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    pussnboots reacted to ssansoucie in Had Vsg Surgery Today   
    Had my surgery this AM. Feeling great!!!! Not too much pain.
    So excited to new chapter in my life!!
  2. Like
    pussnboots reacted to southerngirl in Where Are My April 2012 Sleevers?   
    Praying for all those starting their new journey of recovery and all those going into surgery! April is time of renewal and fresh beginnings! All of us April sleevers will be successful and healthy! Stay strong!!
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    pussnboots reacted to brandymarie81 in Holy Wrist Bones!   
    I have wrist bones! Granted they are still covered with fat but they are starting to show! and I can almost wrap my fingers around my wrist!!!!!
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    pussnboots reacted to krissy20 in Ive Been Sleeved Today !   
    Had my surgery this morning @ about 9 when I woke up in the recovery room I was in horrible pain was given some pain meds and it alleviated my pain once I got to the floor I've been on a PCA pump and my pain is tolerable now trying not to use it alot so I can walk and get this gas out so I'll walk come back get some pain meds sleep then do it all over again . I've had a little nausea but only when I finish my walks other than that so far so good
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    pussnboots reacted to JDHenin in I'm Sleeved!   
    Hi all! I went in for my surgery on Monday April 9th. I came home today. I feel fantastic!! Happy to report I've not one issue. No nausea, been drinking a good amount of Water and broth. The incisions (5) are very sore. But I can handle that. Lots of gurgling going on in there. But so far so good!!! Best of luck to my fellow April sleevers!!!
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    pussnboots reacted to faddiscc4 in Had Surgery March 28, Starting To Feel "normal" Again.   
    Today I have enough energy to hang out with family and friends outside all day long. I am now able to eat a little bit of cottage cheese, a little bit of yogurt, plenty of Water and even a small sliver of cheeseburger patty. I'm down a total of 25 lbs today (including that which i lost during the pre op diet).
    I can actually say that I feel pretty good about my decision to get surgery.
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    pussnboots reacted to Lisa :) in I'm Rockin' Lilmissdiva's Boot Camp...it Works!   
    So, I'm 5 months out as of tomorrow and I absolutely LOVE my sleeve....it's the best thing I've ever done for ME!!! That said, as of this past Friday I hadn't lost even a 1/2 pound since I hit the 4 month mark. I've been exercising EVERYDAY as I'm training for my first triathlon at the end of June. I'm really happy with my progress and I try really hard not to allow the scale to be my only measure of success.
    That being said, I've still been frustrated for the past couple of weeks because this stall has been longer than the others and I have not had a change in my measurements.
    So, on Friday, I decided to break out LilMissDiva's Boot Camp. I started it on Saturday morning and have followed it to the letter....even drinking the one gallon of Water which is hard for me as I typically drink Powerade Zero. So, low and behold, I got on the scale this afternoon and I'm down 4 lbs!! The great thing about this is that it's not torturous!!!
    Anyway, just wanted to put it out there for anyone trying to figure out how to break a stall....give it a try, it works!!! I'm only at the end of day two and I've already broken my craving for carbs and salt (I had been cheating a bit on salty carbs, like chips).
    Thanks LilMissDiva!!!!
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    pussnboots reacted to CaliKat in Where Are My April 2012 Sleevers?   
    Day 3 post op update:
    Woke up twice thru the nighht to get up and walk/sip sip sip and re-arrange my pillows. Pain is minimal at this point- its still incision pain... That and since they were glued together with Krazy Glue (yes....krazy glue) they are kinda itchy and stick to my t-shirt. Hoping to put neosporin on them tonight.
    I have been able to get in about 50oz of Water and 45g of Protein. I drink the "Healthwise" brand and they have all kinds of flavors and in reallity, it tastes like drinking liquid jello! I think i am going to try thinned Tomato Soup with pro powder for dinner- this sweet stuff is getting old!
    I got REALLY ambitious today and decided to take advantage of the 70 degree weather and go to the San Francisco zoo with hubby. I walked over 2 miles and felt OK- no pain- just really tired. Walking has been good for my gas and is helping aide with a BM. I dont have any nausea or vomiting yet and have a few esophogeal spasms (hiccups) that are irritating but I can deal. If they get too bad, my Dr. wrote me a script for a esophogial relaxant.
    I go back to work on Monday and Im pretty sure I will be able to go back and do my job..... But im nervous about wearing professional attire and Spanx. In 7 years I have not walked out of my house without a girdle/spanx and i cant even fathom doing it.
    I am so glad that i can share my experience with you all and you can be prepared for when its your turn!!!
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    pussnboots reacted to Sharonimo in Where Are My April 2012 Sleevers?   
    Hello fellow sleevers. I am new to this forum. Am scheduled to be sleeved in the UK on April 17th.
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    pussnboots reacted to Mita710 in Protein Jellos!   
    Hello Everyone,
    I was shopping for my food and Protein today for my surgery that Im having on Wednesday and I found this amazing product at GNC. Maybe some of you have heard of them but I sure havent. LOL . I wanted to share this info with all of you!!!!!
    Its called Pure Protein..Protein snack Jello...They have 23 grams of protein in just a jello!!!! I thought these were so cool. lol

    I hope this helps some of you when your shopping for your food items :0)

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    pussnboots reacted to NoExcuses in Thank You All For Helping Me Through My First Two Weeks!   
    Hi everyone - first time poster here, but been lurking around since January when I went for my consultation (1/24/12). I have since had my surgery (3/26/12) and am nearly two weeks out. This forum has been an incredible source for me during these emotional, life-changing two weeks. While recuperating at home I have repeatedly been to the forum and have learned so much from all of you. I just wanted to say thanks from the bottom of my heart. You have helped me more than you will ever know!!! The forum was especially critical to me during the first few days home from the hospital when every little burp, pain, growl, etc. had me panicked. My mood was very low and I was filled with regret. This forum helped me understand how "normal" I am and how things do, in fact, get better. I'm happy to report all is well, and I'm so excited about this journey! Hugs to all!!
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    pussnboots reacted to peace1127 in Envisioning A Certain Nsv   
    I completely understand...I even tried LB brand boots but they wouldn't zip over my calves! I can't wait to wear cute riding boots! Best of luck to you!!
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    pussnboots reacted to rodswife in Envisioning A Certain Nsv   
    I completely understand how you feel. I had to give a lot of my cute shoes and boots away over the past 3 years because my fat legs and feet wouldnt fit into them. I am 4 days post op and I gotta tell you, I can see the bones in my feet again. My legs are a different story but it sure is a start. Hang in there, you will be rocking those boots in no time. Good luck on your upcoming surgery,
  14. Like
    pussnboots reacted to Debra McDermott in Where Are My April 2012 Sleevers?   
    Hi! I was sleeved on April 2! I'm home from the hospital and feeling pretty good. I'm not hungry most times, but am getting pretty sick of sweet drinks like smoothies and tea latte's using Protein. Cream Soup going down ok but in smaller quantities of course. I am looking forward to being on soft foods like eggs. Pain is not bad, although I notice more acid reflux discomfort. I'm trying to use the pain meds less than prescribed because of the strange way it makes me feel. All in all I feel better than I thought I would. Would I do it again? of course I would! Things started off a little rough when I woke up from surgery but having getting much better all the time! Keep your eye on the prize sleeve brothers and sisters! Remember: this too shall pass! I can hardly wait to do all those things I couldn't do because of the extra weight I was carrying! Don't stop believin'!
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    pussnboots reacted to iwantobthin in Where Are My April 2012 Sleevers?   
    Just got out. im sore and a Lil nauseous.. Everything went well.. As soon as I can keep my eyes open, im fping to start walking.
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    pussnboots reacted to urbandecayno5 in Where Are My April 2012 Sleevers?   
    i'm April 23rd:D.. im not nervous just not patient. I just want it done already!
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    pussnboots reacted to atkinsoncl in Where Are My April 2012 Sleevers?   
    Hi Everybody,
    Just wanted to let every one know how things went. Wednesday, I got to the hospital at 8 a.m. to get prepped for surgery. They did a pregnancy test, blood sugar test, and started the IV. I met with some people operating nurse, ansteologist, etc., then the surgeon came in to get me. I had a complete break-down, but they were good about that. Had me laughing in about 5 minutes. Then I was out, don't remember anything until I woke up in the recovery room and I was very sick. My husband couldn't even come back to see me. So they gave me some meds and wheeled me up to my room. I slept the entire day and night. I woke up around 6 a.m. the next morning. The next morning, they did the leak test, YUK!! That stuff they make you swallow is disgusting. Anyway, my leak test came back good. They removed the cathetor and allowed me to drink. Water makes me very nauseated and gives me the dry heaves. So I have been staying away from water. Then I got released from the hospital around 5 p.m. yesterday. When I got home yesterday, I went straight to bed until this morning.
    Today, I am feeling better. Having a bit more energy and I drank about 10 ounces of fluids today. I really don't have the gas pains that others are experiencing. I will get a little one, but then it will go away quickly. I do feel the gas moving around in there and my stomach is very bloated. I do feel nausea every once in a while, but that seems to be less now. I walk around and even took a shower today. I'm looking forward to the healing process. My main goal is to keep pushing fluids.
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    pussnboots reacted to Valleygirl78574 in Freaking Out   
    You sound like me... I am 5'5 and was 191 a lot of people would look at me like I was nuts having the sleeve done, but no one knew I was borderline diabetic, seizures because of sugars, as well as a very low opinion of myself...I am 21 days out and I have lost 27lbs...I am fitting into clothes I haven't worn in years...the first few days were extremely hard, I haven't told many people so they think I am sick losing so much weight...stick in there you made the right choice and you will be much happier thinner, as well as healthier..I would of never been able to lose weight on my own, the sleeve has changed my relationship with food, I am an addict!!!
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    pussnboots reacted to kyllfalcon in Now, That Wasn't So Bad...!   
    Three weeks out and feeling great! Prior to surgery, I researched for months and in spite of being very well educated about the procedure and its life-changing impact, I was filled with fear and dread that I might be one of the few who just don't fare well afterwards. In particular, I feared nausea, vomiting, aversion to food sight and smells, and to never wanting to cook for family and friends again. Not to mention blood clots, dying... you know the list...
    I guess I kept my end of my deal with Fate... if I worry enough, think ahead enough, prepare enough, then the bad things I worry about just won't happen!
    I am able to tolerate every food I've tried so far, I don't have to take teeny sips and bitty bites, I can already hold 8 oz. Soup, I've had not one moment of nausea, have not vomited once, and the worst pain of the surgery was the blasted shoulder pain from the gas. I do tire easily and have trouble sleeping from arthritic pain (still off arthritis meds for three more weeks!).
    I write this to encourage those whose decisions may be delayed by fear. This is not to discourage thorough research and education, and not to make light of the risks. I do think we read more about problems than successes just because it is natural to look for help online rather than to post victories online.
    Oh, and losing from half pound to a pound every day!!!
  20. Like
    pussnboots reacted to Kthump in Calling All 3 Month-Ers! How Are Things Going?   
    I was sleeved on Jan. 5th. I still experience an extreme "full feeling" - especially after I eat Proteins like chicken, eggs or jerkey. Embrace it! I have become methodical with my eating habits. I find myself eating the same foods almost daily. Kashi Go Lean, egg whites w/ ff cheddar cheese and dill, chobani w/ Kashi, Jerky, Dal, and chicken tenderloins. I still don't feel "hunger" - per se. I feel empty - and that is typically my signal to drink more Water. I have found it quite easy to get in the recommended proteins and water daily. Until recently, I was having a difficult time getting in enough calories - because I was always so full. I am doing better now, and take in about 600-700 daily. I found that the easiest way to increase calories was to add nuts or an additional Protein Shake in the PM. (The problem with nuts is that I can eat them like there's no tomorrow! I definitely have to monitor my intake with them!). I'm on my 2nd stall. The first one lasted a little over 2 weeks - and now this one has lasted about 2. Frustrating, yes.... This too, shall pass, though. I am down 38 since being sleeved, 74 since I began this journey in October. I feel better than I have in years! I am soooo glad that I decided to do this. It is definitely a wonderful tool. This is probably more info than you were looking for. I kinda get to rambling. Sorry! Best of luck to you!
  21. Like
    pussnboots reacted to Tshaunda in 2 Month Out Report   
    I began my Journey on February 6, 2012. I have lost 47 pounds to date. I was not on any pre surgery diet that is the total amount since surgery. I lost 32 the first month 15 the second month. I have been working out about 5 times a week. I am trying to prepare for a marathon. Its only 2 miles but I have been trying to walk 2 miles at least 2 times a week. I have been doing zumba also. Losing the weight has allowed me to exercise without the joint pain! In the beginning I tried to do no carbs, I notice my weight loss was slower during that time. I add carbs back and the weight started to fall back off. I know everyone’s body is different but adding the carbs back worked better for me! I have one premier chocolate Protein a shake for Breakfast every day; I actually like that shake it is like a treat to me. I have a long ways to go, I want to lose 100 more pounds. Things I have notice after the surgery that I don’t like is I can’t sleep at night. I have a prescription for Ambien now to sleep. If I don’t take it I never go into a deep sleep and wake up every hour on the hour. Maybe it’s because I have more energy now, I am not sure. Pre weight loss I slept like a baby at night 8-9 hours and could take a nap at the drop of a dime!
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    pussnboots reacted to Misstxdiva in Ok I Need To Vent...   
    I don't know how you had the strength not to punch him in the face LOL. I know I would have if it were my hubby LOL jk . Kudos for not eating the candy. Hopefully he realizes what he is doing and become more aware.
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    pussnboots reacted to nancy_marie_00 in Ok I Need To Vent...   
    I know some of u have to b going through this... I am 6 weeks post op and my husband is eating nothing but crap!!!! Right in front of me!! He bought easter candy today and as we r driving home he asks me to open it for him....then I tell him how much I hate him...and he replies ...u can have one!!!! R u f**king kidding me????? Sometimes husbands can b so clueless!!! Needless to say I did not eat the candy!!!!! But I might accidentally elbow him in my sleep tonight!
  24. Like
    pussnboots reacted to aviiva in Freaking Out   
    thank you
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    pussnboots reacted to AmberDawn in My Very Personal Reasons For Having The Sleeve   
    I've been debating posting this for a while. Screw it, just do it right? Well I made a list of very personal reasons I needed/wanted to have VSG back when I was considering having surgery last year. I figure I'm not alone when it comes to some of these and figured I would share to perhaps help someone else who is struggling with their decision. Some of these are shallow, some are not.
    My top reasons:
    1. Overall Health
    2. PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome, have it due to weight)
    3. Difficulty conceiving (due to weight)
    4. Confidence (non existent)
    5. Discrimination (at work, etc etc.)
    Other reasons in no particular order:
    Clothes! ( I hate LB and other +size stores and how they force you to buy multiple pieces and the sky high prices)
    Limited clothing options
    Theme parks (I once had to get off of a ride because i didn’t fit)
    Air planes (asking for an seat belt extender, close to having to buy 2 seats)
    Chairs (you know the ones, where you sit in it and almost get stuck)
    sleep (could tell my sleep quality was declining, the only comfortable position was on my stomach, possible sleep apnea)
    Messed up cycles
    Skin (having bad acne in adulthood due to hormones being out of whack because of weight)
    hair (in unwanted places)
    Asthma (developed late in life probably due to weight)
    Job positions (not going for them because i didn’t want to be in the spotlight)
    Joints (started creaking and hurting more and more, stairs hurt)
    Public places (just being uncomfortable in my own skin in public)
    Booths at restaurants (sometimes i just couldn’t fit)
    Intimate times with hubby (positions were limited due to my weight)
    Cramped bathrooms (forget about trying to use an airplane bathroom)
    Boats (no romantic boat rides with hubby, my side would be in the Water, while his is in the air)
    Zip lining (not possible)
    Horseback riding ( i used to love riding but no longer could due to weight)
    Swimming ( i loved this too but too embarrassed to do so anymore)
    Beaches (this would require me to wear a swim suit..again too embarrassed)
    Dancing (hard to be graceful at that weight)
    Traveling (that would require more uncomfortable airplane rides, forget about long flights cause i wouldn’t be able to use the cramped bathrooms)
    Tanning (Too embarrassed to do it)
    Jewelry (those cute ankle bracelets? yea they don’t fit. cute rings don’t fit either)
    Laser tag/paint ball (made a huge slow moving target)
    Go karts (don’t fit, and over weight limit)
    Tubing (yea that would be a sight to see..)
    Excursions (those fun cruise excursions? yea can’t do those cause they have weight limits i exceed)
    Travel trailers ( want to go on a cross country trip in one? yea cramped bathroom again)
    Back seats ( cant climb into back seats when carpooling, feel the resentment of others who have to get back there)
    Job (its been proven overweight people make less, and I get this too)
    Uncomfortable jokes (you know the ones told without thinking that poke fun of weight? or the ones on TV and you're the only fat one in the room)
    Water parks ( what’s the point, i wouldn’t be caught dead in a swim suit around that many people)
    Bowling (yea i look like an idiot trying to do this without falling over)
    Crossing my legs ( ha I wish)
    Team outings (limiited to what we can do because of me)
    Being happy (lets face it, not being able to do so many things at my age when i'm supposed to be having the time of my life was depressing)
    Feeling hopeless/helpless (watching the biggest loser knowing that I would never be able to do that and was doomed to be overweight forever)
    So there it is. Of course this isn't all reasons, but the ones I could think of at the time.
    I can say without a doubt, though its been hard, I couldn't be happier now that I've had the surgery and am almost half way to my goal. Some of the reasons I posted above are no longer an issue (ie. no more airplane seat belt extender!)
    I know that without the surgery I would never have gotten to where I am now. This has given me a new lease on life and I plan to take full advantage of it. Good luck to all on their journey, no matter what stage you may be at!

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