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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cheermom99

  1. Sorry about your pain, I just had my lapband surgery yesterday and I have been doing alright. Shoulder pain and stomach pain from the gas. Do not understand why you were not walking around as soon as surgery was done. We had to get up and walk immediately. I walked 6 times around the halls before I could leave the surgery area. And they have advised me to walk 10 minutes every hour for the next several days. Hope you do better as the days go by. Just thought I would try to let you know these others out here that care.
  2. Well here goes surgery is scheduled for tomorrow and I am getting alittle anxious. I am a CST ( Surgical Tech) so I know about the surgery, not fearful of it at all just the post-op things and if this band will work good for me. Guess I am going to find out really soon!! Have lost about 16 lbs pre-op and am on this clear liquid diet today and yesterday not really having a problem with it as for now. Wish me luck and the same comes back to all you banders!! Ready for the ride!! ( I think)

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