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Everything posted by mdrai

  1. Good Saturday Afternoon, My Sweet Violets!~~ Busy couple of days... am home for awhile now. Yay. True confessions: I am supposed to be on liquids 'til Tuesday, then move to mushies for 2 weeks, then chicken, then red meat... but I have been soooooo hungry & my stomach growls like CRAZY... so I started eating 1 mushie a day (usually mid-day) to tide me through... for example, the first day I had that egg moosh, then yesterday I had 1/2 c of broc/cheese soup (mixed smooth in the cuisinart), & today, omg!, I actually ate a few cooked plaintains (omg so good & so mushie) + a few bites of the meat of a cuban sandwhich + a couple bites of fresh-baked, crispy cuban bread. Everything's gone down fine (which does worry me in a way... is that band even in there??) and right now, after the cuban stuff (really oh so little of it in actuality, my dd who is 8 ate a whole sandwich, for comparison) I feel SATISFIED (not full, not stuffed!). I've purchased other mushy foods, such as hummus, low-fat ricotta cheese, 60 cal puddings, yogurt, etc... Do you think this is ok to do? Also, do you have any other mushie suggestions / recipes for me? Re: weight... I've actually slowed down (maybe it's the mushies??)... only -1 so far this week... I purchased some Fibersure yesterday but haven't started using it yet... pooping only 2x/wk is not lovely... I also am aware that, having lost 29 lbs in basically a month, my bod may be adjusting itself in other ways, etc., as far as losing lbs goes. And no, I didn't take my measurements (i never do for some reason)... Terry, hang in there girlie... I know I have those old scripts / demons / fears lurking just below the surface as well... it doesn't take much to stir them up, does it? But we must keep in mind that we HAVE done SOMETHING DIFFERENT this time -- this is NOTHING like all the previous times we've tried to lose weight... and it's MORE this time... it really IS a LIFESTYLE CHANGE... the band is ALWAYS with us... which is why I got it!... for the times when the devil-voice in my head wins over my willpower and I WANT to overindulge in volume or food choice... well, now I CAN'T... and if I do, I WILL regret it! + Your exercising is great & making changes to your bod as well. THAT STUPID SCALE! IT IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL! And yet we love it so... Have a great weekend everyone!!! PS -- Maybe we can make really scary scarecrows w/all our oversized granny panties! :girl_hug:
  2. Good vibes going out for your job search today, Jenn! Pam! -- My b'day is 7/8! A busy day planned for today... I'm feeling good but hungry... last night after literally sucking on a couple McD's fries, then spitting them into the trash (the salt was so good... I think I'm missing salty/sour tastes as all the pro shakes are sweet) I decided not to be stupid but smart (there's an idea!) so I made what my kids called "Egg Moosh"... 1 hb egg + 1 T lt mayo + 1 T yellow mustard in the cuisinart 'til, well, mooshy. It made about 1/2 c and I took 1/2 hr to eat it... who knew that'd be "gourmet"?? Have a great day, everyone!
  3. Fantastic pictures -- I can definitely see a difference! Yay Laura -- 'twas meant to be! I've heard that the Wynn is gorgeous! You never know... maybe we Violets will surprise you there!
  4. Laura... FYI it was on the news that the 7-7-07 date is VERY POPULAR for weddings this year (lucky triple 7s)... probably even more so in Vegas... I don't mean to be a downer, but did want to give you a heads' up!
  5. ((Lunasa))... I second what Pam said... this thread is such a special safe place for me & you & all of us... it's so much more than just a bunch of anonymous people... I truly care for each of you and think about you, worry about you, celebrate with you... unless I'm a complete nutter (which may well be the case), I think we all feel that way to some degree. Do not feel as though you must only be "on" with us... "positive"... "happy"... we're all here in all our human diversity... happy one day, scraping the bottom of the barrel the next. We all "know" the band isn't "magic," but I think we often wish it were.... so when old "diet" feelings, behaviors pop up, we freak out! We still have A LOT of learning to do... about ourselves, our bands, our "new" lives... and happily we can do it here, together. I don't think this new journey is going to go in a straight line... wish it would, but doubt it will. You've done amazing so far and will continue to do so! I think that your fill will do wonders for your hunger & mood... even just 1 week out I'm hungry... really, bona fide hungry! I don't even want to think how I'll be @ 5-6 weeks out waiting for my fill! Be gentle with yourself, dear friend.
  6. Good Tuesday afternoon, Violets!~~ Just got back from my 1-wk post-op app't... went fine... I'm doing "great"... 1 more week of liquids (argh!), then on to mushies... I can't believe I'm fantasizing about egg salad! Oh, and I had hoped that because I had my period so wasn't able to take those Lovenox shots yet that maybe I wouldn't have to start now that it's a week later, but no such luck... he wants me to take them anyway... Check out my siggy!! -7lbs this past week, for a total of -29 so far! :clap2: Yay, me! Bwah ha ha, Tracy... "Are you pregnant?"... :faint:
  7. Yay Tracy, so happy for you & your fill! You crack me up, girl! Tomorrow is my 1-week follow-up appointment. My tummy growls something awful now. I'm hoping that doesn't do anything to get my band out-of-whack! I need to keep this baby IN-whack, y'know what I mean??? Terry -- Your pics are FABU, darling! I can really see the difference!! Going to the town carnival tonight... w/a BIG cup o' crystal light to shield me from all the carnival-ly temptations that are lurking there to taunt me... I made it through the volunteer luncheon ok today, already... I was going to "pretend" to eat (get a plate, put food on it, move it around w/my fork), but decided to not play games so I just drank my drink & put up w/everyone asking wasn't I going to eat? I just said I wasn't hungry... but I WAS! Oh well, this too shall pass... No one said I looked thinner... darn it. Gotta dash... have a good night everyone!
  8. Thank you for posting this! I'm a new bander, just a week out!, and I am so appreciative of all the honesty on this board. I'm sure it wasn't easy to tell your story, but I do think that you have touched many with it. Thank you!
  9. Hi! I'm a 5/29 bander as well. My 1-wk post-op appointment is tomorrow morning. I am hungry! My poor tummy rumbles & grumbles so. Today it's been the worst. It's funny to be dreaming of creamy soups, lol! I don't understand the no Protein post-op plans! I had to drink a pro shake before they'd release me last week! My first 14 day plan is: 70 g pro (shakes), Water, crystal light, sugar-free Jello & popsicles, decaf tea/coffee, & low-sodium broth. That was also my 14 day pre-op plan, so I've been following it (perfectly, may I brag) for 21 days now! :welldoneclap: I began @ 317+, was at 295 on surgery day, and was at 289 this a.m. ("official" weigh-in day is Tuesdays, tho). So that's what, almost 30 lbs! I do feel lightheaded at times... mostly in the a.m. before I've had my 1st pro of the morning... otherwise I'm feeling great! No gas pains, incisions healing great, etc. I do hiccup a lot more than before. Good luck everyone!
  10. Good Monday morning, Violets!~~ Day 6 post-band... wow! Still sip, sip, sippin' along... sometimes I swear I'm going to float away! Even when I sip tho, I tend to hiccup or do little burps... and my chest feels tight... but I just breathe through it & it goes away... sheesh... if liquids are doing this what will food do??? I know, I know... patience & healing... my mantra... taking it easy as possible... You are all doing so great! Pam -- WAY TO GO w/conquering your ff demon... that is NOT an easy one! I never eat Tacos, so can't speak re: them... I think it's an each to her own kind of thing... if you can lose eating [whatever you like] in moderation, then I think that's how the band is to work, ideally. I still feel lightheaded alot... like now... that's all I need... to be ditzier than I was! -- ha ha -- my family didn't bargain on THAT! Have a great day everyone!
  11. Good Saturday Morning, Violets... Cute doggies! What a fill story! Glad you're back w/us, Tracy! Truck thing doesn't sound good... Sorry to write responses like that, but I am so lightheaded! Whoo! I am drinking enough + getting in my pro, but man I am weak & lightheaded. The only thing I've done since Tuesday is lounge around the house, which has been nice but boring. Today i actually have to get out there & do a couple things... + tomorrow... & then next week kicks in like a "normal" week again. Go see the doc on Tues... then 1 more week of liquids (ack)... My incisions are "beautiful" I've been told, no redness, no swelling... just the big one itches a bit... I even slept kinda sorta on my side last night! I drink in little sips all the time... takes forever to drink a pro shake! I feel best in the a.m., and then as the day goes on I feel more bloated, gassy & full... by the eve, when I drink I feel chest pain... so I don't drink! I think my mood is ok... still a bit freaky deaky about having the band in there & not knowing how it'll be when I finally go to actually eat something again... Ok... so now I need ya'll to tell me that I'm perfectly normal (if not even ABOVE normal) and that I'm doing great & I'll get used to all this. K?
  12. I was also banded on Tuesday... I was outpatient, however! So I've been home since Tuesday, recovering. Our bodies have been through quite a trauma, so we must let them heal. Be gentle w/yourself, give yourself time, and all will be well! Good luck!
  13. Hey Girlies... Day 3 of healing... I think I feel pretty good... chest still tight (doing the breathing thingy) and incisions are itchy... I think I'm doing ok getting liquids in... as the day goes on, I feel "fuller", for instance last night I told my family that it felt like I'd eaten a turkey dinner when all I'd had is a few spoonfuls of chicken broth! Weird. I guess my bod is just adjusting to everything. Haven't gotten on the scale, will wait 'til Tues at my doc app't. Have had a few fleeting thoughts of "omg what have I done what do I have inside me!?" but I let them come & then breeze on through, did not invite them to stay awhile! Feeling lightheaded... need to go get some protein... bbl.
  14. Ahhh... a nice warm shower felt oh-so-good this morning! Of course, after that & all the other morning routine activities (which I did slowly) I feel it in my gut now... amazing how those core muscles really control everything! Oh my! Slept well, too... in my bed w/pillows all around/under... on my back, bleh... I tried to roll on my side a bit, but that's a no go just yet... but I slept from 11p-4a, then 'til 6:30a, w/my cpap machine, so I actually felt fully rested for the first time this week! Another day w/nothing to do... I could grow to like this -- not! But I am trying not to rush things and just be slow & heal... no pain meds so far today... Make it a great one, everyone!
  15. I had a pm from TracyTX that says basically the same thing as Teach posted above. Hope they can fix her problem quickly! Terri, Yes, I am doing the breathing exercises... am walking (around the house)... have not showered yet (ew) (kinda nervous to, but think I will have to tomorrow or the family will shove me in!)... am getting in my 70 g pro, although very slowly (can take up to 2 hrs to get an 8oz shake down!)... otherwise am drinking, I mean sipping, only water... am getting bloated w/gas all of a sudden (just in my gut, not shoulders)... let's see what else?... am doing NOTHING all day, just the above + resting/dozing/watching movies... and am fine emotionally (so far!). I figure I'm a typical healing bander one day out! Oh, one thing I found myself doing last night when I couldn't get comfy anywhere so was just laying there... I started telling myself positive affirmations of all the good things I was doing for myself, starting w/the band... I just kept talking to myself (in my head) like I would a friend whom I was proud of for taking this step & why I was proud & how excited I am for her (me) & all that she has to look forward to... kinda weird, I know, but in a good way, I think. I really feel this is such a new, fresh start for me! And it makes me feel so good to have all you "experienced" Violets to tell me I'm ok!
  16. Hi! I was banded yesterday, too! The gas hit me this afternoon... ugh... I took a gas-x strip awhile ago and am waiting for it to kick in... 'til then... as Shrek says, "better out than in!" I'm also sore today, mostly on my right side... it hurts to move, bend, twist... walk! But I am. sleeping hasn't been so hot, either... <shrug>... it's all part of the process! I'm not "hungry" either, but don't want to dehydrate, so always have an 8-oz cup of something nearby to sip, sip, sip. It takes me up to 2 hrs to drink a Protein shake! Amazing! That's the only thing I'm trying to get in is the 70 g pro/day... + Water... that's it for now. Good luck!
  17. Ow, ow, ow... That's how my belly feels now... owie. Hurts to move, twist, turn... anything! And I really can't tell what's where under there... port? band? <shrug> My right side hurts more than the left. I'm not freaking about it... just figure it's par for the course... no shoulder pain at all... slowly sipping the day away... so I'm normal, right?
  18. Good Morning Violets, I'm a bit slower today than yesterday... didn't sleep much/well last night... couldn't get comfy anywhere... chair or bed... then couldn't get off the bed this a.m.... my kids thought that was funny! So glad to be their morning entertainment! The pain is different today... yesterday it was more tightness across my chest... today that's subsided and it's more incision pain + sore stomach muscles... have taken 1 happy pill so far... have taken all my vits, etc., + it took me 2 hours to sip, sip, sip an 8oz protein shake! :confused: I'm still working on an 8oz water now, but I was dozing a bit in there, too... everyone is gone & it's just me & the 2 kitties in the quiet. My plans for the day are: rest. Guess I have to schedule a surgery in order to get a few days of R&R w/no household responsibilities! lol! Check back later!
  19. Good Tuesday Evening, FELLOW BANDERS!~~~ :biggrin1: I did it! I did it! I did it! Arrived @ Surgical Center @ 6:30am, signed in, etc... then while I was waiting for them to come get me I started crying... as I told my surprised DH, it was because I was sad that I had let myself get so out of control that this was necessary. But I got a grip pretty quickly, just a few mins really. The nurse came & got me & prepped me... oh so lovely w/TOM visiting, ugh... she had probs getting the IV placed, so I have several bruise areas on my arms. They wheeled me back @ 7:30 exactly! The sliding from the pre-op bed onto the surg table was not my most graceful moment, between the IV, the pad I'm holding between my legs, and the big gown getting caught up underneath me... entertaining visual, yes? Once I was situated, I looked up and saw the big surgi lights, and all the machines, and they're hooking me up to everything and the tears started a bit again... all the staff were really great tho... then I started getting loopy (as if I wasn't already!) and then out! About an hour later I'm waking up, or rather they're trying to wake me up. Waking up is not my fav activity on a good day! So it took me awhile... little by little... they brought back my DH... said everything went great... I had a small hietal hernia but not big enough to have to repair... It turned out that the only patients at the center today were me & a little 7yo kid! So I had lots of attention. My mouth was dry, dry, dry (still is!) so I asked for an ice chip to just hold & let melt... man that felt good! I was so nervous taking those first sips of water... then I had to sip a protein shake, too! All went down fine. After a long time (a couple hrs??) they walked me to the bathroom and I took care of my personal issues + got dressed, etc... then went home (the pillow helped a lot!). At home, I got into my nightshirt & got settled into the chair in my bedroom & dozed & walked & dozed & walked... pretty much my day so far. Finally came downstairs awhile ago and came straight to the computer & my wonderful violets! Overall feel good! No "pain" really... more of a tightness across my chest... no shoulder pain... feel slow & loopy, but am attributing that to the pain meds... should take another now, but am waiting awhile longer so I can take 2 for "bed" -- or should I say "chair"? Thank you all for your good thoughts & wishes & advice over these long weeks... now I'm with you in Band Land! ((hugs) & goodnight!
  20. My dear, dear Violets~~ I cannot thank you all enough for your kind well wishes, good thoughts & prayers today as I enter "band-land" (remember to sing it LOUD!)! And also for all the wisdom that has been shared w/me during my prep month. I'm so glad to be an "adopted" April bander!!! This is THE best group on the boards!!!!! I am outpatient. Scheduled for 7:30am. Hope to be home by early afternoon. I DEFINITELY will post as soon as I am able. and I DEFINITELY will be thinking of each of you who has gone before me in this journey of self-improvement, self-discovery, and the unknown! Little jittery but not too much... part of me is so ready, and another part (probably that fat imp who's been fighting me every step of the way) can't believe I'm actually doing this... that it's not just THEORY any more! Oh my! DH is pacing the floor... time to get going... thank you all!
  21. Good Afternoon, Violets!~~ TOMORROW IS MY BIG DAY! I've spent the whole day today so far CLEANING, cleaning, cleaning my house, as I don't want to be recuperating w/dust bunnies everywhere. My lovely family has been helping me, with their reward to be going to see "Pirates 3" this afternoon. Then I'll come back & clean some more! I'm finding it to be a great distraction & it gets the nervous energy out! I'll definitely check in before I leave tomorrow morning @5:30am Eastern time for my date w/destiny! I have a funny feeling that I won't be able to sleep much tonight, so I'll probably type the night away! I can't believe that my day is here!!!!!!!
  22. What happened Terry??? :drum:
  23. Just got home from my 2nd bbq of the weekend... I'm on day 14 of my liquid pre-op diet. I drank Water, crystal light, & decaf green tea. Did it suck? Yeah, I guess. Have I tasted everything that was on the spread? Yeah. Am I going to be on a liquid diet the rest of my life? No. Did I enjoy time w/friends? Yes. Am I glad I went. Yes! This is just a short period of time in the grand scheme of things. You won't starve & blow away. You can do it! We all can! Think how great you look & feel next year when bbq season rolls around! Hang in there!
  24. Good Sunday Morning Violets!~~ Day 14 liquids, 1 MORE TO GO! Yesterday was long & hot... but I made it through. I probably didn't drink enough yesterday, but... Today is our annual neighborhood block party/bbq... I have strategies for not eating, but I know it will be hard... but hard doesn't mean impossible, so I can do it! I try to imagine life "on the other side" of Tuesday... no more eating a piece of pizza in 4 bites? No more marathon cookie dough eating? No more "big" salads? No more wolfing down dinner? I think that speed and volume are my biggest enemies, and also my biggest fears post-band. I'm not really so worried about choice/variety, however. Interesting. Is it psycho to be grieving the loss of speed & volume? (Maybe I'll get two goldfish & name them that: speed & volume. LOL!) You guys have all adjusted to these things, right??? So I will too... right??? This is it... after Tuesday I HAVE to change... the band will force me to... and it's a bit scary as I know that this will be a catalyst to a LOT of changes that I can't even predict now... this is all becoming VERY real! I'm nervous, but not in a freak-out way... Have a great day, everyone! PS -- Laura -- don't do that again!
  25. Hi Christy -- Glad to hear from you & so happy for you that the fill went well and you're dropping lbs again! Yay you!

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