I want to thank everybody and their advice and concern, it was welcomed.
I visited my surgeon today and discussed the concerns I have about after the surgery. He said that it was normal and that most people are worried up untill they are rolled into surgery. Three months latter they are more concerned about buying new clothes and staying on track with the lifestyle change. This doctor even said he would refer me to another surgeon if I was that uncomfortable. He pointed out that based on my medical/personal history that the chance of me losing the wait was very slim. He asked me what has being overweight and unable to lose those pounds have taken form me, what has being overweight KEPT me from doing? What has being this over weight cost me with my health? So after that I went home and took a good look in the mirror, something that I dislike doing a great deal. I did not like who I saw and what I had become. Yes being overweight has prevented me from doing things I enjoy, but I disagree that fat has taken anything from me, genetics yes, fat no. After doing some REAL deep self introspection, I came to the truth. I need this surgery not just to lose weight, but to have better health now and later on in life. I did ask about the whole not looking heavy comments that I have gotten, he said "what does the scale say". Just because you carry the extra weight well it does not prevent you from diabetes, destroyed knee joints, bad back ect, ect. So, I will gladly get his surgery and put the mind f*#king myself behind me. I just hope Goodwill has the clothes I need in my size when the time comes!!!