Hello Everyone -
This is my first time on this web-site, why? I have no idea I was perusing the internet and found it and I'm so very thankful and wish I knew about it months ago!! I'm excited to talk to people that have been down the same road and hear all about your journey too.
My surgery date is November 7th and it will take place in St. Louis, MO. I was originally going to have gastric bypass but so many people told me this was a safer procedure and just as effective. Would you all agree?
I had my EGD done on Friday and honestly the worst part was the IV in my hand. I have to say I'm a huge baby and have never even had a filling but have had 3 kiddos, how I have no idea because I hate needles and blood! I'm 43 married and have never been heavy until I had children. Our oldest is 13, then 7 & 5.
I have been on a liquid diet since Monday and have been drinking Atkins shakes and I have to say they really aren't all that bad and for some reason I'm not that hungry! I am soooo nervous about this surgery on Monday! I am 5.4 and weighed in at a whopping 254.5! I feel like a big fat fatty and just hate myself like this so I'm hoping anything that I have to go thru will be worth the outcome of not hating myself for looking like I do.
I work from home and only took 1 week off of work so I'm hoping that is enough. Any advise anyone can give or offer will be greatly appreciated.
Tons of smiles your way!