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Everything posted by mdrai
NEW! 2008 Shrinkin' Vi's Trip Planning Thread!!
mdrai replied to mdrai's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
1. me 2. Jennifur 3. Terridoodle 4. Judy 5. Kat 6. Pam 7. TracyK 8. Laura 9. Jane 10. Haydee -
PAM: "Curb your enthusiasm!" :eek:
NEW! 2008 Shrinkin' Vi's Trip Planning Thread!!
mdrai replied to mdrai's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Ok everyone... take a deep breath!!! I just got off the phone w/ Ms. Jen and she has an absolutely FABULOUS idea that she is going to post about but it may solve issues about: LOWER COST PRIVATE ROOMS EASE & CONVENIENCE OF TRAVEL FOR ALL RELAXATION FOR ALL Remember... the ultimate idea here was to get together. The whole Deep Creek location idea came about cuz' you all liked the pics from our trip... but maybe it is not the best/most convenient option. Now that she is "in the industry", she has info that she didn't back when we decided all this. & some of it is GOOD info!! FUN info!! INEXPENSIVE info!! So let's read what she has to say & then make final decisions, k?? -
NEW! 2008 Shrinkin' Vi's Trip Planning Thread!!
mdrai replied to mdrai's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
:eek: Laura!! -
Suggestion: Move trip discussion to the trip thread.
Ok, so far for the May trip I've got... 1. me 2. Jennifur 3. Terridoodle 4. Judy 5. Kat 6. Pam 7. TracyK 8. Laura 9. Jane 10. Anyone else??
NEW! 2008 Shrinkin' Vi's Trip Planning Thread!!
mdrai replied to mdrai's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
So now I've got... 1. me 2. Jennifur 3. Terridoodle 4. Judy 5. Kat 6. Pam 7. TracyK 8. Laura 9. Jane Anyone else?? -
Yes Laura, all that info is still good... just I don't know who is flying from where when how... y'know?? You all can sort that amongst yourselves -- all I need to know is where & when to pick you all up! :eek: Once you're here, THEN I'll take charge! again! So why don't you work on corralling all the flyers?? (Good luck!)
Laura -- No! I mean, we haven't actually reserved a place yet... but I'm certain that there'll be SOMEthing avail, if not the ones we've been looking at. I still need to have a final head count before booking. But the dates, yeah. & what about trying to coordinate all the folks flying in to the same airport & general arrival time??
Well said, Kat! Well I'm up & at the computer. Haven't eaten anything yet & Pam, you crack me up because all the while I'm hanging out on the potty that's exactly what I'm thinking -- how it'll play well on the scale! HA HA! Great minds & all... I have GOT to get some work done!! Bye for now!
Ugh. I have some type of nasty intestinal bug... tum hurts & I feel nauseated... + "explosive" episodes, if you get my drift... not lovely... managed to get the kids off to school... now I've got to go position myself closer to the bathroom... ugh...
I'm up for the road trip, Judy!! What's the date again??
I get what you're saying, Laura... and I didn't mean to imply at all that I am in a bad marriage... far, far, from it!... it's just... y'know... it's compromise and after 20 years... I wonder where "I" went... I vote up on the hair... w/soft, curly tendrils... definitely make an appointment to have it done on the big day -- go about 1 week beforehand & have her play w/it & figure out what you want so that you're not surprised w/a "helmet head" where all the birdseed will get stuck in it for like, 3 days!! (Who me? Speaking from experience?? I was 23, what did I know??) Terry is making your jewelry?? Wowza!! What a gift she has & is!! I have PTA tonight... oh joy, oh rapture...
A new thread for the New Year! I always wondered what happened after 11 months of posts! Now I know... it just s-l-o-w-s down... Tracy you look great! The first thing I noticed it the fabulous cleavage in the 1st pic!! Flaunt it if you've got it, girlfriend!! Who wants to crash her party w/me?????
Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters
mdrai replied to TracyinKS's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Kat! I heard that they rescued them on the national news report on the radio on the way home from the Y! I hoped they were your friends! Whew! So glad it ended well. -
Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters
mdrai replied to TracyinKS's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Laura, "Back to burrying it all and going about our life." -- Take it from someone who's "buried it all" for 20 years now... that's not the answer. Yes, you can make a life... but sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I hadn't "settled" or didn't do what I was "supposed" to... if I had followed my heart, my passions... I guess that's life... you make a decision & that leads to one path, and you never know what "might have been"... then, like me, you make the best of the path you chose... but you're still SO young... unfettered (here meaning not tied down w/kids -- cuz' once you have them, your life is no longer about YOU but THEM...)... Right now the world literally is yours for the choosing... chose wisely, friend! -
Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters
mdrai replied to TracyinKS's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Woo Hoo, Judy!! Here's a nanner for you -- you hung in there & earned it!! TracyKS -- Love seeing that "199" in your siggy!! Just got back from the first water aerobics class of the new year... it's been 3 weeks since the last one! & I felt it! Am sitting here in my wet suit (Santa brought me a new one just for these classes... it's a VIOLET Speedo that actually FITS! -- what a concept! lol!)... bbl! -
Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters
mdrai replied to TracyinKS's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Jen!! -- "I have not heard from him since earlier which is not like him at all. and I am weak when it comes to him, so I may have to hire an attorney to protect myself." Honey, the entire time I've known you, this IS like him... whether it's because of his accident or not, he always acts like this! I'm sorry that he was in the accident & messed up so badly, but it's not your fault and you've got to finally stand up for your kids! Get an attorney. Use him/her! Take him/her w/you to court (whether you're "backed into a corner" or not -- why let it get to that point??)! Let him/her do their job! He should be made to sell the bike & keep his commitments to you & the kids! Or whatever else needs to be done. Do I need to come up there & open up a can of violet-whoop-ass on him (& you??). You've got to get it out of your head that you're somehow "doing" this to him -- you've got to tap into your momma-bear mode and do whatever it takes for your kids! Sorry, but this kind of stuff drives me crazy... and I want you to be strong & stand up for what is rightfully yours! -
NEW! 2008 Shrinkin' Vi's Trip Planning Thread!!
mdrai replied to mdrai's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
These are our choices for lodging... price per person will depend on how many gals attend... (and fyi, Splash Mountain seems to be the fav...) Splash Mountain: http://rentals.deepcreek.com/book/house.html?PMSUnitID=SPLMTN $2636.99 Beats Workin’: http://rentals.deepcreek.com/book/house.html?PMSUnitID=BEATWRK $1266.57 -
Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters
mdrai replied to TracyinKS's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Ok gals... Was going to wait 'til Feb to get rolling on the trip details again... but as everyone is revving up for it... why not do it now?? I'll post here & the other thread, just in case. Attention Everyone Who Reads This Thread!~~ The Shrinkin' Violets are planning a meet and we cordially invite you to attend! When: Fri., May 16 - Mon., May 19 Where: Deep Creek Lake, in Western Maryland Who: Anyone who'd like to come!! What: Talking, drinking, spa treatments, talking, photo ops, not much sleeping, bonding, drinking, talking, fun, surprises... and more! RSVP: ASAP to mdrai For those who will be flying in to the Washington, DC, area... you have 3 choices for airports: BWI (outside Baltimore), Dulles (in Virginia), and Reagan National (in DC). I've listed these in order from best to worst... so try to get into BWI! You'll want your flight to ARRIVE on FRI, MAY 16, in the MORNING (by 11am - Noon)! You'll want your flight to DEPART on MON., MAY 19, in the EVENING (after 6pm). Why? Because it's about 1 hour from the airport to my house (our staging area + it's on the way)... then approx. 3 hours to the Lake. Please try to coordinate flights, so efficient pick-up, drop off can be organized! If anyone wants to fly in on Thurs., May 15 or out Tues., May 20, I'll be happy to pick you up @ the airport AND you may stay here at my home. Questions? PM me or post them here. Again -- EVERYONE IS INVITED! The more the merrier! -
Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters
mdrai replied to TracyinKS's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Y'know... there IS a spa where we'll be gathering in May... I definitely think that treatments are in order!! When we get a bit closer, I'll post specific info & get it all scheduled!! -
Shrinkin' Vi's Bandiversary Blow-Out Planning Post #1: Who Wants to Come?
mdrai replied to mdrai's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
who's eating? w/this crew, I figured it'd be a "liquid" weekend, if ya know what I mean! -
Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters
mdrai replied to TracyinKS's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
I'll volunteer to do a weekly "tip", too! Here's one for fun: The world is always requiring us to do so much. File that report. Pick up the dry cleaning. Wash the dog. At New Year’s, we often pile on a few more “to dos” as part of our resolutions. Lose weight. Forgo the snooze button. Clean the gutters. Sure, there’s always more you can do. Once you do it, it’s done and gone. That’s why I like the resolution perspective we got from Toni Parcelles: Have your New Year Resolutions be framed as “To Be’s”, not “To Do’s”. For example, losing 10 lbs would be a To Do. However, being energized and passionate would be a To Be. Begin your New Year with focusing on who you are being. For who you are being… leads to what you will do… leads to what you will achieve. Imagine creating a “To Be” Resolution List instead! - Toni Parcelles, Professional Certified Coach, www.realizoure.com What you “do” is ephemeral. But what you resolve to be, well, that would seem a lot more meaningful. -
Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters
mdrai replied to TracyinKS's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Woo Hoo Tracy!!!!! I am so happy for you!!!!!! That is just flippin' fantastic!! You weigh so little now... you must be floating on air!! NOW... for your personal REWARD for working so hard & making it to the 1s... Get a pedicure!! :eek: Love ya, Vi!!