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Everything posted by mdrai
Hey Vi's~~ Went to the doc yesterday for my monthly check-up and all is well. I did not get a fill... I'm definitely on the fence about it, I mean, one eve last week I was able to eat and enjoy 1/2 of a steak and cheese sandwich (bun & all!) but then another day less than a cup of tuna salad had me w/the stuck feeling, and on Thurs night a teensy bit of asian bbq pork (cooked all day in the crock pot) had me yacking into the toilet... so my band & I obviously run the gamut here. So... I figure I'd err on the side of caution and *not* get a fill... we'll see how I'm doing/where I am in another month -- + AFTER our trip! I can see maybe getting a little bit more to help kick off the last 30 'til goal or whatever... DD has riding today, then friends are coming for dinner, so gotta run... make it a great day!!
Yay Jenn!!! :thumbup:
Good Morn, Vi's~~ I'm here... just busy. TOM arrived yesterday & w/it killer cramps... layed on the heating pad all night... ugh. Today I have work, + 2 coffees w/friends... the first is the one who was just diagnosed w/breast cancer; her surgery is scheduled for May 8 but I don't know any more info so I'll catch up w/her... the second is the gal who's hubby left her on her b'day last summer; we meet every other week like clockwork & she's either up or down; whichever way she is, I just let her vent & live thru her vicariously; she's GORGEOUS and now that she's single, she's got a very lively social life! Then kids get out of schol 2 hrs early... & they get to go to the dentist for regular cleanings! Poor dears. Like I said... busy!! I go to the doc tomorrow... can't decide if I need a fill or not, which makes me lean toward "not"... I don't want to be TOO full... but I also am not good at relying solely on my own willpower... hmmmmmmmmmmm... Make it a good one, gals!
:party:Happy Bandiversary, Jenn! :confused:
Good Tax Day Morn, Vi's~~ Busy day... make it a great one, gals!! :huh2:
Yes, I actually went away & did some work and now I came back to... well, whatever the new "look" is. Bleh.
Well, maybe SOMEone knew her. Whoopsie! Is work over yet? This sux! LOL! "Work Out = Money In!" :rolleyes2:
WOW! That's amazing! I feel soooooooooooo bad about being snarky! See, it's that Karma thing coming back to bite me in the butt! When will I learn?... kindness out/kindness in!
Ok, this is it. #1,000! Woo Hoo! Now I can go back to working... Continue on w/out me...
Wait, you mean you actually know her?? Whoops! Sorry! Didn't mean to be snarky! (Well, actually I did, a little...)... I thought you actually had a picture of a cat. Duh on me! I thought maybe they'd added some type of "rotating" header picture thing & we were all seeing different ones @ different times! My mind will justify just about ANYthing, huh?? Her wait is WAY skinny... I'd love to see a "before" of her. THAT's what they should put up there... a "before" & an "after" -- now THAT would be motiving!!
Here's my work "strategy" for today... edit 5 pages, check in here... edit 5 pages, check in here... whatever gets me through the chapter!!! (I'm editing "Privacy in Employment Law, 2008 Cumulative Supplement" -- how exciting!!)
3 more posts & I hit 1,000... (which I know is chump change to some of you blabbermouths!)
I love horses... a "dream" of mine is to take riding lessons... the earliest would be this Fall... if I wait to ride at the same stable where dd rides...
I've got an "I Love Lucy" wannabe in a leopard-print shirt on the top of my page... hmmmmm...
:party:Happy Bandiversary, Roomie! :rolleyes2: You've come a long way, baby!
Hey... absolutely none of my business, but... did you all ever figure out what your MIL was spending all that $$ on???
Wow, that horse looks like it's really working hard! Look at how high its legs go up!! Wowza! That is cool!
Guess what dh told me!? There's a chance he'll have to go to 2 conferences at WALT DISNEY WORLD in the end of Oct/early Nov! Stinker!!! :rolleyes2: (You all should know me well enough by now to know that I'm ALREADY trying to figure out how the kids & I can tag along for a weekend or so... I am SO sneaky like that... he he he...)
Good Monday Morn, Vi's~~ Scale bounced up, but as I'm expecting TOM any moment, not a big surprise... but still unpleasant to see it. I do not know what I did, but my right shoulder is KILLING me! It's when I move it only certain ways, but I keep forgetting and then WHAM-O -- the pain!! I can't think of a thing I've done to it... can't imagine where this came from. Wow it hurts. Am trying to get back into a good working groove today/this week... suddenly have loads to do after almost 2 months w/out anything, and it is oh-so-hard to get back into the routine... that's the main bad thing about working for myself... self DISCIPLINE... ha ha ha ha ha!! Make it a great one, Vi's!
Hey all... Busy weekend + my Mom was here, so didn't have much time to jump on the 'puter. And when I *did*... well, the monitor was DEAD again! This time DH couldn't fix it, so he bought me a new one today. It's more wide than tall, and the colors or contrast or something is off, so I'm having a hard time adjusting to it... oh well... whatcha gonna do? Mom & I had a GREAT time at the knitting session today... it was so wonderful to have her here for the weekend... I wish we lived closer where I could see her more regularly where we could just hang out... she's about an hour or so away, and mostly we get together for a reason... so there's not so much just sitting around on the porch drinking coffee chatting about whatever... but we're usually busy doing whatever it is, or we're in a large family gathering... maybe someday... Sweet dreams, everyone!
Snakes! ACK! That's what gets me. Swear to me that there aren't any in our toobin' river, Terry!!! Took ds to get the top of his head highlighted today... looks good... but what I don't understand is this... I didn't have enough $ to highlight mine, so now it's all dark, except where all the GREY is flecking through... so how is it that HE got HIS done??? I am just too good of a mom, is all. (Oh, and btw, I *AM* getting my hair done before our trip... $ or no $!!!) Signed DD up for poms. Am now doing house-y things before my mom gets here to help w/taking the kids to activities today, as dh is still out of town. I'll be driving the 1.5 hrs EACH WAY to ds's State Cup soccer game (so a total of about 5 hrs of my life today) while she takes dd to her riding, which is MUCH closer & more fun for her to watch. Then tomorrow it's ANOTHER soccer game AND... mom & I signed up for a "Sunday Sojourn" knitting class @ the local yarn shop... we're going to work on making a "Smaller Footprint Market Bag" project... cool! At least it's some time for ME!!! That's it from here for now... scale is down to 231 even today... I go next Fri for a check-up/fill (but don't think I need one) & would *LOVE* to be @ 227... we'll see... TOM should be on its way any minute... I usually lose well that week... TTFN... Make it a great one, Vi's!
Dh is in Vegas NOW... for "work"... he he, yeah, right! We went once before... stayed @ the Rio... it was wonderful! We did the "Hard Hat" Hoover Dam tour... it's awesome... we got to go "behind the scenes", etc... I highly recommend it... we also went somewhere called something like "Red Rocks Park"??... it was beautiful, too, if your dh likes nature... I am cranky again. I realize I get this way when DD is away on "work" travel... thankfully he doesn't travel all that much, but he IS gone 3x in April & May... bleh... I get tired of being the only parent w/no relief... for instance, last night dd was sick w/head cold/sore throat, ears, etc & was up for what seemed like HOURS... of course she wakes me up, comes into my bed, gets a nose bleed, we take care of that, lay back down, then this owl is hooting and it hoots for like an hour... it was cool, but we couldn't go to sleep... I finally fell asleep but she didn't... so we're both dragging today... she's home from school... I took her to the doc to make sure it wasn't anything more than just a cold/allergies like I had... and it's not... but knowing that doesn't make her FEEL any better... and so it goes... We stopped @ Kohl's cuz' my blender is on the fritz so I wanted to check out those Magic-bullet type things and of course she wanted to look @ clothes & shoes but of course anything I think is adorable she hates, and what she likes I don't... PLUS... hardly anything fit her, which is frustrating for HER AND ME... she's 9.5 yrs old but wearing Jr. sizes as she weighs 112 lbs! She looks a bit heavy, but not huge by any means... of course, this brings up MAJOR issues w/me and I don't want to screw her up even more w/eating & body issues, etc... but really, she needs to eat better (she snax a lot... I'm thinking I'm just going to have to NOT have any crap in the house as alll... the boys will complain, but...) AND exercise (she hates it). I tried to make a "fun" suggestion that just the two of us could walk in the mornings and she flat out said no. I had a couple other suggestions, "no". I suggested that she think of something she'd like to do... grrr. Am I venting here, or WHAT??? Thank you. Anyhoo... I'm going up to take a nap now... & try to make her take one, too... Grrrrr.
If you include the mangy dogs, then yes, Laura! & Jen, I used your ticker weight, so if that's not accurate, then we'd have to adjust it... like the "polls" on TV... we need to have the disclaimer that it has an accuracy variable of +/- 5%! LOL!
Wowza, Tracy! That is SO, SO KEWL!!! & you have all our experiences to pull from, too... you could say you have a "w-i-d-e" group to represent! (hardy har har!) Yes, Pam, I know what pizza tastes like... THAT's the problem... I love it's gooey yumminess... ahhhhhh... but, I just got back from helping w/Sock Hop set up and I volunteered to work a table handing out fundraiser thingies that came in so that I'd be BUSY and AWAY FROM TEMPTATION! Am I a smart gal or what??? Have any of you tried the AchieveOne coffee/protein drinks? I ordered some off bariatriceating.com & they're not half bad. A bit pricey. But I use them as a "treat". They contain actual java, low carb, + 20g protein! I am going to take one over ice w/me tonight as another strategy... I'm putting it in my "iced coffee" Starbucks cup, which will make me feel "special". I know... I am weird... but hey, whatever works, right??? It's FINALLY a nice day here! Going up into the 70s + SUN! It's been cold & grey & depressing for EVER it seems. + the rain & colder temps (50s) are coming back tomorrow & over the weekend. So I'm going to go make a salad w/chicken on it for lunch & go outside & soak up some rays... bbl...
Happy Bandiversary, Judy! :huh2: You've come a LONG WAY, Baby!