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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Gia24

  1. Well after losing 40lbs i had my first fill. It went well after 3 tries to get in the port but so far so good, feeling good.

  2. Iive been band for 5months, no fills and so far lost 35lbs.About two weeks ago for some reason when i eat in the morning my band fills tight and i cant get as much food down. But come lunch time im so hungry i cant wait to eat. Anyone else having this problem??

  3. Iive been band for 5months, no fills and so far lost 35lbs.About two weeks ago for some reason when i eat in the morning my band fills tight and i cant get as much food down. But come lunch time im so hungry i cant wait to eat. Anyone else having this problem??

  4. Iive been band for 5months, no fills and so far lost 35lbs.About two weeks ago for some reason when i eat in the morning my band fills tight and i cant get as much food down. But come lunch time im so hungry i cant wait to eat. Anyone else having this problem??

  5. Well looks like i have Hypoglycemia. My sugar went down to 63! I have start eating more smaller meals through out the day, instead of 3 meals a day. Has anyone had this problem?

  6. Looks like my weight lost is slowing down. I just lost 5pounds this month but its ok because now if i get pulled over and have to show my drivers license im under the weight it says!!! WHOOO HOOO!!! 220!!!

  7. Looks like my weight lost is slowing down. I just lost 5pounds this month but its ok because now if i get pulled over and have to show my drivers license im under the weight it says!!! WHOOO HOOO!!!

  8. Well im pretty happy right now!! Went from 250 to 225 in just 3 months without any fills!! i havent been this weight since i dont know when!

  9. Well im pretty happy right now!! Went from 250 to 225 in just 3 months without any fills!! i havent been this weight since i dont know when!

  10. Well im pretty happy right now!! Went from 250 to 225 in just 3 months without any fills!! i havent been this weight since i dont know when!

  11. lost 25lbs!! since 11/4!! Feeling so good about myself right now and havent felt like that in a long time!!

  12. lost 25lbs!! since 11/4!! Feeling so good about myself right now and havent felt like that in a long time!!

  13. lost 25lbs!! since 11/4!! Feeling so good about myself right now and havent felt like that in a long time!!

  14. One month post op!! Going to start working out slowly.

  15. One month post op!! Going to start working out slowly.

  16. had my surgery 11-4, when do you think its a good time to start working out??

  17. Hello everyone!! had my surgery 11-4. feeling great! found my food limit pretty fast Thanksgiving but hey i had to find it somehow. lol... Never walk away from so much food in my life. lol...

  18. just had my surgery Nov4th 11and i just cant stop burping! it feels so good to release it but they are really loud. Gosh! i hope i can control it before i go back to work. lol...

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