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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lilymorg

  1. I too have no problems sipping, I can actually take normal size drinks...and no nausea. I was sleeved on Nov. 14....so I am still on liquids. But I do wonder if my sleeve was made small enough. The only thing I notice is that if I drink a little too fast, i get a tight feeling. But it goes away.
  2. Those of you that take gas x strips, do you take them when you feel gassy? or before you eat? or every day?
  3. lilymorg

    Back Pain?

    It only seems to hurt after moving around a bit...after too much walking around, the area of the 1 incision hurts, and my back at the same time. A heating pad seems to give some relief once it is hurting...and then after sitting for a bit it goes away. But once I get mobile again, it takes no time really and the pain is back. That's gas??? I sure hope it passes...it really makes life difficult. LOL I know Im only 1 week out, so I shouldn't complain. I just dont see my surgeon until the 2 week mark, so if its something thats irregular Id like to get it checked out sooner...
  4. has anyone tried this? http://www.specialk.com/protein-water-mixes
  5. I find it odd how its the same surgery, yet every surgeon is different. My rules are - no driving for 2 weeks. No lifting more then 3 lbs for 8 weeks. He said that is because lifting heavy things put you at risk for a hernia. Yes walking...everyday! But no swimming until 6 weeks or he approves it sooner.
  6. thanks so much!!! Its quite a relief to hear it is normal!
  7. i have been using a recliner for the past 2 nights....going to try my bed tonight. I find it ok laying down but have a really hard time getting out of bed...actually I cant do it and I need help...so the chair has been better. But I am only 4 days post op. Im sure it will get easier in time.
  8. lilymorg

    Vertical Sleeve

    in my wait for surgery, as long as the surgeon saw I was continually going downwards, he was happy. One time I went there with a 10lb loss, and another time only a 2 lb loss. Loss is good whatever it is. I dont know how your insurance company works as Im from Canada. But maybe just check with the surgeon. Make sure you are drinking lots of water too!
  9. lilymorg

    Post-op Drain Tube

    interesting how every surgeon is different. Mine was removed 2 days post-op before I left the hospital. The measured the amount that was collected during that time and it was safe to remove.
  10. I am 3 days post-op....woohoo! Overall not feeling too bad. Sore, which I expected. But seem to be able to tolerate swallowing...no problems there....but I have a couple of questions... first off....GAS....when I drink anything, its a sip sip and then a burp...but I feel the burp travel all the way up through my upper abdomin & into my chest. Sometimes it comes right out like a typical burb...other times it seems to just go through my chest and it hurts. Is this normal? And sometimes that pain comes, it travels up and across my chest, and then goes away...but sometimes happens when I havent drank anything. my other question is swelling....the surgery was done laproscopically. I have 7 poke marks. One of the pokes was higer up on the left side, and it seems to be more swollen then the others. It kinda bulges. Is this normal? oh and another question which Im sure I know the answer to already, but would love someone to reassure me....since the day of surgery, I am 5 pounds MORE then I was then. Im assuming this is from all the fluids etc. that I got while in the hospital. right??
  11. lilymorg

    Nov. 14

    My surgery is on Nov. 14 in BC Canada I have been on a liquid diet for 1 week so far, and have another week to go. Ive already lost 10 lbs. I am ready to make this change...and ready to get the surgery part over with so I can start the 2nd part of my journey....life after wls
  12. 3 days until surgery. Ive had a cold, but the surgeon is not too concerned about it, which is a relief! I do not want this to be postponed! I have lost 17 lbs on the liquid diet. And since I started with this surgeon on May 31st, I have lost 39 lbs all together. I can hardly believe it is only 3 days away....it seems like time is going faster and faster! I am very nervous. I have never had surgery before.
  13. lilymorg

    3 days

    good luck fionab! I'll be thinking about you!!
  14. lilymorg

    6 more days!

    good luck! My surgery is in 3 days and I am doing the same thing. Trying to get the house in order and everything done so it will be easy for hubby to maintain while I am away/recovering.
  15. thanks everyone. I have a phone appointment tomorrow with the surgeon. I will talk to him about it. I think I am feeling better today then I was yesterday. Or maybe its just wishful thinking. *sigh*
  16. I am so upset....my surgery is in 6 days and I have come down with a cold. SInus congestion, runny nose & headache. Can they still do surgery if you are sick? I am doing what I can to get rid of the cold....extra rest, Vitamins, fluids, steam, even used the netipot for the first time. I will be devestated if my surgery gets postponed!
  17. How long do you have to be on your liquid diet? I had to be on mine for 2 weeks, and I have 5 days to go. It does get easier. THe first 3-4 days were really tough. I found a recipe and tweaked it a bit.... Jello powder, 1 cup of boiling Water, mix it together. Add 1 cup of greek yogurt and mix it with a mixer really well. Put in the fridge for 1 hour...then mix again with the mixer for 3 minutes so it gets really foamy....then put it in the fridge for 2 hours. When its done its really tasty! Much better then plain jello And greek yogurt has Protein in it! My dietitan said i can eat the whole bowl if I want to...but I usually end up sharing with my son (5 yrs old) cuz he LOVES it!
  18. i have been taking some cold and sinus meds...it does help if i keep it in me. But what if it doesn't go away? thats my concern. Im trying not to stress about it. I have a phone appointment with my surgeon on Thursday, so I will talk to him about it then I guess.
  19. lilymorg

    What to tell your young kids

    my surgery is next week, and I have a 5 year old son. He is ultra paranoid about hospitals as his grandfather had surgery just this past summer and had to be back and forth in the hospital...and was in a lot of pain afterwards. He doesn't want anyone to go to the hospital. I have 3 childrens books about hospitals that we have been reading here and there. To show hospitals are not bad. And Ive been telling him that mommy had a sore tummy, and the doctor is going to fix it so I can be healthy. THat's all I have told him so far. I will prep him more the day before. And Im sure he is going to be talking at school about it too...that's what I don't want...but he needs to know the basic part of the truth...
  20. the catheter makes me nervous aswell as I have never had one before. I asked my surgeon if it is totally necessary, and he pretty much told me with everything I am going through the catheter should be the least of my worries. Ugh... So we will see....from what I was told in the pre-op at the hospital, they put it in while you are out....and then take it out the next day. good luck with yours! I will find out how it goes in a week!
  21. Im in the middle of my liquid diet aswell. My surgeon requires 2 weeks of liquids. I am allowed 1200 calories and 130 carbs max - 2 glucerna Meal Replacement drinks - 1 scoop Protein powder - 2 cups milk - 4 fat free sugar free yogurts - 2 cups broth - 2 cups Gardennay soup unlimited Jello, crystal lite, and sugar free popsicles. No Caffine or carbonation. in the past 8 days I have lost 10 lbs. 8 days to go!! :smile1:
  22. lilymorg

    BC Sleevers

    yes I am on OB help aswell your surgery is in 2014??
  23. my surgery is on Nov. 14, but Im having it done in BC Canada. Good luck to you!
  24. i feel the same way....excited to get the 2nd part of this journey on the road...but so nervous aswell as not sure what to expect in the hospital & afterwards. My surgery is on Nov. 14.... Good luck!
  25. lilymorg

    Any other Canadians out there?

    I live in Chilliwack...I haven't had it done yet, but have a surgery date of Nov. 14

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
