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Everything posted by mdrai
"...and a partridge in a pear tree!" :biggrin:
Hey -- did you gals know that an old lady was coming with us?? Hmmmmmmm...
WAIT a minute! -- An old lady is coming? No one told ME that! Sheesh!
Pam: I'll have my tweezers w/me, definitely! Janie: The answer to your alcohol-purchasing question is: YES! Tee Hee!
I don't? I don't want to be all pink & puffy for the trip? Really?? Maybe I do! Do I?
Thanks, Terry! Why don't I ever think to look up stuff on the 'net?? Duh! I have some but not all those symptoms... waah waah waah. Not only am I avoiding dh, but I'm sanitizing everything in sight, as well!!
Ack! I think I have Pink Eye!! But then again, maybe it's just allergies??? Woke up & my eyes were all gummed together, blurry, and now they itch like the dickens... ds said they looked red earlier, but now they don't.............. what to do? Call the doc or wait a day to see if it goes away??? & dh is home sick w/dd's stomach bug... get me the heck OUT OF HERE before I catch something REALLY dangerous!!
Happy Mom's Day, everyone!~~ You know you're a mom when... after partying 'til late @ a wedding on Sat night, you get up @ 7am to get ready to go to your son's 9am soccer game!! Yep, that's me! Party last night (note to self: add "diet cranberry juice & vodka" to our shopping list for next week) & up for soccer this a.m! DEFINITELY NO FOOD POLICE NEXT WEEKEND. If I wanna eat it, I will. If I don't, I won't. Voila. (Just don't pack any of those Fried Twinkies, Tracy!!!) + I'm pretty sure I read on here somewhere, in the rules or some other "official" area, that there are no active calories that count during official LBT gatherings w/2 or more current members, + additional benefits if Admins are present, so we're GOOD TO GO!! :welldoneclap: I hated I Am Legend. I think because I can imagine too easily that that scenario won't be just "fiction" one day. I, like Kat, am going to be CrAzY busy this week, so don't know how often I'll be able to pop in this week. But don't fret -- I'll BE THERE FRIDAY!! I'd write it all down, but #1 it'd take too long, #2 you wouldn't believe me as it's just too darn much, and #3 I can just regale you w/the tales of my week next weekend!! lol! Speaking of which... that's JUST what I did last night @ the wedding... actually, 1st @ a "first communion" party, THEN later @ the wedding. Evidently, my life is HILARIOUS to others! Or maybe it's just the way I tell it. Seriously, I had someone suggest that I make comedy routines out of it... but I can never remember what was so funny when I try to duplicate it... it's a spur-of-the-moment thing... ah well... give me a few drinks next week & you'll see for yourself!! Ok... I *think* we're off to <insert name of "bad" Italian restaurant here> for dinner! TTFN!
See, this is just how nerdy I am. I would say: Keds & white ankle socks. Yep, you read that correctly. In fact, that's what I've got on my feet right now... except I'm sporting my white w/blue Mickey Mouse "keds" right now, but WITH the white, folded down ankle socks. I wear the ALL THE TIME, EVERYWHERE! Like w/the denim skirt I have on now. I'm telling you, I am your typical boring PTA-Mom style of dresser. My friend keeps threatening to nominate me for "What Not To Wear" on TLC. I must admit, tho, I AM trying to jazz up my look... I have purchased AND started wearing low-profile white socks, but it's hard to make the transition, I must admit. I was even thinking that the "outfit" (and yea, I'm using the term loosely here) I have on today I might wear on the plane next week!! Bobby socks & all!
Amen, Sisters!
Now that's what I call a "Holy Moley Trinity!" Yikes!! Exactly, Laura! All those folks w/bulging, over-sized bags trying to cram them in teensy, tinsy spaces... drives me crazy!!
TOTALLY just joshin', Pam!!! Mmmmmwha!:smile:
"The Big Girl"...is that your lesbian roommate?? :smile:
Thanks for putting in a good word to the Big Guy for us for great weather, Judy!!
"I sometimes astound myself at how many times I do not choose to think or act in a way that supports my highest good. However, I have also noticed that by putting my attention to wanting to live in a way that is loving and respectful to myself and others, I make many more choices that are self-loving than I have in the past. I trust that the number of self-nurturing choices that I make for myself will continue to increase because I have come to realize that keeping my word to myself feels better than eating a cookie or engaging in negative thinking....."" This did hit home w/me... TY Terry for posting it. Interesting thoughts to ponder... personal evolution & growth... oh yeah... that's a part of all this, too... darn it...
That's it -- BD's -- that's where we went. For the record, I did not have *unlimited*... I would've pre-band... heck, I'd probably still be there now then!... but I had the 1 trip, w/a little salad. That twinkie sounds amazing! Glad there are no carnivals/festivals/fairs anywhere near me right now. So I'm here @ home all alone, working, doing laundry, blah dee blah... and my EVIL BRAIN starts in w/ me... "make some cookies & eat the dough"... "you know you want some"... "mmmmmmm"... "you could eat just *some* of the dough and then pretend like you're just a nice mom who made the cookies for your family when they return cold & wet from the field trip"... OVER &OVER &OVER!!! I just ate a no-sugar frozen fruit bar thinking it would kill the sweet craving... but that stupid voice just won't shut up!!! When will it STARVE & DIE????? Doesn't it realize it's on it's way OUT???
"Buckle" is like a "crumble" or a "crisp"... basically you take healthful fruit -- in this case, blueberries -- and top them w/a cake mix, oats, brown sugar, cinnamon & butter mixture (the "buckle"), bake, and enjoy! It's no wonder I'm fat!! Oh... and I'm really starting to think that I need a fill. Compared to you all, it seems like I can eat a ton. Seriously. Last night I ate a LARGE bowl of steak/shrimp/veggies + 1/2 salad. I'm pretty much making good choices (this week), but can pack in a lot, albeit slowly. Next app't is 5/29... hmmm... will have to consider this...
Ugh. I'm a "check the dang bag" girl. I hate lugging it on, trying to hoist it up and cram it in the overhead while trying not to bonk the poor little old lady already ensconced in her seat plus holding up the line of folks trying to get past me... you get the picture... and it's not a pretty one! I like to breeze on w/my purse, a couple magazines, and a latte. Sit right down & voila, I'm ready to go. Of course, I've never had a problem w/a late or lost bag... but now I've probably just jinxed THAT streak!... I suppose WHEN I do, I may re-think my strategy...
((Terry)) My good thoughts & prayers for you & your mom!!!
Yeah, I bet it's hard to be a dieting teacher this week! I appreciated my kids' teachers w/a homebaked, WARM from the oven, blueberry buckle for their lunch on Monday, and Starbucks cards yesterday. Someone tell me to get to work!!
Good Friday Morn, Vi's~~ Cold & rainy here today... but I have visions of warm, sunny vistas while floating down the river in my mind... visions of US NEXT WEEK!!! Can you stand it??? Another busy one here today... make it a great one, gals!
1 WEEK!! 1 week 'til I meet my Violets!! I am soooooo excited!! :thumbup:
I hope that doesn't impede your flow as you float down the river. . . . Or rust. . . . (I'm cracking myself up! I must be punchy! G'nite!)
Tracy... "Fried?" "Twinkie?" in the same phrase?? Oh my goodness, I'm afraid to ask!! :thumbup: My sisters & I took our Mom out for dinner tonight... we went to some Mongolian grill place where you put all your meat & veggies in a big bowl, pick some sauce, and then they cook it for you on this HUGE honkin' grill thing... mmmmm AND low-carb! Then my mom & my one sis (the one who's always been skinny, grrrrr) ordered some pb/choc decadent dessert, so my other sis (the one who's battled her weight forever like me) & I went to the salad bar and had salad for dessert! Too funny!! Good night. Sleep tight!
& that tin-foil trumpet-thingie removed from your ear!! JK! Great pic!! You & Bob look so proud!