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Julie norton

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Julie norton

  1. Finally. Before and after. I am clueless how to upload pics. post 8 years and I adore my band!
  2. Julie norton

    It finally happened...

    Hurrah... Another reminder how well you are taking care of you!!
  3. My thoughts are with you. Tragic.... No more pain for the participant... But a lot for those that are left... Please be around that 10 yr old and hold him... He will need some love and time( like all)????
  4. Julie norton

    Tips for Abdominoplasty /Tummy Tuck Prep?

    Best of luck! I am 7 weeks out and so pleased. I would recommend getting your meds In order- stocking the house with easy meals that work- protein drinks- and some pedialyte -just in case you get a bit dehydrated( I cut mine by 1/2 with water) I was blessed to have some great galfriends come by each day for 3 days post. Be careful trying to sit or lie down at first... Listen to the doc. I had to only walk for 6 weeks. No workouts... No micro tears. I hope you are as happy as most of us are... Haven't seen this flat of a stomach since my 20's, pre kids! Others have hints too... Cowgirl jane and jamielogical have wonderful advice. Ps. Yes it hurts for a bit!
  5. Great thread... So inspiring... I gather we are all a bit different in our habits, but if you FEEL you are pleased with your body size, scale number, pant size, fat % ,whatever your yardstick for success... Thank WLS !! And your new habits! I , for one, know in my soul I could never lose and KEEP off 100 pounds I thank the posters here who inspire me almost everyday... ???? I am sincerely thankful for my "Normal" size... (Whatever that is to each of us)
  6. Julie norton

    No One In The Sixties?

    Hi fuzzy Welcome... You are doing well.. Losing steadily ! Doing protein and water and walking seem to be the most common denominator for success that I read. I'm 60 and not a grandma either... But a wedding next month for my son may move that along... I just smile and let the bride scurry for details. She is a wonderful girl???? I'm am 8 years out and sooo happy with my choice. Hope you will be too!
  7. Julie norton

    Unexpected surprise expenses

    It is a form of cream to minimize scarring after surgery. There are drugstore brands: mederma, scar gel. I ordered silicone gel+ off the internet. A bit pricey but seems to be helping Some come in creams. Others in adhesive strips. Good luck w/ incisions!
  8. Julie norton

    Encouragement Tips... What do you do?

    Ha! I do the same thing! It seems to always make me feel better, lol. And makes me go out and buy pants that actually fit JamieThe pants falling off without undoing them is a sure reminder to either get them taken in or go on to new ones! Seems like this has happened to many What a lovely NSV for us!
  9. Julie norton

    Now I know why I am fat

    How long? Til we know better... Took me years to " get" it. Harder when you are in a public place. I would grab my lipstick and make an excuse to get up????
  10. My doctor and many others recommend a silicone scar gel or bandage. You can order on line or drug stores carry a lesser quality, but useful brand. My doc had me wear a binder he supplied after my TT / plication 6 weeks ago (a lot) it seems to help. Check out target and kohls... Someone said Kmart had some girdle like, and corset type articles for later down the road I wear those for work... I think get a dear friend or two to alternate to help those first few days, and your return dr. visit... Usually days after surgery. You can do this!!2 months later you will be so glad.., but to me there is some pain involved ... Worth it !! Best of luck and keep posting????
  11. Julie norton

    What is your work-out regimen?

    I do walk regularly.... But I found the most reliable exercise for me ( over 8 years) is to show up at my trainers and do exactly what she instructs me to do... I share her on one day and it helps with affordability???? For whatever reason, The reliability makes me go. NO excuses (Well...vomiting or diarhea are acceptable no goes)
  12. Julie norton

    My new favorite thing

    Amazingly, tofu (with some flavoring as it has none ). Chicken broth... Baked with any type seasoning.. In chili...anywhere I can add it for low calories and high protein. My biggest surprise lately is my body not liking premier shakes... Kinda a go to staple..., I'll listen to this wonderful but fickle band. I absolutely would not be where I am 8+ years out ....maintaining ....without it????
  13. Great job cruising and losing weight! I, too, have been lucky enough to cruise to far off places ( caves and bats in Belize were fun). I like the walking deck and add we always took the stairs.... Always... Also sometimes we paid a nominal fee to eat in the nice restaurants where they serve you almost anything, anyway you want it. I thought there were good choices available in the main dining room Most ships have gyms and classes if that interests others And lots of shore excursions were not hard... Tho often the pamphlet said so... (I think that may be due to a lot of older crowds on our line) Bon voyage !!!
  14. Julie norton

    Is anyone freezing?

    For years since surgery, I have been particularly cold. My feet seem to be the coldest. I have used the hair dryer to heat up my feet and shoes at home in a pinch . I wear thick socks and shoes, but still need a heater or heating pad/blanket when I am idle. I too, will trade that for sweating way more pre surgery... But Arizona and Hawaii are looking pretty enticing right about now????????
  15. Bob I DO understand . We have a restaurant in our family also and my joy about food has waned. It is very difficult to stay engaged in the food service industry and go thru WLS . The lunches and the chatting and the tasting present some challenges ... Not to mention the hours. I had to step back... Hoping You will find your way.
  16. May First.. Glad to see you posting???? Please remind yourself, tho you don't care for the size you are, it is the AVERAGE size of American women. You exercise and eat right so know you are healthy! That said, I get you are frustrated over the numbers after years of being lower. I'm suggesting you try to love what ya got today... And hope for what should be a drop in numbers soon Best wishes Jewels
  17. Julie norton

    Ate too much

    So true B No one could have convinced me how little amounts of good food would satisfy me now. I usually try for at least a four hour window between meals ... That seems to work for no PBing It is the afternoons I need to have the time between meals AM Is fairly easy. Not too interested in food. A little Protein Like I said. NO ONE would have been able to have me believe this 8+ years ago.... Keep going successful banders. I truly get a lot from this site thank you
  18. Julie norton

    Sooooo what's going on?

    Thank you Alex, for protecting a bit of privacy in this on line world. I did not know our other posts could be brought up on google etc... But it makes sense anyone could jump in and hijack it.... Mmm.. Glad I use an alias????
  19. Have seen and used 20+ years ago if it is the same"Saran Wrap" product. Then a sauna. Had temporary results but alas, no long term help. Best of luck... And wear your bathing suit proudly... You have lost a lot!
  20. Julie norton

    Can we talk undies?

    I like those spanx or encore or any body shaper. ( hint. Put on from bottom. Not over your head). They help hold things in place for me a bit better for years til I saved for a TT Good luck not dropping your drawers and yes it happens a lot ????
  21. I have no idea how entry works... Someone (Alex)? Knows... Just happy to be here... Seems we all have a bit of experience under our (smaller) belts..
  22. Julie norton

    Maintenance - ?

    Another Great post b52 and kat Life seems to stay in the same rhythm for me. I don't think very much of food...faithful in exercise...Never would have been the case 9 years ago. It is just a different level that I never foresaw... I don't know that I think of maintenance.... Just regular days. Small meals. Once in a while frozen yogurt..... Or what I chose..I know it won't be much. Very happy to COMPLY... Tho it took years of training with PBing... And adjustments My thoughts are it appears 900-1200 calories are what we gals eat on a very regular basis... I don't lose or gain within a few lbs. Wondering if this is true for others on a long term basis ?
  23. Julie norton

    Memorial Tattoo....

    Kindle Today you really helped me and I appreciate it.????❤️
  24. Julie norton


    Yes. I have diluted pedialyte also when I had issues with liquid intake. Anything helps to stave off dehydration. Good luck!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
