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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Raenglehart06

  1. Its a long story, and I wont bore with the details, but basically this is it. I was banded in Oct 2009.. Have had LOTS of sensitivity problems with band, the nurse who did all of my fills (the only one I trusted to access my port) left the practice and myself & a bunch of other patients followed her to the new practice. I saw her once there and had a fill at 4 cc's.. Then went for my next fill and found out she left that practice too. Its now been about 9 months or so since ive seen anyone at either practice, and I still only have 4 cc's in my band. I always have had a very hard time eating anything and have not been successful at all with my wieght loss. I have 2 young kids and frankly just dont have the time... So anyway.. Last week we went out to eat to a hibachi restaurant for my husbands bday. I didnt eat much, but adterwards violently vomited. That night & the whole next day I was very very sick. Nausea, passing out.. Even diarrhea (sorry, tmi) I developed a high fever too. I eventually got over it but never found out the cause... But ever since that vomitting episode, I have had absolutely ZERO resistance in my band. Its like it emptied itself or something! Is this even possible?? Should I just go back to my original surgeons office? Someone please help..
  2. Alright, so I called and they want to do and xray on wednesday..
  3. Nobody else got sick and we all ate from the same hibachi of food. My main concern is that I no longer feel resistance in my band when I eat... Its like its not even there anymore!

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