the surgery one week earlier, then start walking now, and when the time for the surgery comes up, make the decision then if you should go ahead or not. Have a plan in action.
  10. Ms skinniness

    The Right Way

    Now don't you feel better! Right on!
  11. Ms skinniness

    Great Article On Restaurants

    Thanks for sharing the article..... Great information that reinforces what we already know.
  12. Ms skinniness

    Fainted Busted Head Dehydrated

    This sounds normal for 2 weeks out. It is majorally important that you get in more water too. I know your trying. Just keep sipping! Your stomach is really swollen still and is healing from the major surgery. It will take a while to be able to drink more at a time. It will happen. Keep sipping and perhaps add a little G2 Gatorade to help. It helped me alot. Eat a lot of popsickles too. Sip on some soup broths and try some protein shakes. It does get better.
  13. Ms skinniness

    I Have Stopped Losing!

    You will get there plus more weight loss. I'm 5'6" and I'm at 146 lbs right now and I'm big boned (I think). Keep it up and can't weight for you to join me.
  14. Ms skinniness

    Month Check-Up Today!

    Yep, that is the dreaded 3 week stall. You will probably have a few more, but you will survive. You are a surviver! Keep it up!
  15. Ms skinniness

    Drinking Question

    Gosh, I would just take one day at a time and go from there! Some people can have a drink 3 months out and some don't. Good luck on your journey! Are you going for the sleeve?
  16. Ms skinniness

    Got The Date!

    Congrats! I can't wait for you to join us on the BIG LOSER'S BENCH!
  17. Ms skinniness

    Nsv Realization

    This is a dream come true! Yep, your loving that beautiful body of yours! Time to celebrate! Cheers to you!
  18. Ms skinniness

    I Have Stopped Losing!

    Weight loss does slow down the closer you get to goal. But your body is still redistributing your left over weight. Congrats on your success and keep it up!
  19. I'm a year out this month and I don't tell people about my sleeve because it's my norm now. In the beginning I shared with everyone. I do recommend it to my niece who is suffering from obesity and comorbidities of diabetes. I am one that does not like secrets and so I had decided to share with others. I have had no bad reactions that I know of, well maybe from my BIL and SIL. That's basically their problem anyways, so I let them deal with it. I am so happy that I got this sleeve! The best decision I have ever made in my whole life.
  20. Ms skinniness

    Gmanbat: What A Loser!

    Gmanbat, you are such a loser! Yep you are such an inspiration to everyone here on this site. Keep on losing!
  21. I haven't had a diet soda for about 16 months now and I don't think about it anymore. At least that's 1 demon down for me. Now if I could just get rid of the head hunger....... If you haven't drank any soda up to now, why start now? I advise to just bury it in the past and move on with more healthy drinks.
  22. Yep, this is a problem for all of us. It is quite an adjustment to make. But your not done yet losing weight, your body is constantly redistributing the fat.... Take a deep breath when this happens and remind yourself how far you have come. You will have excess skin when you reach your goal, but it will look better and feel better than all that fat that use to be there. you have more energy and can do more things. You have many more NSV'S coming your way..... Sit back, smile, and enjoy the journey, you Rock!
  23. Ms skinniness

    Post Op, Its Official

    CONGRATS! Your so lucky, they actually feed you? Hummmm, I got nothing but cranberry juice which tasted horrible and water. You are going to have a fantastic journey! Rock that sleeve!
  24. Ms skinniness


    This is so frustrating and disappointing or you! Hope the insurance company gets it approved ASAP so you can have your surgery in November.
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