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Matt Z

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Matt Z

  1. Matt Z

    Protein - How much is too much?

    Understood, although WLS patients should absolutely be doing some form of body building. For a few reasons. First and foremost is, larger muscles burn more fat and smaller ones. Second, building muscle is going to help with your joints as the fat loss leaves them unprotected and "loose". As we shed fat, that fat that once protected and insulated muscles, joints, tendons and bones, is thinning out and leaves those areas with more "slack" (for lack of a better term). Tightening up our muscles helps tighten up those areas as well. Granted I'm not saying everyone should be Mr/Ms Universe sized, but even light building is greatly beneficial.
  2. Matt Z

    Protein - How much is too much?

    Doesn't sound as such, proteins are not absorbed by only one section of our digestive tract, they are absorbed by the whole length of the small intestines, so sure since bypass patients have a slightly shorter tract that there would be some, overall, reduction in absorption simply due to the fact that we've had our small intestines shortened, but the severity of that reduction is minimal. I understand you aren't defending your surgeon, Just providing the inputs and information as I'm seeing it. No preconceptions or assumptions outside of what's written. But end of the day, you **WILL** benefit from a higher quality supplement over a generic one.
  3. Matt Z

    Protein - How much is too much?

    Ok, this surgeon needs to stop taking about nutrition and leave that to the nutritionists (granted I know I'm not one, but I've done enough research into these things to know that what I'm talking about is true, plus I've talked to my Nutritionist about this stuff as well) Surgeons are great at surgery, but would you discuss the chemical make-up of the gasoline you are using in your car, with your mechanic? No, you'd want to talk to someone that specialized in fuels. Surgeons are Mechanics, Nutritionists are fuel specialists. Sure you don't need *THE* most expensive protein, but not all proteins are created equal, and using store brand... you are more than likely not getting all the Amino Acids and BCAA's that you should (or could) be. Plus, store brand stuff tends to have lower quality, less refined proteins which can lead to tolerance issues. Clearly to each their own, but paying a little more for a high quality protein *IS* going to be beneficial. Hell, not even every protein metabolizes the same. This is why I'm taking Casein at night and Whey in the morning. Casein is a much slower uptake protein and helps with muscle recovery specifically overnight while you are sleeping. Whey is a faster update protein and is used during the day for muscle and energy support. Having the proper AA's and BCAA's is pretty important.
  4. Matt Z

    Protein - How much is too much?

    This has been proven to be myth. There is no "max absorption rate". I'm surprised that a Surgeon told you this, but it just goes to show you, just because someone is a doctor, doesn't mean they know what they are talking about, esp in reference to things outside of their specialty. https://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/hst3.htm @Orchids&Dragons check out this link as well, the 30grams per sitting thing is a myth and is 100% wrong.
  5. Matt Z

    Scale Recommendations

    This one seems to work with Apple products https://www.apple.com/shop/product/HLBB2ZM/A/nokia-body-scale
  6. Matt Z

    Scale Recommendations

    I've got the FitBit Aria, links to my fitbit account, tracks body fat. Worth the money in my opinion simply because it does calculate weight and body fat AND outputs that to my fitbit account for graphing/tracking etc. https://www.digitaltrends.com/home/best-bathroom-scales/ https://www.verywellfit.com/best-bathroom-scale-4157716
  7. Matt Z

    Protein - How much is too much?

    There is such thing as too much, however that number is crazy high. 1 gram per pound is "max" "safe" suggested, so, if you are 300 lbs, then the max protein you should ingest is 300 grams. So you can see that getting 100 grams is no where near the recommended max and certainly no where near any danger zones. For muscle growth, that 1 gram per lb is going to be optimal. More available protein is going to maximize muscle growth and efficiency. We want a high number because we don't want our body to break down our own muscle to support the creation of enzymes and hormones and amino acids required to support our functions while we are drastically reducing our caloric intakes. Plus, excess protein typically doesn't get stored as fat (Unless you have a very high caloric intake, in which your body will convert to fat)
  8. Matt Z


    Muscle Milk Light has some really tasty flavors, so does Isopure (the powders). I'd suggest getting a few samples from a local supplement store to try. This way you can find a brand and flavors that work for you.
  9. This is exactly why I advise getting a scale that tracks body fat %. You are missing a MAJOR metric, weight is only 1 number, adding body fat measurements helps track your losses better. I've been stuck at the same weight for over a week now, but my body fat % keeps dropping, so I know I'm doing ok, if I didn't have the body fat %, I'd be losing my mind, in the gym daily, hitting my water and protein metrics, but not "losing weight". Do not worry about how long it takes, if you are doing what you are supposed to be doing, that's all that matters.
  10. I was a band to bypass revision as well, 100% happy with my choice, honestly wish I went bypass back in 2011. Good luck And Congrats on continuing your journey!
  11. Matt Z

    I miss straws!

    I've used straws post surgery, I do try to avoid them, but only for environmental reasons. I haven't noticed much if any added gas using a straw over not, just don't guzzle.
  12. Matt Z

    Loose skin

    Guys room @AshAsh1.... Guys room LOL
  13. Matt Z


    Get up every hour and walk around a bit, it adds up overall. Your goals should be to walk a little more than your last time, doesn't matter if that's 1 extra step, 1 extra second, or 1 extra foot. Just do what YOU can!
  14. Matt Z

    Perspectives on Losing Fast & Slow

    I'm very frustrated... even though I know what's happening is 100% normal and expected. I've been stuck around the same weight for more than a week now, but my body fat % is dropping, so I know I'm still heading in the right direction. It's still painfully slow for my liking. But, I just have to keep at it, I know it's not a race, I know that having the band already means that My rate of loss is going to be MUCH slower than any other bypass. I know all of these things, and yet, every day I step on that scale and the weight doesn't move, I curse a little to myself. I'm still keeping my protein and water goals in check. I'm in the gym at least an hour a day doing cardio AND muscle building. So, even though it's frustrating, I'm doing my best to keep all that in check and keep myself moving forwards. Just need to keep moving forwards. The struggle **IS** worth it!
  15. This would be something you should contact your surgical team about... seriously, get on the phone asap.
  16. thanks! that’s what i figured but needed to hear it from others before i convinced myself it would be okay and i’m that person that passes out at warped 😂 I'd just be cautious overall and have an exit plan just in case.
  17. @Greyfaery For me, the decision was advised by my surgeon, she installed the Lap Band for me back in 2011 and when I discussed revision, she refused to do the sleeve on previously banded folks due to increased staple line complications. The sleeve has issues with reflux, and yes, you can *TOTALLY* "eat around" the sleeve, high sugar, high fat "sliders" are a real issue. Recovery between the sleeve and the bypass isn't that much different. In fact, the post-op process for the sleeve is actually harder than the bypass. Bypass patients are eating pureed food before they leave the hospital, sleeve patients are on liquids for a month afterwards. I've had the band, and now the bypass. The band and the sleeve are pretty much the same idea for surgery, restriction only. And both can be "eaten around", neither have any negative reinforcement / punishments for eating badly. So, once you start realizing you can get away with things you probably shouldn't be eating, there really isn't anything physically stopping you from doing so. Having healed both the band and the bypass now, I can say without any doubt that I really didn't notice a difference between the 2, if anything, the bypass was easier to heal, now that could have been because I knew what the process was like, or because I was thinner, but it was just easier. I'm *VERY* glad I went with the bypass this time around and not just another restriction only surgery. In fact, sitting here now, I truly wish I went with the bypass the first time I had WLS... And not after years of failing with the band. Either way, whichever you chose, understand it's ONLY a tool and will require lots of hard work and behavior modification, you *WILL* need to change everything about how you eat, your subconscious relation with food, any stress or comfort triggered eating habits will need to be adjusted or dealt with, for me, the bypass adds that extra layer of support, I can chose to eat a piece of cake if I truly wanted to, but I know it's going to really suck badly for a few hours or more if I do, so I really tend to not even risk it anymore. There are plenty of other things I can eat that are super tasty and good for me to chose from, it's harder when going out, but it's more than worth the added struggle! Good Luck in your choice!
  18. @Tiima I'm going to go with yes. But watch the calorie intake. Not sure why you would want to strain, your body needs fiber, so getting some fiber isn't going to be bad for you right now, ESP if it's so easy to get as just drinking some watermelon puree. I was allowed watermelon pre-op on my "liquid only" diet, I don't see any reason why it would be prohibited post-op, when you've already stated that juice was approved. Not really going to get more fresh and "light" than raw unprocessed nothing added home made juices.
  19. Soy Protein and Pea Protein are both easily available veggie proteins you can use. Be careful of Genepro, they were sued because the amounts of protein they claim was in each serving was actually more than 1/2 less. Sugar Free means, ZERO Sugar. No Sugar Added means, there is going to be natural sugars, but nothing has been added. IE, Strawberries have sugar in them naturally. No strawberry can be listed as "sugar free" but a fresh off the plant strawberry could be listed as "no sugar added". So, anything that says "no sugar added" only means they didn't specifically add more sugar to the mix, it does not mean there isn't already sugars naturally included. 7g is a little high, but if you can tolerate it, you can tolerate it. We were instructed to watch for anything with sugar in the ingredients that's over 5g.
  20. @Pink nova how's the water intake? Headache can be caused by dehydration. Have you reached out to your surgeon / surgical team?
  21. Good Luck! The wait sucks! If you've jumped through all their hoops, you'll be ok.
  22. Matt Z

    Surgery Date!

    Congrats! Just let your surgeon / surgical team know. Wouldn't be the first time someone was dealing with their cycle during surgery.
  23. Matt Z

    Post op walking

    You'll be up and walking shortly after you come out of surgery. Then you'll be up and walking pretty much every hour you aren't asleep.
  24. I'm going to go with no. You *might* be ok before surgery, you'll just need to take extra care with your fluids and energy usage, but if you are smart you should be ok *Before* surgery. After, you are going to want a few weeks before you start exposing yourself to that level of overall stress.
  25. Should add that Weight is only 1 number in the WLS process!

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