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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mrwindt

  1. mrwindt

    39 today!

    Happy Birthday Babs! Don't be too hard on yourself. You're doing fabulously. Look at how much you've lost in a year! That's incredible. Having goals - and mini-goals - is great. But make them realistic. If you've really gained back 2 pounds, then at this point in the game, making a one-month goal of losing 10 pounds, seems a little tight. Don't set yourself up for "failure". You're doing fabulous! You've lost 126!!!! Enjoy your birthday. Really 39???? Hope you stay there forever! Mary
  2. mrwindt

    new pics...

    You look fabulous!!!! Congratulations. Mary
  3. Congratulations Donali. What a wonderful milestone - even after your "unbanding". And the next milestone is only 1.5 away! You WILL get there! Keep it up. Mary
  4. mrwindt

    Down more than 20 BMI points!

    OK, not the hijack the thread, but... Where/how do you get the dancing bananas and happy faces??? I'd love to know. Thanks. Mary
  5. mrwindt

    Down more than 20 BMI points!

    Congratulations! That's really terrific - and must be an absolutely fabulous feeling. You've done great! Keep it up and you'll soon be at your "final" goal! Mary
  6. mrwindt

    Donali's Up and About - kind of :D

    Hi Donali I was away for a few weeks on vacation and then a work conference, so have been off the boards for a while. I've had to catch up on the whole story. So sorry to hear about your "erosion", but glad to hear that surgery went well. You sound great. Hopefully that "ghost band" will be working. I can only imagine how difficult this all is. I would hate to have to lose my band at this point. But you sound like you have a terrific attitude - and you've come so far. Keep up the positive outlook. And good luck. Mary
  7. mrwindt

    you know your a bandster when...

    Fabulous! How about... You no longer insist on "a table, not a booth" at a restaurant. You don't need a seat belt extender on an airplane. The airline "snack" on a flight looks huge. Keep them coming... Mary
  8. Welcome Terry This IS a great forum. You look terrific. Glad you found this site. Mary
  9. mrwindt

    Look at me, I am just obese!!!

    Congratulations on being Obese! What a wonderful accomplishment. I can't wait to get there myself. How are you doing? I know you were having some "mixed emotions" recently. Things back to normal?? I hope so. Good luck. And keep working on becoming Overweight! Mary
  10. mrwindt

    THIS is why I did it...

    Alexandra Congratulations. Yes, your post and your reasons for banding make all the sense in the world. Isn't it wonderful to experience the results! So glad everything came out OK. Keep it up. Your kids will only get faster as they get older!!! Mary
  11. mrwindt

    100 pounds down !

    Congratulations! You look great in those photos and i'm sure even better now. Keep it up! And enjoy. Mary
  12. I'm thrilled to report in that as of today, exactly 7 months since surgery, I've hit the century mark! I can't believe I have lost 100 pounds. That's amazing to me and I'm thrilled. I still have a long way to go, but I know I'm really on my way. And at least I know I'm more than 1/2 way there. I have to say that although I've worked hard at this process, it's not been too difficult. Yes, I eat very differently - in both the amount of food I eat and my choices. I'm exercising regularly. I go to the support groups. And I'm not suffering. My band is really doing its job! This has truly been much easier - and a much faster weight loss than I ever imagined. I couldn't be happier! I really can't believe I have truly lost 100 pounds. Even with all my years of dieting, this is by far the most weight I've ever lost. And I know this will be forever! Now, I'm on to the next 50!!! Mary
  13. Thanks for the recent comments. Since it's now almost 9 months since surgey, and since I've really slowed down with the weight loss (I'm now at just 108 pounds down), it's nice to have some new feedback. Actually, although I feel great about my weight loss overall, it is hard now that it's slowing down so much. I'm struggling a bit now - some days having real difficulty eating, and yet at night, I'm back to wanting to eat. All those old feelings of "oops, I guess this really isn't going to work" do pop up once in a while. Rationally, I know that's not the case. But emotionally, those fears are still there. So, the renewal of this thread came at just the right time for me. Thanks. Mary
  14. mrwindt

    Dateline NBC: Weigh to Go, Mom!

    Hi Alexandra I watched that show last night and had the same reactions as you. I was so disgusted that the media never mentions the band as an option. Just yesterday, I saw my brother (we were all together for mother's day). Although I don't discuss too much with him about my weight loss, I did explain to him all about the band and the surgery when I was first going to have it. And then yesterday, he commented that he saw the terrible article in the NY Times last week about "my" surgery. When I again explained that I had the band, not the by-pass, he commented that he thought I had what Al Roker had. In case you didn't see the article, it was in the NY Times Science Section and was all about the bypass - with absolutely no mention of the band. The band is really a wonderful option and it is so frustrating that the media doesn't even mention it. Take care. Mary
  15. mrwindt

    picture trail

    Shelly Congratulations. You look wonderful. The photos are wonderful. the next 7 pounds will be a fantastic feeling! Keep it up. Mary
  16. Thanks again for all your replies qand support. Actually it will be an interesting night. I'm heading off to NY for dinner with long-time friends. I see them about 2 times a year. They were extremely supportive of me having surgery. However, when I saw them in November, with a 50 pound weight loss, they both said they could hardly notice a difference. Let's see what tonight brings, now that I'm down 102! Mary
  17. Congratulations on being part of a wonderful ad. It's about time that the band was featured. Robin, congratulations! You look great. Mary
  18. mrwindt

    I'm down 104 pounds!

    Congratulations. What a wonderful achievement! Mary
  19. Thank you all for your great comments and feedback. I really appreciate it. It is funny sometimes, when you realize how people view you. Just today, I had a meeting with two women who I see briefly about every month. One of these women I actually had told I was having surgery - but she obvioulsy forgot. When I saw them for a business meeting in December, at a restaurant, neither of them made any comments about my weight loss. They only remarked about how little I was eating. Today, when I walked into the restaurant to meet them, they started raving about my "new" hairstyle, and how flattering it is. I really couldn't believe that they had no clue I had lost weight. When I finally said my hair style hadn't changed, but I lost weight - and then told them it was 100 pounds, they couldn't believe it. One of them said that she guesses she never realized how heavy I was. It's just amazing to me that even now, some people aren't noticing a weight loss of 100 pounds. At this point, I'm comfortable in figuring it's "them" and their "cluelessness" - and has nothing to do with me! In any event, I'm very happy with my progress. And I really do appreciate your wonderfully encouraging and positive comments. Thank you! Mary
  20. Hopefully the photos will show up...
  21. Thanks Alexandra. OK...Here's a few photos... Oops... the photos aren't posting. I'll try again.
  22. mrwindt


    Donali Congratulations on 90 pounds. I KNOW how good that feels. Keep it up. Mary
  23. mrwindt

    progress photo -75 pounds!!!!

    Shelly Congratulations. You look great. What a difference. Keep it up! Mary
  24. mrwindt

    Doctor visit, 7 months out

    Alexandra Congratulations on your progress. Sometimes slow can be frustrating, but you have such a good attitude. I hope you find the support group helpful. I go regularly to my doc's support groups and find them very helpful and encouraging. Keep it up! Mary
  25. Just thought I would post a brief update. I'm actually very thrilled and pleased with myself and I guess I wanted to share my good feelings. I was banded 8/26 and am thrilled that as of today, at just 5 months, I have lost 80 pounds! I really can't believe it. Though I have definitely worked hard at this process, it has not been "difficult". Meaning - I don't feel deprived; I'm really eating well; I'm eating much, much more than I expected to be able to eat; and I'm losing much faster than I anticipated. In fact, a week ago, I got back from a 10 day cruise - and I managed to lose 5 pounds while on the cruise! True - I'm eating the right foods (though I didn't deprive myself and did have daily ice cream for a treat), and I am exercising. In fact, I CAN exercise now. Some of the other plusses and changes I have noticed: - I could put the airline tray table down (though I still needed a seat belt extender) - I could walk around the Caribbean shopping without immediately breaking into a sweat - I wasn't tired walking from one end of the ship to the other - I actually wanted to walk around the deck after a meal, to let the food settle - I can cross my legs (though still have some way to go before it's truly comfortable - I went snorkeling - and walked across a bamboo bridge - and climbed down some boulders to go in a waterfall - and, and, and... - One "bad" thing - i lost a very good ring, which got too big and flew off my hand into a snow bank. (Maybe in the spring, if we ever get there, I'll find it!) I still have a long way to go. I haven't really set an end goal yet. Being realistic, I am hoping that this is my half-way mark (though it would be nice to lose even more than another 80). I just have to not get frustrated looking at how much further I have to go - since I know this will slow down and can never keep up the rate I have been losing. So... thank you for all your inspirations. Even though I don't post much, I do read the boards daily. And get inspiration from each one of you. Mary

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