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PEvette reacted to NurseGrace for a blog entry, Fake Food
I don't believe in "bariatric food"
Power crunch bars, chocolate covered whatever, powdered peanut butter, protein puffs that look like some kind of bad bastardization of cheetos, protein cheerios, the list goes on and on and on and I think that is garbage, and make no mistake about it, it IS garbage, is one of the many reasons why so many bariatric patients never EVER make the leap from the SAD (Standard American Diet) to a reasonably normal lifestyle free from slavery to food and obsession with snacks.
You just don't need it. The egg, for instance, takes about 2 minutes to prepare, refrigerates and reheats well and is the perfect protein. If your really feeling wild throw some cheese in there - still a respectable meal. Unless you are a power lifter and I do know there are a few of you out there - you don't need protein this, protein that. You don't need to be sucking down chocolate protein shakes at 6 months post op, you need to be learning how to eat real food in a manner that doesn't destroy your health, because sooner or later guess what - You are going to get sick of that **** and you are going to have to join the rest of society and if you never did the real work of learning to cook a respectable meal, eat like a person who isn't obsessed you will never reap the full benefit of your surgery.
Now, know this, all of the above are general statements, and I am not perfect. I have Atkins bars sitting on my futon and ready to drink protein in my fridge because like everyone else, I get busy too, but in my opinion these should not be an every day thing after a certain amount of time has passed since surgery. I'm even considering buying a big ass tub of protein powder from costco to make some bars at home, because then at least it's not so processed and I have some control over what goes in it and the size of the thing. We need to see these things for what they are though - once in a while indulgences, not staples in our diets. Staples in your diet should be things like peas, chicken, tofu, salad, fish.... You get the idea.
PEvette reacted to Marisa46 for a blog entry, Happy Although Imperfect
I won't lie to anyone it is hard work trying to live with out food as my crutch and sometimes (even with the surgery) I fall short of my ideal behavior when it comes to food. There are people who have told me that I've taken the easy way out. I disagree with them but I don't waste my breath arguing with them anymore. Even with the surgery I still have to closely monitor what I eat and be more active. The surgery has given me the help I need to lose weight but it doesn't mean that I woke up from the surgery cured of my old bad food habits. But I manage my eating much better. I'm encouraged that I'm moving closer to where I want to be. Good things that have happened to me since my surgery:
I can walk to my car without having to stop and take a breath
I'm not in constant pain because of my knees
I have given away over 10 bags of clothes that are way too big for me--I'm down 4 sizes so far
People sit next to me on the train (I used to feel so guilty taking up two seats when the train was crowded)
I cooked dinner at thanksgiving and it didn't wear me out --being on my feet for a few hours easy peasy
I look in the mirror and I recognize myself!
I do have a figure(my waist line is returning)
my bath sheets wrap around me there's no big gap!
there is really cute lingerie in my size
Oh my doctors have taken me off a couple of my meds
I realize I can only eat so much so I visually measure out a cup of food and that's my meal
There's a lot of little things but mainly I'm just thankful that I was able to do this surgery. I'm grateful that my insurance covered it and I'm grateful that I chose the right program. I feel really blessed by the whole experience problems and all.
PEvette reacted to Failure for a blog entry, God Was By My Side Today
I truly believe that God was by my side today. And I will be admit that sometimes I find myself wondering sometimes if I ever get heard. This is proof that I do, and maybe that fact can help someone else find faith in the Lord along their journey. I've never been one to have much luck with things, a lot of people feel the need to take from me and the relationship department isn't that great, either. After last year I really didn't think that anything good was possible of happening to my life.
I was wrong. And God was here today to show me that if you try really hard and you try your best to treat people as generous and nice as possible, that that kindness WILL be returned to you. I asked Him for help today, and he gave me what I asked for. Sure, I could do with being financed the full $18,065 plus some for the pre-op testing, but I am 100% grateful for what I was given. $15,000 is perfect for me because the rest can be made up. I am just so incredibly happy and glad that this happened to me after so many years of feeling like I could never deserve something like this.
Thank you. And thanks to those who prayed for me, too.
PEvette reacted to Jenny2012 for a blog entry, Breaking Through That First Hurdle ! Nearly 100 Pounds Gone!
Howdy all!
Today is the day!
I figured I would pull down the scale that I diligently hid away,
that "one" I bought esp for me,
cause not every scale can weigh a nearly 500 pound frame,
it's been a keen reminder of my failures over the past few years
along with my steadily increasing girth. still I kept it, hoping...
you all know that "hope" that one day it will be kind to you and actually
begin to go in the down direction instead of up.
So, anywho although my goals to lose are happening steadily
I've always gone in to get my weight done on the same scale everytime at the clinic,
but I finally made peace with my own scale and decided to trust her,
as I have since named her "HOPE" and
welcomed her into the family and off the shelve haha!
So many times I have been defeated in this battle,
losing weight only to gain it back with more to boot.
but this time having tools in my bag
I feel strong enough to face those numbers on the regular and own them.
coming to a place of acceptance for each pound and
realizing that they will not define me or my future,
my past defeats will not define the outcome of this journey and
I have, with the hand of the Lord above - "got this."
This time, I have no one to please or succeed for except myself, and
when I stepped on that Ole girl "Hope" this morning and she sounded out 398!!
(talking scale seemed cool at the time ) the feeling was wondrous!
To BREAK that 400 mark was / is a sweet savour to my heart and
proves to me that trusting in the Father above all good things do come and
Everything He promised is being added unto me in His due timing.
Have HOPE everyone, you too can reach goals and triumph !!
Good luck to each of you and happy losing
- Jenny
PEvette reacted to Dooter for a blog entry, Omigosh! They Fit! They Fit!
I bought a pair of 20's on a whim today and thought I'd just keep them in reserve and try them on every now and then for encouragement. Well...I WAS ENCOURAGED!!! They fit!!! I could NOT believe what I was seeing. My mind still sees 349 pounds, not 285. I'm pretty sure my wedding dress was a 20. I'm going to pull it out soon to see if it fits again. I might wait 10 more pounds for that though....
Wow. I'm still in stunned disbelief!! This is......just....I I I I I...don't have words. I'm giddy!!!
PEvette reacted to desertmom for a blog entry, Still Learning
Recently I have come to understand that I am more stubborn than most people on earth.
1 cup of food is tooo much.Repeat, a whole cup of food is too much.Even if it is 2 oz of protein and lettuce and salad veggies....it is still too much.I feel too full after I have finished it,even with a break in the middle.
So,back to half a cup or 3-4 oz depending on what it is.
I will learn.
Today was a good food day.I have decided to stop the snacks and it wasnt difficult.Now I just have to get through this evening without snacking and I will be good to go.The exercise program is also taking shape now and I am/will exercise every day.
Now for the next ten pounds.
PEvette reacted to Ready for the new Lay-Lay for a blog entry, Pre Op Weight Loss Update
So April 13 I found out that I have to loose 10 pounds before my surgery on June 4th. I was really concerned because its so far away I am good at loosing weight but always gaining it back. Plus I am a sales rep that spends the majority of my week on the road. I have been doing liquids for 2 meals and on the 3rd meal I am doing something healthy, mainly fish and veggies. There are a few times like I cheated like all day mother's day. But I have worked really hard at making time to do at least 45 min of exercising at least 3 to 4 days a week. I have been weighing in at home and doing well, so I thought. I got on the scale at my YMCA and it said I only lost 3 pounds in a dang month!!!! WTH!!!!! So I remembered that my doc office said that I can come in anytime to weigh myself before the surgery to make sure I am staying on track. I weighed myself today. I lost 9 pounds!!!!! 1 more pound to go and I have 8 more days to go. I feel really good about it. I am starting straight liquids monday for all my meals.
PEvette reacted to 300PoundsDown for a blog entry, My Brother: From 400 Pounds To Triathlete
You can read the story and see pics on my blog by clicking here
If you get a chance please leave a comment for me over on my blog. I know it's a pain to fill out the form to leave comments on the main blog but you have no idea how it makes my day!! Love all of you and I know we will win the fight against obesity together!!
PEvette reacted to tony179@aol.com for a blog entry, 2 1/2 Month Since Surgery
Well its been 2 1/2 month since my surgery and today i went to my medical dr. and weighed 350 lbs. i weighed 442 back on Oct 2011. By the time i had my surgery March 5th i weighed 417lbs, So now i have lost 67 lbs since my surgery and 92lbs since Oct. Many more to go
PEvette reacted to Lisa's Hope for a blog entry, Last Night Of My Old Life
Well it is my last night of my old life. Surgery at 11:30 in the morning. I can't seem to get things ready. I still haven't even packed my bag yet. I am terrified but know what ever happens is God's will and it is out of my hands at this point.
It is hard to describe how I feel today. I;m apprehensive but so ready to be on the other side. I pray that the pain isn't too bad and my surgery is uneventful. Sometimes I feel like I'm being selfish when I pray for myself. I have a strong Christian faith and I know that HE is in control not me. I'm keep holding on to that.
Thanks everyone for listening to me whine about everything since my journey began. You guys rock! I'm not really one of those people that says "the glass is half full".... I'm sure you've caught on to that reading my post. I will, however, go into this surgery with a positive attitude.
Thanks to this forum for helping me to this point. Tomorrow is the beginning to my my new life.
Next blog will be on the other side!
PEvette reacted to vsglosingit for a blog entry, Choices
Okay, so its been a rough day. Of course the first thing I want to do is sit on the couch with a glass of wine and a ton of carbs. But no, Instead I am online and reading how other people make the choices everyday to live a healthy and active lifestyle...so I have a choice. I can sit here and feel sorry for my "bad" day or I can hit the gym.
I had my sleeve done on 2/17/12. So far I have lost 57.8 lbs. Of course I want it to be 75 lbs...but hey its going down and that is what matters.
Somehow I have to learn how to control using food as my "friend" when nobody else is around. So I just downloaded a few new songs to my ipod and headed to the gym at 845pm.
Wish me luck!! LOL
PEvette reacted to tmorgan813 for a blog entry, One Month Out...and All Is Well (For Me, Not My Husband)
* Warning* This is a comical view of weight loss with the sleeve. Please understand that I say many things just for the laugh or shock value. I do not need you to tell me to not "do it" or "do this". I appreciate your caring, but please know that I am a strong person and I wouldn't do a lot of the crazy things I say I want to....notice I didn't say ALL. Enjoy the blog and have a good laugh. I know I enjoy writing them* Warning done.
Today is my one mouth anniversary. I can't believe how much has changed since I walked in the hospital April 12, 2012. I would have never thought I would be eating regular food (but not much) , or drinking normal (without one ounce cups). If you would have told me in the hospital that I would be 40lbs smaller since my two week apt. before surgery, I would never have believed you. If you would have told me that I would be happy (for the most part) with the food I eat, I would have laughed at you. But, it's all true. I'm happy, healthy, and loosing a little every week.
I went for my follow up apt. today. First, you have to understand that my hormones have been CRAZY. One second I am yelling and screaming and thinking about throwing my husband out the window, then the next second, I am laughing, cuddling, and trying to use my husband as though he's a gigolo. You would think he would appreciate the second part, but as he told the doctor today, "I feel like a piece of meat." Well, doesn't' he understand, that's what I want??? LOL It's been forever. According the doctor, this is all normal. Apparently (for those of us who didn't know), we have hormones stored in our fat cells, and when we loose weight, the hormones burst into our blood stream. At least we can feel it coming on. I know when I am getting ready to loose it, I don't do anything to stop it. Is it because I know my husband will love me no matter what? Nope, It's really that I just don't care. Now, I don't want to sound like a witch. That's not it. It's just they come on so fast, the idea of trying to stop them or walking away doesn't seem as good as letting it all out. At least I say I am sorry...the doctor said I do this because I know he won't leave me....I'm not so sure about that. If he doesn't, he's the strongest man out there. I don't think I could live with me. Just think about the worst PMS you've ever had. Now times it by 1000. Yeap, that's what weight loss does to us. Our poor families.
Now, let me tell you about the sex talk at the doctor's office. I know that I can have sex after 1 month. I've known this for months. My husband had questions. Ones I wasn't expecting. So imagine this situation. It's me, my husband and the doctor.
Scott- Can we have sex?
Doctor- Yes, if you want to
Me- Oh, I want to. I can't keep my hands off him
Scott- It's true, it's like I'm a piece of meat
Doctor- Get used to it
Scott- I don't know how to ask this
Doctor- You can just say it
Me- Looking at my husband like 'what on earth are you getting ready to ask'
Scott- Ok, is there any way we can't do it? I mean, can we only do it regular?
Doctor- You can do it any way you want as long as it doesn't hurt
Ok, here is where my inner male comes out. I had to laugh at this.
Me- No, we have a safe word for when that happens. (laughing) Actually we don't. It's not like we have whips and chains and things.
Doctor- (looks a little shocked...but can tell we're joking around) I think we're all done here. See you back in a month.
Now, to be honest, there was a little more to that conversation but I wanted you to have the funny stuff. When Scott asked about my emotions, she said to him and this is a quote, "Get used to it". He looked at her and said, "I'm not sure that's possible."
So, now were home and of course I've attempted to seduce him, right after I lost it in the restaurant because my food was gross (thanks a lot taste buds for changing on me). Of course the poor man doesn't know what to do so he turns me down and sits on the couch to play on the PlayStation. I swear, reading this, you would think we were 17 year olds. Maybe that's why my emotions are so crazy...I'm really 17. Gosh I hope not.
PEvette reacted to tmorgan813 for a blog entry, My Body Is Turning Against Me..but At Least You Aren't
I have no idea why I think I can keep doing this to my body. Three weeks ago I had most of my stomach taken out and then today I had two teeth pulled (one on the left and one on the right). To be honest, I think the teeth pulling was worse than the sleeve. At least I got good drugs with the sleeve surgery. Also, I had better doctors who were nice and caring. This doctor was fast and rough and I only like that every once in a while (wink) but not in a doctor's office with a man I don't know. I figure if you voluntarily go into a place where people actually hold you down while another person does soemthing to you, you probably aren't going to enjoy it very much and if you do enjoy it, it's probably not something we should be talking about on here. Needless to say, my mouth hurts and both sides are swollen. The cold liquids feel good but the idea of trying to eat any type of pureed food right now isn't sounding to good. So, because I am not feeling very comical today I wanted to take this time to thank you all for reading my blog.
When I started this, I figured no one would really read it but it would give me an out to vent and talk about going through this in a funny way. It was therapy in a way. We all know that if our family members haven't been through it, they really don't understand what we're going through. That's not to say they don't try, but unless you go through it all, you can't understand the ups and downs of our emotions and our scales. That is if you even have a scale. I'm still a little ticked my husband hid mine from me. LOL
So, thank you. Thank you all for taking the time and reading my crazy rants. You have no idea how much I appreciate it. Thank you to all the people who leave me comments. I really look forward to reading what you have to say and I love knowing that I can make your day a little better with my words. As long as I can make someone laugh, then I've done my job. So, I will keep writing if you keep reading. Let me know if there is anything that bothers you while going through this and maybe I can write about going through the same thing.
Now with all that mushy stuff out of the way, I am going to go ice my face and hope that my body doesn't start turning against me. I have promised it that I won't take anything else out of it (that I know of). Hopefully that promise will keep it working for a little bit longer. But for now, I need to give it what it wants...REST!!! Tomorrow I promise to write something a little more comical and sleeve based....if my body lets me, who knows, my fingers may go on strike because of the teeth. I'll have to wait and see.
PEvette reacted to slimthickens for a blog entry, Down 16 Pounds In 2 Weeks. Feeling Great!
Yippee! I can't believe I am down 16 pounds in 2 weeks. I feel so much lighter and like I take up less room in my car, at my desk, everywhere...lol The best NSV for me is that I am officially off ALL 3 of my blood pressure medications as well as my cholesterol meds. I have another 70 pounds to go to get to goal but I am so happy to have already lost 30 pounds post and pre-op.
If there has been any downside to this process it would have to be the emotional process of letting go of food as a coping mechanism. I've had a few rough days where I had to realize that I would no longer be able to use food to alleviate stress or combat feelings of negativity. I've replaced that tendency with art journaling instead. Now instead of reaching for a bite of something bad for me I will grab my art journal, some paint, paper, stamps etc. and journal everything I am feeling at the moment and when I am done I feel such a release. It has been especially helpful to go back and re-read those entries when I am no longer in that moment of distress and can see things more clearly. I've learned a lot about myself and about what got me fat in the first place in just these 2 short weeks.
I had another notable NSV when I inadvertantly leaned back in my chair and crossed my legs with ease while visiting with friends. I was so shocked when I realized what I had done that I had to pretend I was still listening to the conversation while I was actually celebrating and having a dance party in my mind...lol My husband has been very supportive of me even if he doesn't fully understand what the hell I have had done with the surgery...poor guy is clueless but glad to have his support nonetheless. Many thank you's to everyone here on the forum for being sources of motivation, inspiration, dedication, discipline and hope.
PEvette reacted to tmorgan813 for a blog entry, They Took My Stomach
Welcome. This blog is dedicated to all the people out there who didn't take the easy way out. It doesn't matter if you had the bypass, the sleeve, or the lap-band, it's not easy going through all the changes associated with weight loss surgery. This is why I wanted to bring some comedy to the table. I can't really bring anything else as I wouldn't be able to get it down but, laughter makes everything better and I hope this blog makes your experience just a little easier during those tough times.
I can't promise everything I type will be funny...hell, I can't even promise a little bit will be funny. All I can promise is that I will be honest, blunt, and sometimes I will look at situations a little differently than most people.
My name is Tricia and I have been fat my whole life. Even when I look back at photos of myself where I was "thin", I remember still feeling fat in compassion to my friends. However, I was always active and in shape so I didn't really let being the bigger one in my group bother me. Then when I was 20 years old and in college, I developed really bad back issues. In the past 17 years, I put on over 100lbs, began feeling like a blob, and I felt my self esteem fall drastically. Three years ago, I watched my sister, Cherie, go through gastric bypass surgery and I have to admit, watching her loose the weight made me very happy for her but not so happy with myself. I would watch her sit at family dinners and nibble on very little food and then announce how full she was. I remember thinking that I could never give up enjoying food like she did. But, the more she lost the more I thought about giving everything up just too be thin.
Then in December of 2010, my back finally gave out and I had to leave work. This was devastating for me as have always been a worker and the idea of going on disability was heart-wrenching for me. After many doctor's apts, I was told that I needed a new disc in my back but the only way to be able to have one is if I lost a LOT of weight. Apparently, fat people can't get new discs as the disc doesn't seem to set right. Who knew a titanium disc was so picky? So, I began the long process of nutrition classes, Life Skill classes, doctor's apts, and finally surgery. On April 12, 2012 I had Dr. Gail Wynn, from Christiana, De., remove a big portion of my stomach. Since then, I have experienced so many funny, strange, crazy things that I figured it would help if I shares some of them. I don't know if anyone will actually read this Blog, but at least I'm getting my thoughts out there. Hope you all enjoy them.
PEvette reacted to tmorgan813 for a blog entry, Don't Take It So Seriously And I Promise To Do The Same
I thought I covered what type of blog I was writing in my first one. But, apparently, not everyone reads all the entries. So, from now on I think I am going to have to do the following.
*******DISCLAIMER!!!!! What you are about to read is to be taken lightly. It's goal is to make you smile, laugh, and hopefully see the funny side of going through weight loss surgery. This blog is in no way my feeble attempt to get advice (unless I ask for it), or to be told what I am doing or saying is wrong. We are all different. We all heal differently. We all experience different things. With all this in mind, please enjoy my take on life after the sleeve. I hope it helps make your day just a little bit easier and happier. *********
Now that all that is out of the way. I feel the need to talk about the looks I've been getting from people when I tell them I've had weight loss surgery. I actually find the looks funny. For example. Today I went to GNC to see if I could find some type of protein drink that I can actually handle. When I went in, I got attacked by the vulture (aka the sales man). So, I proceed to explain to him that I had weight loss surgery and I was looking for a protein that I could handle (and that tasted good). It was interesting to see the look on his face when I said the surgery thing. It was only a split second or two, but it was obvious that he did not approve of my surgery. Not that I asked or wanted his approval. All I wanted him to do was help me find some protein I could handle. So, I ignored him and followed him around the store as he explained to me how, everything "tastes amazing". I know not to trust sales people, but really, EVERYTHING??? I highly doubt that. We are talking about protein and I have rarely met a protein that I found "yummy". So, after he promised me I would "love" this one brand, I decided to throw him off his game. I asked if he had samples or if they sold them per bottle. I refused to buy a whole thing of them only to get home and find out I didn't like it. So again, the sly fox of a salesman pulled this one on me, "No, we don't. However, I will give you this bottle if you PROMISE not to tell my manager. I really am not allowed to do this." I actually laughed at him as I saw the bottles behind the counter that they used for such an occasion.. Did he really think I was going to buy that line? Well, as shocking as it sounds, it really wasn't that bad. It's called GNC Total Lean, Lean Shake. It has 25g of protein, 2g of sugar, 3g of fiber (which I really need but more on that later), total fat 6g, and 170 calories. I had to taste it warm and I was able to stand it so I am sure once it's ice cold, it will be much better. As a whole, the unapproving, over zealous salesman did a good job. And, he gave me the first, "I don't agree with your decision" look since my surgery which I kind of enjoyed in a strange way.
Next I headed to Walgreens. I needed a fiber supplement and I needed one fast. Not to give TMI, but my first number 2 after 9 days and two things of Miralax, was more like the number 2 of a VERY LARGE rabbit. It wasn't fun passing, and as soon as I was done, I was ready to find a way for that not to happen again. After staring at all my options for a good 15mins, I finally gave up and went to talk to the pharmacist. I proceeded to tell her my issue and included that I had the gastric sleeve and because i was unable to get much food in, my fiber was almost non-existing. There is was again....that LOOK. She took a little longer to recover than the GNC guy (if she did at all). Even while she was telling me about what fiber would be my best option, she was unable to hide her disapproval of my decision. So it was right then, in Walgreens that I decided. Screw YOU....SCREW ALL OF YOU who think you have any idea what I have gone through, or why I decided to do this. No one asked for your approval or disapproval so don't give it. And, if you do give it, be prepared for me to tell you I don't really care what you think. I did this for me. I did it for my health. I did it for my medical reasons. No, it's not easy. No, I couldn't just eat less and exercise. I've tried that. It didn't work. So, keep your two cents and I promise I won't judge you on your attitude (which sucks) , your clothing (I don't care what the magazines say, you do not look good in overly tight jeans and five inch heals), your hair (1980 called and they want their puffy bangs back) , your makeup (yes, it looks good on models, but you are not a model and you you didn't have a professional do it) , your marriage (don't lie and say you have a perfect marriage, we all know your spouse is not "running errands", he/she is running around on you), your children (a rough patch is a few months or back-talking not years of getting arrested and being pregnant at 12) ....or any other decision you've made or thing you've had happen during your life. If you don't want to be judged, DO NOT JUDGE.
Now, before I get attacked for children/marriage/clothing/hair/attitude thing. I know there are always other issues at play. I was just using these as examples of things people do talk about and look down at others for. Funny thing is, people will not be as blunt with their feelings with those people as they are with me for having weight loss surgery. And my decision is one to help me and make me healthier. Doesn't something just sound wrong with that?
PEvette reacted to tmorgan813 for a blog entry, 11 Days Post Surgery And A Lot As Changed
11 days ago I was wheeled back to the surgery room (yes, I remember this) and I told all the doctors, "Have fun taking the majority of my stomach out. I'm so ready for this...just don't mess up." The last thing I heard before I was knocked out was laughter. If you ask me, that's a great thing to hear before you undergo any major surgery. When I woke up, there wasn't any more laughing. Actually, I had Nurse Hatchet as my post op nurse. I remember thinking, "this lady is in the wrong field." She wouldn't listen to me when I told her how much pain I was in. All she would say was, "of course you're in pain, you just had surgery." Needless to say, the hospital messed up and didn't give me the right meds and that's why I was in so much pain. If Nurse Hatchet would have listened to the half asleep, babbling girl in post op, she may have noticed the hospital's mistakes and fixed them. Instead, I had to deal with horrific pain for 5 hours before my husband finally said something to the nurse who was caring for me in my room. Due to my chronic back pain, I am on some major feel good drugs. Knowing this, they still put me on medication that was lower than what I normally take. However, thanks to my passive aggressive (sometimes there's no passive about it) husband, I was placed on the correct meds and began healing.
Once I came home, I was shocked at all the gas I had to expel. While in the hospital all I did was burp a few times but once I got home, the gas couldn't find a way out fast enough. It didn't care why exit it used as long as it escaped. I learned that walking helped me get the gasses out even faster. The crazy thing is that no matter how long I walked, the gas seemed to wait to exit once I was done and in the house. My husband swears I held it in and let it out in the house on purpose just to prove he didn't marry a woman. He has told me multiple times this week that I am a man with a vagina....because no woman expels that much gas. To be honest, there were times I wondered if he was right.
Then came the mood swings. My moods were swinging around like the chimpanzees in your local zoo. Maybe even more accurate would be my moods were going up and down faster than any express elevator I've ever been on and the aftermath of my mood swings was equal to any hurricane that has ever passed through the area. To make it worse, all my anger was directed at my husband. He had a huge bulls-eye on him and I aimed for a perfect score as many times a day as I could. The worst part is that I felt myself verbally attacking the man I love and I couldn't stop myself. He could say, "how are you doing today?" and I would unleash my wrath upon him because he was being condescending or just plain overbearing. The poor man became so afraid to talk that even that began to piss me off. Lucky for my marriage, things have calmed down quit a bit. So for now, we are not headed to divorce, but this journey isn't over yet, so we'll see.
The other thing that I seem to worry about more than I ever have is my urine and bowel movements. I never thought I would care this much about how much I peed and what my poop looked like or why I haven't pooped. I feel like a mother changing her child's dippers except the baby is me and the dipper is the toilet. I found myself calling my sister and asking if it's normal that I haven't pooped in five days. Apparently it is. Good to know. Now I can sleep better.
It seems like in a week and a half, I have experienced some crazy things. I can't wait to see what other crazy things I experience down the road. No matter what they are, I will try to find the humor in them and share. Good luck to everyone else out there going through this. And, to the people who are just thinking about having this done. It's not easy, but it's not as hard as you might think it is either. Just make sure you find the funny in everything. Because if you can find something to make you laugh at it all, it's much easier to swallow than any crushed up pill you have to take after surgery.
PEvette reacted to slimthickens for a blog entry, I'm Not Hungry At All
It's amazing that what I've heard all along about not being hungry post-op is sooo true! I'm 3 days post-op and I could care less about food or eating right now. My hubby is sitting right here eating a bratwurst sandwhich, chips, and soda and it is not bothering me in the least. I looked at the sandwich and thought "Oh that looks good" but then moved on in my mind to something else with no real difficulty. Now there's a side affect of the surgery that I can live with! lol
PEvette reacted to tony179@aol.com for a blog entry, 2Nd Post Op Done
well i had my 2nd post op appt and now i have lost 40 lbs since my sleeve surgery March 5th. I haven't been doing my walking since saturday due to high pollen count that is kicking my butt.started at 431 oct.....got down to 417 for surgery march 5 now im at 377lbs. Still got alot to go but one day at a time.
PEvette reacted to Dr.Vincent Polite LCMFT for a blog entry, Things I Didn't Know (Lol)
Let me say to every who is think about having this surgery DO IT!
Man each day is just getting better and better. Many people choose to undergo this surgery as a means to improve health not looks. If your suffering from sleep apnea, diabetes, high blood pressure or other obesity related illness, this is the reset button!
i'm 3 weeks post op and no longer need my CPAP, blood pressure 120/80, Blood suger 128. The day I got home I walked one mile and have increase that until now i'm riding six mile on my bike. Also waiting for clearance to lift weights.
Now the downside: I was not aware that I was not to eat more than 1oz, so of course i was trying to eat the allowed 4oz, I figured out that will not happen right now. I think it was a mind thing because I am almost never hungry. Still working on the fluid increase i was able to drink 80 for a couple of days but, that started reflux, so if any one has any ideas on dealing with that let me know. My reflux shows up about 5 to 6am every morning for the last week and a half.
The fact that i can get out and be active again is so cool! I'm down to 225, but my focus is to get physically fit again. So I hope for those how have doubts that we on the forum, can give you the info you need to make a educated choice. this is a tool not a miracle cure for obesity, so if you can start approaching food and exercise with the right attitude you will be well on your way to being healthy.
PEvette reacted to fitbottomedgirl for a blog entry, The Day Before
Liquid diet is here! It isn't too bad, but I could not honestly imagine doing this for more than 24 hours. Props to those who have to!
Tomorrow is my big day! It feels like these past few months have flown by. It's been a mix of emotions, but right now I am pretty calm. Hopefully this feeling will last through the time I have to report to the hospital at 10:15am for my 1:00pm surgery.
I hope God's hands will be guiding my surgeon and his nurses as they work on me tomorrow. I'm so fortunate to have a great support system in place to help me through this. I can't wait to update as soon as I'm able.
PEvette reacted to DIAMOND45 for a blog entry, " No Fear "
Good Morning To All,
Our Spiritual Vitamin today is A for: ANXIETY
1 Peter 5:7 says that we are to, "Cast all our anxiety on God because He cares for us."
Aniexty: A state of being uneasy, apprehensive, or worried about what may or may not happen.
Wow! If you are guilty of this at some time on a daily basis, then raise your "virtual hand!"
Anxiety, at its highest point, is like putting your "worry" on steroids! This is not good for your
heart, mind, or your spirit. As children of God we need to recognize that worrying is a sin against
our heavenly Father because He loves us and only wants the best for His children. Psalms 56:3
says, "when we are afraid, we will put or trust in the Lord." I know often it is easier said than done,
but it can be done. We need to humble and quiet down our spirits, and then through our love and
respect to God, go to Him in prayer and tell Him about the things that are our concerns, and when
we finish, thank Him for listening, leave those "issues" at His feet for good, and push on forward.
Those of us who are still waiting to be approved, or are on our pre-op liquids getting ready for our
surgery, are finding it hard not to worry. We are anxious if we will even be approved, how the surgery
will go, and if there will be any complications. Well, I would like to give this scripture to you all, as well
as myself: Romans 8:28 says, "All things work out to the good for those who love God, and are callled
according to His purpose!" So let us stop concentrating on "what could happen," and start meditating on
"what Gods is making happen!" Say this to yourself everyday, that " I am persuaded as your child Lord,
because of your merciful love for me, that you are able and willing to take care of all my concerns, and I tie
them up together, giving them to you Lord, and I will not be anxious on those anymore because I know that
the one who holds all power, has them in His hands."
You will be amazed at how calm you will begin to feel everyday. It really works for me!! I'm being sleeved on
March 15, and I'm going with God!
PEvette reacted to DIAMOND45 for a blog entry, " That Thing I Need! "
Good Morning and Blessed Day Family,
Our Spiritual Vitamin for today is: P for PRAYING
Mark 11:24 says, Whatsoever "things" you desire, when you pray, if you believe that you receive them,
you shall have them.
This procedure is a "thing", a wonderful, life saving "thing" that God our Father, has provided through
giving the knowledge and technology to man to perform on those who are in the need of some serious
help. We must know that His word will not go out full and come back to us empty if we trust and believe.
He wants to give His children "good things" that will help our need for an abundance of quality life in the
"here and now!" God knows we need good health, even if we are mostly the reason why our health isn't
where it should be. He will bless us with good health, so that we can continue to shine for Him in a glorious
way in all that we do! The scripture above says we must go to Him in prayer for our need on all "things"
and believe that if it is His will, we will receive what we ask. So no matter what "thing" we need, whether
it be big or small, please don't hesitate to go to a quiet place, and with a repentive heart, ask your Father
and believe without doubt, you will have it blessed upon you. To those of us who are spiritual and striving
daily to be more Christlike, pray continually for one another that we may all be successful on our individual
journeys. Godspeed to my sleeve family :wub:
PEvette reacted to 300PoundsDown for a blog entry, Weight Loss Surgery Is The Easy Way Out? According To Who?
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