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Posts posted by Misstxdiva

  1. So the only thing stopping me from getting my papers submitted is the psych evaluation. Tried to get this done "last year" psych place kept stalling. New insurance kicked in. They tell me $350 please or can do payment plan but we will harbor the report from the insurance company till its paid. I'm already in a financial burden as it is trying to save for this surgery. Was in the hospital last week. That set me back.I'm at my breaking point. My health is getting worse and nothing is going right. Maybe I'm just meant to be as is till I stop kicking. This is just so depressing. Not sure if I want to keep trying. Last thing I need. :-(

  2. I fly often. Mostly to Europe. I'm 375lbs never once had to buy two seats. I'm a bit OCD when it cOmes to my airline seats. I look at my seating everyday and if I see someone is sitting next to me I'll change my seat to a empty one lol. I always get aisle seats, request my seat belt extender. I've been lucky to not be on too many sold out flights. People I sit next to have been tiny and nice to let me fly with the armrest up. Airlines I fly frequently is Continental and United. Comfy seats no problem. American Airlines is good too.

  3. Have you contacted your insurance company bariatric department? They would be able to give you the low down. I am switching from Aetna to UHC Choice Plus in Jan and UHC is going to be assigning me a case manager. They said the case manager will be the one to tell me everything I need to know. Also my suregon's office has been really helpful. They were able to tell me what the requirements were and everything. I find that with the info I find online isn't always the case based off of the people I talked to with my type of insurance. Some cases are different where they require certain things of others.

  4. Ok so next month is "supposed" to be my last appointment before my paperwork gets submitted to insurance BUT switching from Aetna to UnitedHealthcare come Jan 1. I am so desperate for this surgery it is not even funny. I think I am worrying myself sick about getting denied with the new company and having to wait longer.

    I'm 25 years old and 375lbs. Recently was told I was slightly diabetic which means I am diabetic (as my mom says you either are or you aren't). Had a diabetic scare when I was visiting my mom in the hospital. Started shaking and felt like I was going to pass out, turns out it was because I hadn't eaten in 4 hours, blood sugar was less than 80 . It was awful. My knees are in pain and at work walking from buidling A to building C is literally hell on my lower back. I'm actually ashamed I let myself go like this and that it has gotten to this point.

    I just hope they approve me right away for surgery and get me on the pre-op diet. My body is in so much pain I'm ready to take charge NOW and get my life back.

    Just thought I'd vent and get support. I've been really depressed lately.

    Thank you everyone.

  5. I haven't been sleeved yet but I heard its a emotional rollercoaster when it comes towards the big day. I'm 25 years old and I've tried to lose weight before and before I stopped because I was ok with how I looked and my boyfriend at the time loved my body type. I got lucky having no health issues. As I like to say " I'm healthy just fat". Well I haven't been so lucky lately I'm now pre-diabetic and my knees are giving me hell. I decided I need to take control of my life again and get healthly so I'm choosing the sleeve which I will hopefully get done next month.

    Only you know what's best for you. You may be healthy now but next year things may start to creep up on you like me. I'm sure people who have been sleeved can be more advisable on the emotional stuff. Good luck!

  6. Thanks everyone for the advice. I think the fact that I wasn't feeling good tO begin with is what made me so emotional. I know it's not the end of the world. It just sucks that I'm 25 and having to deal with that stuff. I have to take pills for the Vitamin d hoping it isn't going to cost me a kidney for the meds and thankfully not on meds for the diabetes. Hoping next month brings good news with an approval for surgery. Ready to get my life back!

  7. I feel so defeated and like I can't take it anymore. Aside from it being a horrible week I get word from the doctor about my pre-op lab results and I just feel like I can't win for losing. Maybe it's not that serious but when your down and nothing seems to go right all you can do is just sob sad.gifCry.gif . Left work early because my chest felt like someone was sitting on my chest and it was tight. THEN I get a call from the doctor's office that my Vitamin D is low and I'm slightly diabetic but no medication needed yet. Happy Hump Day to me!!!!

    I guess on the bright side maybe the diabetes thing will create a sense of urgency when they submit my file to my new insurance company next month for approval right? *sigh* Thank you for listening to my rant everyone.

    I hope things get better and I get approved for my surgery next monthpray.gif

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