Pre-band breakfast for me use to consist of "Oreo" Cookies dunked in coffee. Now I have a can of "High Protein Boost, Chocolate" every morning.
I still have coffee after, and then a few hours later at work I'll have yogurt, or maybe some trail mix.
I have not had a fill yet, and my Dr. doesn't see a need. I tend to agree as a slow weight loss I've heard is best.
Snacking to me is entirely necessary. I don't eat enough at one time to consume all the needed protein. I have three Snacks, and three meals a day. I'm 44 years old, and have been eating whatever I want for at least 30 of those years and truely do not want to "control" how often I eat. The band is really helping me with portions, and content which is what I wanted it for. No more 4-5 slices of pizza (I do still eat pizza, but mostly just the toppings, and one or two "crusts" out of 3-4 slices).