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Everything posted by Suziecat

  1. Today is "NO ICING DAY". And Drink, Drink, Drink. It is a new day and you know you can do it. Hang in there and be strong.
  2. I need Judy. Had a great night at the hospital. Only problem was I went to the birthing center to pick up some stuff and ended up seeing a little more than I should have. :blushing: So far the only thing I have to do tomorrow is take my sis to a doctor's appointment. Than I'm going to rest the rest of the day. Maybe do some laundry. Maybe get caught up on some "All My Children". Jesse's hot. Have a great evening.
  3. Chocolate frosting spread on graham crackers. And I wonder why I'm so fat. :blushing:
  4. Just stopping in to say Hi. Had to go into work early this morning because the morning lady called in sick with the flu. Stopped and picked up some lunch on the way home. Hubby is just getting over the crud. He's going to stay home tonight while I go work at the Hospital. I hate not to go in. They are so busy with whatever this flu thing is that's going around. A 46 year old teacher form here died yesterday from flu-related issues. Yikes. Haydee, if you take the water pill don't forget to eat a banana. you need the potassium. Pam, I'm so proud of your decision to go back to school. Wish I didn't have a learning problem. Just can't seem to retain anything I read. I read alot, just can't remember it. TracyKS, How's Robbie doing? Have a great evening. I miss Judy.:smile2:
  5. I'll be there. I love candles and margaritas. Sounds like fun.
  6. Had a long and very scary day today. I was at my support meeting this morning and a Lady I have sat next to for the last year and a half just went down. I thought she was getting up and tripped on the chair leg and went face first into the carpet. I immediatly got up and was standing over her to help her get up when I realized she wasn't moving. I hollered for someone to call 911 and with that there was a girl telling me that she was a nurse. Another girl came up and she was a nurse also, they both rolled Mary over and was yelling at her. She was out. I started moving people and chairs so the paramedics could get to her. Mary finally came too but she had blood on the side of her face where she had hit the carpet. So far she seems like she's coming out of it. Paramedics were wonderful with her. I called her husband and explained what was going on. They live about 40 miles from here and he had a neighbor drive him up. I stayed with Mary and followed the ambulance and got her checked into the ER. Paul finally showed up and I went ahead and left. I had to take my Sisters to do some stuff. About 4 hours later Mary called and said she was home. The Doctor said it looked like she had a reaction to some cold meds she had taken. They ran all kinds of test and checked her out good. She said that other than being sore and having a headache she was feeling fine and was very hungry. I adore this Lady and you guys would get a kick out of her.She is such an inspiration to me. She has lost over 200 pounds. She was telling me that she couldn't even hardly walk. Her husband made a stationary bike for the table that she used with her hands to build up strength. She now walks at the elementry school with the kids. I told her I almost ended up in the hospital with her, my heart was beating so hard and that I was scared that something was really bad wrong with her. Scary day. Other than that my day was a good one. I'm worn out though. TracyKS, I would come up there and babysit but I have to work the next 3 days. Sorry. Love the cars. I'm a mini-van girl. I can haul all kinds of stuff. Have a great evening.
  7. Denise, Love both of the pictures. You are so lucky. Two new babies. And a new house on top of that. Up kind of early today. Hubby was up all night draining. Didn't really throw up, just doing some gagging noises from all the drainage he is having. Hope he keeps it to himself. We didn't get any snow last night so hopefully we are through with all of this yuck. Now we just need for it to start warming up. First day it does, I'm off to go walking. Can't hardly wait. Everyone have a great day. Don't forget it's CTCD.
  8. I was sent this and thought you guys might get a kick out of it. HeraldNet: Multimedia
  9. Water Patrol On Duty. Drink, Drink, Drink. Jennifer, Good Luck today.
  10. Up and trying to get at it this morning. Things are starting to slow down a little for me. I have been so super busy this last week. Don't know where my head is at. Last night there was a going away party for my next door neighbor. It was at a bar called "Twin Strokes". We had a blast. Mike and Hubby decided to join the pool tournament and they did pretty good. Debbie and I watched the Karaokie(sp?) singers. Got home about 11pm. Ok, here's my question. All I had to drink was about 5 glasses of Iced Tea. Everyone else was downing pitchers of beer. How come I'm the one with a hangover? Happens all the time. I feel like poopoo. Terry, One time my Mom was in ICU and I stopped on my way into work to check on her. It was about 3:30am. (Since it was just me and I was quite about it, they let me come and go anytime I wanted). When I walked in the room she was crying hystericaly. I was trying to get the mask off of her face to find out what was going on when the nurse walked in and yelled at her to put it back on. I gave her the look of death and she left the room. I was able to calm her down and find out that they had told her that they were going to have to hook her up to life support and she wanted to call me at 2am. The nurse told her NO, thay she wasn't going to call me and wake me up. I finally got her settled down and her breathing was back to normal. I than proceeded out to the nurses station and laid in to the nurse about how dare she treat my Mom that way.I went on for about 2 minutes telling her that she had better start treating her patients like royalty. I didn't yell at her but I made darn sure she knew she was messing with the wrong person. I was told the next day by another nurse that they were all proud of me for the way I handled the situation. Your Mother's care is your resposibility and don't let any nurse step in your way. I find though if they know you are serious and willing to help out that they work real good with you. Just amke sure that you do what you feel is right fr your Mom. She is so worth it. Kind of a slow day for me today and than tonight it's off to go play cards with some friends. Everyone have a great day.
  11. Checking in real quick, have to go to work here pretty soon. Also today is my day to give blood for my kidney Doc. Weather here is still crappy. Almost took a dive last night in the garage. I came around behind the car and stepped in some slush from the tire and did the splits. Caught myself before I went down but dropped everything I was carrying. Thought I would be sore this morning but feeling pretty good. School is out again. Just too much ice for the kids to be driving on. Going to a going away party for our next door neighbor tonight. He'll be gone a year. The oldest boy (15yrs) isn't handling it too well. The news didn't look to good last night in Kososvo but maybe things will calm down a little by the time they get there. Terry, A big hug for you. Still trying to get as much water as I can. It's not that easy, I'm kinda getting tired of it all. Everyone have a great day and stay safe.
  12. Just got home from work. Hubby had to take me in. It's sleet, ice, sleet and ice out. I have about an hour and half break and than have to go back. Weather is supposed to be leting up here soon. Been so busy the last few days running everyone around, working, cleaning and now I'm dealing with the next door neighbor. Her husband is being sent to Kosovov. He's leaving March 9th. Keep all the Marines in your prayers. Ok, Water Patrol is on Duty. Thanks Haydee. Terry- You and your family are in my prayers. Hang tough. I'll check back when I can. Oh, I'm down another 8 1/2 pounds. Wooooo Whoooo.
  13. Up and slowly getting at it. Have a big day ahead of me. Work and than volunteer at the hospital. Not to mention that it's bitterly cold here today. Only in the single digits but with the wind chill it will remain in the below zero range. Everyone have a great day.
  14. Off Topic Info. American Idol. My niece used to date David Cook. They graduated together.
  15. Happy Birthday to You. Happy Birthday to You. Happy Birthday Dear Tracy. Happy Birthday to You. Have a great day, Hugs. Suzanne.
  16. Laura, Checking on you and the storms. Did the tornados hit close to you? Keep us posted.
  17. Good Morning. Water Patrol is on Duty Today. Snow is all gone. Ground was to warm for it to stay but now the cold weather is here. Suppose to stay in the 20's today. Pam, Love to here your stories of where you live. It brings back memories for me. We made a day trip to Camp Pendelton when I was in High School. Think they were trying to recruit us. Now can you do me a favor and make a trip to Santa Barbara? I used to drive there alot and spend the weekend. Loved to go to the Mission. That is some beautiful scenery. TracyKS, Loved, loved, loved the video. The whole thing was too cute. Where's Haydee???? Working today than stopping at the grocery store for a few sale things. Gonna try to get my tax papers put together so I can drop them off. Need to get that done. Everyone have a great day.
  18. Snowing here to, heard they just closed the airport. That's bad. I don't think we are getting it as bad as them but it looks like we will end up with about 2 inches. Don't have to go anywhere today. I attend mass on Saturdays and yesterday was my day to be an Usher. I also had several meetings to attend before it started. It seemed like I was at church all day. Working on water today. Got stopped up again. Can't figure that one out. I do drink a lot and I eat oatmeal almost everyday along with yogurt. Think I'm getting in enough fiber. Maybe I need to work on more fruit. Everyone have a great day. Hugs.
  19. Terry, My heart goes out to you. Just remember that after everything is over you will never regret doing all that you could. I've been there and I still run it thru my mind. "Did I do my best to make her comfortable, could I have done more?" Just hang in there and remeber that you have a huge ton of prayers being said for you and your family. TracyKS, Glad to hear your back on the road to recovery. Hope the scale stays down for you. Working today and than thinking about going to "Shoe Carnival". They are having a sale and I have a $5.00 off coupon. Get your water in today and have a great day.
  20. Bravo to Jennifer. Good Girl for standing up for yours and your childrens rights. I for one am very proud of you. Michelle. The pictures were wonderful and I had not even noticed your arms till you said something. How wonderful of a trip that had to have been. You kids looked like they were walking ten feet tall. Haydee. I too have noticed that I don't sweat as much as others do. I thought well maybe I wasn't working out as hard as them but I am. Some women I notice really sweat bad and others are hardly breathing hard. Go figure. Kind of my off day today and I needed it. My legs and ankles were killing me from working at the Hospital last night. Got home and all I could think of was calling Judy and seeing if I could use the hot tub. Had a little running around to do this morning and now I'm home and gonna put my feet up for awhile. Hope you all have a great day. Hugs to my Sweethearts, or could I say SweetTarts?
  21. Suziecat

    Shrink'n Violets TIP 'O THE DAY!!

    Happy Valentine's Day It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power. Moral excellence comes about as a result of habit. We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts. Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.
  22. I'm Jealous. I want a pool. I have a busy day today. Work and than volunteer. I'll check in when I can. TracyK- Get the wrist checked out. TracyKS- Get better.
  23. JENN'S OUR GIRL :mad: :tt2: :tongue: :smilielol5: :welldone2: :Banane22: :Banane57: :biggrin: :svengo: :hurray: :target: :smile5: :party:
  24. Welcome Jeanie. Just jump right in. It's a friendly place here.
  25. Water Patrol checking in. Here to remind you that it starts NOW. DO IT.

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