Hello Every1
My name is Andrea, but every1 calls me Gia. I am new to this site and I am very happy to become part of it. Well about me... I am a single and independent mom of 3 beautiful kids (2g, 7,11 & 1b, 6). I live near Chicago, IL. I attend college studying a double major in the medical field, but my passion is makeup! I haven't been employed for a yr now, for the past yr, I have become a home aid for a family member who has many health care conditions. I have been blessed with wonderful parents who have helped me and supported me in many ways. I have only 1 older brother. I find it really hard to trust just anyone therefore, I only have a few close friends. I also have an amazing bff, who has been there for me and w/ me for the past 6 yrs.
All my life, I have always been over-weight. At birth, I weighed 10.8 Lbs. Growing up, wasn't so bad. I can't remember a time where I was teased or bullied because of my size. I am also the heaviest of both sides of my family, and it sucks!! I really don't go out much because I am not comfortable with my size. I wasn't what I thought was that heavy until I had my kids, then I blew up :/ I gained near 100 Lbs after all 3. My heaviest has been 322. I have tried several ways to lose weight (Ali, Herbalife, etc..) and none have worked. I didn't know much about the Lap-band until a friend of a friend mentioned it she had gotten it done (but she didn't put much effort in it...). I looked into it, by looking though YouTube videos and other sites. I decided to go for it and I called Mercy Hospital Lap-band Program. This all started out in Aug. 2011. I am very happy that I was introduced to the LB program, I hope that fianlly after so many yrs of trying, I will be able to lose weight successfully.