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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by pen527

  1. pen527


    I am getting a fitbit on Thursday when I get paid! I guess I can get it at Best Buy, if they don't have them in stock I'll order it right away! I'm ready to set some fitness goals and get my body where I want it to be.
  2. pen527

    Fitbit Or Bodybug?

    I just looked at these online and the fitbit looks so cool! I decided that I'm going to order one on Thursday when I get paid! How exciting! And.... my husband wants me to join the gym. If he's behind me on that, I'll really get in shape! I'm totally geeked!!! Thanks for your post, you've got me going!
  3. Hi Jana. I'm sorry that you're feeling so blue on this Christmas morning. Rest assured, when you look back on this next year you'll feel so much better about your decision to get banded. You'll have lost a significant amount of weight and you'll look and feel terrific! And the Christmas outfit you'll be wearing will be so HOT! I too had a hematoma after my surgery. It was at the port site and I made several trips to the doctor's so that he could clean it out and check on it. Finally, three weeks later he did the surgery to drain the hematoma. What a relief! If your doctor is willing to take care of it in a week, do it! I had so much bleeding that I had to have my belly bandaged at all times and the tape caused horrible skin irritation. I remember the last straw was waking up in a pool of blood; that freaked me out! Just know that you're not alone. Things like this happen, but once you get through it you'll be so happy that you're on the right track for a healthy, fit, and energetic life! Good luck!
  4. losethemess- I have a dilated esophagus and I've been told it is a very serious ordeal. My fat doctor threatened that if the esophagus does not heal and shrink back down that he will have to take my band out. My primary doctor told me that it is life or death, the esophagus can rupture and it is a very nasty way to go (her words). I have researched online and it doesn't seem that dangerous, I think they're just trying to scare me. I managed to talk my doctor out of an unfill, but the consequences of that are 1 month on liquids only, then 3 months of 3 ounces of Protein 2 times a day plus one Protein shake. If this diet doesn't help me take off the 30 lbs that I've gained nothing will. That was a little over a week ago. I think I've made it three days without cheating. It is so hard to get back on track, but I know that I have to. Sue Magoo- I think your doctor might be on to something thinking about unfilling and then refilling slowly. I probably should have taken that tract but I was so afraid that he might not refill me..... Bottom line- we need to stick to the food plan that our doctor prescribes and not overeat! Good luck everybody!
  5. You're doing great! Doesn't it feel so good to be at goal, fit, and healthy! I had my surgery on December 19, 2009. I weighed in at 277 on the day of surgery, my lowest has been 152 and I've gained back a few (well, several) pounds and I am now about 183. The first year and a half was awesome! I followed doctor's orders to a T and then one day I gradually started introducing foods back into my diet that I wasn't supposed to have (carbs, sugar, etc). Since this summer, I have gained back 30 lbs and I can feel it! For my two year checkup, my doctor found that I have a dilated esophagus. This is due to overeating and drinking during mealtime. I am now on a pure liquid diet for the next 30 days, then 3 oz meals of soft Protein for 3 months. At that point he'll do another upper GI to determine if things are back to normal or if he needs to take my band out. I pray that I behave myself and the band gets to stay. Getting this band has been the best thing that happened to me. I've taken it for granted though, and now I have to go back to square one with the diet. I CAN DO THIS!
  6. Are you getting enough fluids in? My doctor wanted me to drink 100 ounces of fluids, it's not easy but I was never hungry. Try decaf tea, water, crystal light, propel, or broth. Good luck and sip, sip, sip!!!
  7. pen527

    Feeling Out Of Control

    You are definitely not alone, we've all been there. Try to stop taste testing from now on, you won't ruin it too bad as long as you don't go on a full-on binge. I can totally understand where you're coming from. I haven't made any Christmas cookies this year. I'm two years out. Last year I made about 6 different batches of cookies and I ate soooooo many. I'm not going to set myself up for the temptation this year though. I feel bad for depriving my husband and son, but I've got to take care of myself. Give them away quick so they're out of the house! Good luck!
  8. Holy wow! You went in at 7:45am and were home at noon? That's just wild to me, I had an overnight stay in the hospital and everything went fine. Hmmmmm.... Well, I'm excited for you. You've done great already in preparing for your surgery and you'll soon find just how exciting it is to lose that extra weight. Follow your doctor's orders and you'll be fine. Good luck my friend!
  9. You can dilate your esophagus by over-eating or by drinking while eating. Basically, you fill your pouch and the rest of the food can't go down so it sits in your esophagus. It feels like there is a baseball in your throat when this happens. I used to throw up all the time, but now my thrower-upper doesn't work anymore, I just get the slimey foamy stuff. It's hard for me to swallow anything, even Water, now. The bottom line- follow your doctor's instructions. There is no way to beat the band, it'll only create problems for you later. I know it's hard sometimes to follow the plan, we're all human. But if I've learned anything, it's that you gotta follow the rules. Good luck. Stay on the plan, and you won't regret your decision at all!
  10. Try to be excited for your new life. The only regret you're going to have is that you didn't do this sooner. Good luck to you!
  11. Don't overeat! Not only can you stretch your pouch, but, as Denise said, you can dilate your esophagus. I just found out on Friday that I have a dilated esophagus. I am on liquids only for a month, then 3 oz meals for 3 months. After that, my dr will do another upper GI and he may have to remove the band if my esophagus hasn't healed. I'm freaking out and following his instructions to a T. Please make sure that you follow dr's orders and do not eat anymore than he suggests.
  12. pen527

    Lap Band at Age 76

    Congratulations! You're doing great! Enjoy your new life!
  13. I've wanted to get back on track for the past 3 or 4 months. But everyday it was the same thing - tomorrow. So now, 26 pounds gained back and it's out of my hands. Dr. Says that I have a dilated esophagus. That explains a lot. The rock stuck in my throat, the difficulty swallowing even Water at times, and the vomiting and foamies. If there is one thing that I hope banders get from this post, it's that overeating is actually dangerous! I thought no big deal, I'll just gain a few pounds. Wrong, it can cause permanent damage and now I am faced with the possibility of having my band removed. I am on a very restricted diet now. 3 Protein shakes and 1 yogurt a day (I can mix in 1/2 c fruit with 2 of the shakes). I'll do this for a month. Then after that, I'll have 2 oz soft protein and 1 oz veggie twice a day along with 1 Protein shake for 3 months. At that point I'll go back for another upper GI to see if the esophagus has healed. My band was working, I was ignoring it. I did this to myself and I am ashamed. Please take care of yourself and follow your doctor's plans. Overeating (and eating and drinking at the same time) can cause serious problems. God bless.
  14. WOW! This all sounds so strange to me. I have never had to sit up. All of my fills have been successful in that he's never had to take any Fluid out- I have always gotten the Water down with no problem. Does he really have to take fluid out after a fill all that much? WOW!
  15. Thanks everyone. I have had my band for two years and I started out doing great! I lost 125 lbs, got into a size 10 (which I was very happy with). I am now up 26 lbs. Today is day 2 of liquids only and I'm kind of hungry, doing a lot of sipping- crystal light is my favorite. Take care of yourselves and stick to your doctor's plan. There is a reason for his directions and you don't want to learn the hard way!
  16. Congratulations on your band success! Your story is very motivating- I need to get back on track so that I can be just like you! Thanks!
  17. pen527

    Holiday Goodies At Work

    I can totally relate to that! A co-worker brought me a dozen beautiful and very yummy Cookies today. They are gone. Sweets go down so easy for me. Going forward....... I am NOT going to eat anymore treats!!! I am going to get back on track so that I do not continue to gain over the Christmas holiday. WLS is by no means the easy way out. We still have to work very hard to lose and maintain our weight. I do NOT want to be that fat person again!!!
  18. I used to wear a 9 1/2 wide, sometimes even a 10. I had to buy a longer size to accommodate a fat foot. 125 lbs later I wear an 8 1/2. Yes, your shoe size will shrink as you lose weight. Happy shoe shopping!!!
  19. pen527

    Hot Mess!

    If you're still very uncomfortable tomorrow, I'd call in the morning and tell your doctor that you really need to get in to see him earlier. Try not to worry too much, and also try to get your fluids in. Speaking of fluids, I'm going to get something! Take care, God bless.
  20. I'm in Palm Coast. And it's just plain ugly outside today. Cold and rainy... I can't wait for that warm Florida sunshine to come back!
  21. Karen, is it as obvious as they say when your band slipped? I am so worried because I've binged and gotten sick so many times. But I have no heartburn, and I thought that was one of the main symptoms. Koliver, that's great that you have your husband going through this with you. That has to have an advantage because at least you're both working on the same eating plan and goal. Does anyone have any special plans for Christmas? Are you making any bariatric friendly recipes? I still haven't decided what I'm going to make, but I want it to be healthy for my whole family (all 3 of us) to enjoy.
  22. I love Vitamin Water Zero. Sometimes I have one in the afternoon at work for a treat!
  23. That's great! I'm in Palm Coast. What kind of maintenance plan are you both on? I'm kind of struggling right now, but I go in for my two year surgiversary next Friday and I think I'm due for a fill. I am making a batch of cabbage Soup tomorrow to try to get me back on track. I'll have that and then my Protein shakes, go liquid for a week or so to shrink my pouch back down. Let me know about your plan! Any suggestions?
  24. pen527

    The Rough Stuff!

    I am two years out and my port is also tender to the touch. And one deterrent to over-eating is that my port will really hurt if I overeat! I can't imagine taking a hit to the port at all. Good luck.
  25. I think the hypnosis is helping me. I don't know what it's supposed to do in this amount of time, but I've been listening to my recording two - three times a day. Yesterday I wanted to munch after work (I was hungry), but instead I laid down with my headphones and when I was done, eating was the furthest from my mind. Next week she'll do another hypnosis to continue working on my food struggles. And the best part of it is- it's covered by my insurance since she is a licensed counselor!

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