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Everything posted by mdrai
Oh my goodness, Judy, I am so glad that you're both ok!! Pam, you sound like you're doing great! Janie, sorry to read about your foot. TG was good... on Weds I was in the kitchen from 1:30 - 10pm cooking & baking for Thurs... masehd pots, sweet pot casserolle, fresh green bean casserole (not w/soup), from-scratch yeast Parker House rolls, from-scratch cinnamon buns, French apple pie... hauled it all down to my mom's and it was enjoyed by all. I was "gifted" the turkey carcass, and made soup yesterday... mmm, it made the house smell sooooo good! DS & I went into oldtown yesterday morn and had such a good time... much to his excitement (not, lol) we went to the yarn store & their big sale and I purchased the softest baby lama yarn for a vest for him, ++ some other yarn... we walked up & down, saw the Grinch, had a latte, chatted with friends, went in & out of shops to get Xmas ideas, walked through the Cultural Arts Center's wreath exhibit/auction... a very nice mother/son morn. Came home and I felt a tickle in my throat -- & today I'm SICK! Nose, head, ears popping, sore throat... wah. AND, our heater is not working! So it's 61 in here. I'm bundled up in my bathrobe & 2 quilts on the couch... w/my growing pile of tissues... at least there's nothing I have to do and I can wallow and rest rather that having to power through it like I usually do! DH spent yesterday fiddling w/the heater, and finally called someone... he came out and fiddled w/it some more... then told us we'd need a new control board for $400, but he couldn't get it 'til next week... & of course a cold snap hit last night! Off to resume my position on the couch... everyone have a good day... be safe!!
Now there are chocolate whoopie pies rolled in candy canes! Where's the laughing rolling around smilie? Oh, not conveniently located at the bottom of my screen where it used to be so handily located! Duh! 1 more thing... how does one become an "anonymous" user? & here I thought that "guests" were sneaky!
HA HA HA! The first ad on the right-hand column is for King Arthur Flour and has a big ol' honkin gingerbread house... I love KAF and get my speciality baking supplies there... SO FUNNY that they're adv'ting on here!! Has the world gone crazy?!
I don't know if I can take this site anymore... too much stuff / bells & whistles in the way. Bleh. Who has time to adjust everything & figure it all out? Not me! Have they never heard the phrase "Keep It Simple Stupid"? Edited to add: Oh, and how I dislike the ad right here in my post! That's not obnoxious or confusing! Seriously, this is horrible. DD placed FIRST in both rounds of her jumper show last night! First time she's done that... she was soo excited! Will post a pic (HA! not if it take more than a few mins to figure out how). Off to grocery shop & then make sides & pie & appetizer to take to my mom's for tomorroow. Oh, and cinnamon buns for the morn while watching the parade -- that's my fav part of TG day... snuggle under the blanket on the couch w/a java and a cinn bun & watch the parade.
Yuck. I'm liking the design & functionality and ease of use of this site less & less. Ack!
(((Pamela))) xoxo from NC
Oh my gosh Laura that sounds good. Really good. Too good.
Good morn, girlies, I hope you get all that straightened out, Janie. Love your attitude & determination, Judy! I'm gonna get me some of that... on Monday! Down 7 already Pam! Huzzah! Laura, I keep thinking about doughnuts! Thanks. It's another soccer weekend for us. Heading to Raleigh, NC, today. Will check in from the road... Everyone make it a great day! -- & weekend!
"holy shit" at that!
It will come as no big surprise, I'm sure, when I tell you that the jester hat picture was taken at his very first US national soccer game! Soccer... of course! The one where he's reading to C & they both look so intent really gets me, too... Off to Panda Express to pick up his favs & surprise him @ school lunch w/them!
Thanks for the kind words, dear friends... I do love being a mom. This morning was fun... balloons everywhere, on the tv remote, the computer mouse, even in the shower! Yummy b'fast... he was happy w/his gifts... & gave me an extra big hug before leaving for school... what a guy. How do they go from this (2001, the year we got our first digital cam): To this... So quickly?? Riddle me THAT, Batman.
Those are so beautiful, Haydee! What a lucky little girl!! I meant to say earlier, Laura... mmmmm, donuts! You're doing great, Pam! Yes, Judy, I think he just may win it all, too! My friend was very coy and all she'd say was "It's a fabulous outcome." He certainly does spaz out at least once per episode, but he sure can cook! If I ever get back to NYC, I'm definitely going to his restaurant! Janie, I hope your headaches calm down!! I'm setting up for ds's 16th birthday tomorrow. Gifts & cards on the table for when he comes down for breakfast, egg casserole and cinnamon bread for breakfast, balloons, streamers... the works! I'm going to try to sneak 1 doz helium balloons into his room tonight while he's sleeping, so when he wakes up, balloons are everywhere! Internally, I'm a wreck. HOW IS HE 16????? Seriously, in my mind's eye he's Carson's age and adorableness. If I let myself think about it, I get very "vaklempt" (sp)... so I try not to think about it. He's grown into such an amazing person... kind, smart, funny, athletic, witty, helpful, curious, musical, passionate, involved... and taller than me! Did I tell you that he was accepted into National Honor Society? Induction is in a week. Ok, off to wrap one last gift... then to bed, so I can wake up in the night to do the sneaky stuff! I love doing sneaky mom stuff!! G'night!
Hi from the barn!
Pam making the bed?? You must be feeling disoriented, girlie! Seriously tho, it's good that you're aware of yourself & perhaps a good strategy is to just plan to do the bare minimum (ha!, I know) this week... be kind & gentle w/yourself & others... and when the going gets rough, daydream about Pam T'giving 2011!! :thumbup: When the boys got home from soccer last night, I discovered that they've invited folks here to a football [artu tpmogjt fpr tje Eag;es v/ Redskins game -- ok, that is what I really wrote! Let me try again... a foodball party tonight for the Eagles v. Redskins game. A family of friends + ds's gfriend and her dad, + us. Surprise, Mom! :laugh: I'm going to do all appetizers... buffalo chix dip w/French bread, 7-layer dip & chips, veggies & dip, + choc fondue w/all the fixins... figure it's easier than cooking a bunch... We never know that the day brings, huh? I'm off to volunteer @ the MS... everyone make it a great day!!
Doing this & that today... deep cleaned the family room & kitchen, always a fun time, not. Have a short chapter to do tonight, so I can turn it in the the a.m. I'm volunteering at dd's MS tomorrow all morn, answering the phone to schedule teacher conferences for the 7th grade... fun fun. Will hit Sbux first!! + take a magazine... This is a short week for me. DS's 16th birthday is on Weds, then Thurs @ Noon we all leave for Raleigh, NC, for another big soccer tourny. Ds's team won all 3 this weekend, ALL shut-outs! Yay! You're doing great, Pam... hang in there! Goulash = nom nom!
What was!?!? Are you ok???
Hang in there, Pam... day 1's always the worst. If you can get through that, then you know you can do #s 2, 3, 4, 5,... also. Why is this an ad on this site?: Really? G'night!
Ugh, I'm too old for this! I can either stay up late OR wake up early, but not the combo! Wah. Am up to take dd to the barn for the day... then run a few errands... then home, this & that (yes, more knitting!)... then pick up dd by 3pm & go down to my mom's (an hour away) for dinner & shopping at her "big city" mall (dd's b'day money is burning a hole in her pocket!). Judy, your trip sounds great! So sorry about all the deaths. Pam, as I type I am sipping a vanilla unjury/low-carb chai protein shake, in your honor! Let's all jump on Pammie's re-start bandwagon! Pam, your posts & enthusiasm reminds me of how we all were in '07... thanks for injecting that excitement back into my possibilities! Everyone make it a great day!
No margi's ever again, Pam?!?!?!? My new icon: The clock just donged 1am -- what am I still doing up??? KNITTING, that's what! Got the yarn & am now about 1/2way thru dd's slouchy cable beret... am attempting to make it a tad smaller than the original, but the number of stitches is off... I think the original is off to start with, which is making me crazy! Oh well, I forge ahead. It's a hat, who'll notice a stitch or two, right? Right? If she doesn't like it/it doesn't fit, then I think I bought enough yarn to make another in the original size. Ay yai yai... what I do for this kid! G'night! ... Oh crap! I just remembered that my sheets are in the dryer... bleh... now I have to make my bed at 1:07am...
Oh wow, Haydee, now I'm hungry for that, too!! Sent the boys off for their Williamsburg soccer weekend... now am trying to finish another chapter. I'm hoping that I finish w/enough time to zip by the fancy yarn store in old towne to pick up yarn (the "exact, same" yarn) to re-make dd's slouchy cable hat that I made earlier this year that she loved and that somehow made its way into the washer and now it's shrunken and she's oh-so-mad. Good times. Enjoy Friday! Did Pam get lost in that burger??
A big "God Bless You" and "Thank You" to all our veterans... especially my fav vet, Susanne!! :rolleyes2:
But if it wasn't for the band, we all never would've met! So I say, Hurray for the band! + I would've been even BIGGER, so... yay band! AND, if I'd just follow the rules, it'd work for me, so... is it the band, or is it me? Deep thoughts... Pam I'm excited for you and am eager to hear the "deets" as the hip young kids say (do they still say that, probably not). I'm nervous for you too... surgery-type things do that to me. But I know you'll rock it with your typical Pam flair! Did I mention that I'm excited for you? Today is Errand Day with a capital E as I have so many to do! The boys leave tomorrow morn for a weekend soccer tournament in Williamsburg, Va... ds's leg is ok, not great, so I don't know how much playing time he'll get, but there they go. So I have laundry to do and Snacks to purchase for that, + ds's b'day is next Weds, so I have shopping to do for that, + I'd like to get the car washed (but then I also have to go to the dusty, dirty barn today, so that kind of defeats the purpose), + just this & that all over town. Then yeah, after school = the barn & then soccer practice. Everyone make it a good one! I'm sure I'll check in from my phone! xoxo/coco
Yay Pam! So excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posting from phone from panera waiting for a friend for our monthly coffee talk... lovely morn... everyone have a great day!
oh dear, oh my. In other news... I just made a double batch of homemade granola. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!