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the lapband and I

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the lapband and I

  1. Wow I feel the same way. I was banded oct. 2011. i didnt lose any thing until march. And that was only 5lbs. Now I am at 17 lbs. But it is a long slow ride. It has been 7 months. The weight just started to come off in the last month or so. My dr didnt do my first fill for 2 months and then it was only .2 cc's. My band holds 10cc's. Stay strong it will start to come off. Eat slow and small. Exercise as much as you can. I did not exercise much at first. I just did not have it in me. For 2 weeks i have exercised every day just a little but i see it working.
  2. the lapband and I

    Anyone use the LapBand ID card?

    I went to Pei Wei the other day and they have a thing called "small plates" on the menu. I tried it and it was about the size of a childs plate and very Tasty. :PThanks for the list. I am going to keep it in my car. we eat out more than we should.
  3. the lapband and I

    How long or how many fills has it taken you?

    Hello Wear your Passion, I am so glad I saw your post. I was banded October 12, 2011 and my first fill is December 12, 2011. I thought I was the only one that the doctor had wait so long for the first fill. (8 weeks) I cant wait. How do you feel now that you have had your fill. Do you have any "day of fill" advice? Is this normal to have the first fill so long out? It seems like everyone has had the first fill much sooner.
  4. the lapband and I

    Insulin dependant bandsters

    I am newly banded and new to diabeties. I do not take insulin. My question to all of you is, What do you eat to bring your sugar down that will also fit the band? Before the band I would have chicken and almonds but now I dont know. I have not had my first fill yet. I just want to be ready. Thanks
  5. the lapband and I

    The lapband and I's Before and After Pics

    My Before & After Photos!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
