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Matt Z

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Matt Z

  1. @baribetty I've been on PatchMD patches for 3-4 months now. I just had my labs drawn and from my own personal review of the results compared to my previous pre-surgical labs, I'm only deficient in vitamin D, which I was deficient in before the surgery, every other result has been in the normal range. I'm over 2 months out from surgery, so, I would see the deficiencies already if the patches didn't work. Now, everyone is different, placing the patches in a different spot on your body will effect absorption, some areas are just thinner than others. For me, I place them on my shoulders. Seems to be working just fine for me. I have only taken B1 and a once a week D vitamin, *all* other required vitamins were not given to me in pill form as I tested out these patches with my surgical team, head nurse, nutritionist and head pharmacist at my hospital. If you are interested, discuss it with your surgical team. But understand that it is possible they won't work for you. I can only tell you that so far, from my lab results, they work ok enough for me to continue using them.
  2. Well, you are absolutely going to need to change how you eat, there isn't any way around that fact mate. Post surgery you are going to have to focus on what you need first. Proteins, water, the "good for you stuff", carbs are almost dead last. You need *SOME* carbs, but there are better places to get them from than breads. Just be honest with your Nutritionist, about everything, including your fears about your Nutritionist. No one here was eating perfectly before surgery... and no one here is eating perfectly after surgery, we've just gotten a LOT better. There are plenty of "do-able" healthy options. You don't *NEED* Toast, you want it, carbs are addictive and can be hard to shake, but you CAN do it. Post surgery you *might* not have any cravings, you *might* not be hungry a lot, you *might* be a lot of things. You won't know until after you have the surgery. But for me, cravings still exist, but I can control them and not cave in to the easier food just because it's easier. I still get hungry here and there, not too much, and certainly not as much as before, but it's there in some aspect and I've read lots of people do end up getting a full hunger sensation back a year or so down the line, some never do. Seems you need to battle convenience more than anything. You don't need to divulge but, I can't thing of any reason where food prep is not possible... you just have to find something that works for your situation. Some folks cook a weeks worth of food on the weekend so they don't need to worry about prep the rest of the week. Me, I don't bother personally, there are plenty of quick, easy options that are within my post-op food guidelines. Be ready for some major changes, they really need to happen. So don't go into this with the mentality that the surgery is going to have to work around you, you are going to have to work around your surgery.
  3. I've been able to get more than 64oz of fluid since day 3 or 4 post op. As long as you aren't chugging the water down and creating unnecessary pressure from it... you should be fine! If there is pain or pressure however, you might want to scale back slightly.
  4. I certainly did miss having the adjustable bed from the hospital, but I personally made due with the bed, just used some extra pillows and the "Log Roll" method to get in and out of bed. If you have a recliner, it might be beneficial to use. Not sure I'd recommend going out and buying one just for recovery though, unless you want the excuse to go buy one LOL!
  5. Matt Z

    Ducolax Question

    LOL no, but I do try to eat them in pairs... which isn't always an option for some reason!
  6. Matt Z

    Ducolax Question

    I use the chewables every morning personally. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Equate-Sugar-Free-Fiber-Supplement-Chewable-Assorted-Fruit-Tablets-90-Ct/16940562
  7. Oh absolutely, if we can show enough Male support, we should be able to make it happen.
  8. I've asked Alex (the founder) to look into this. He stated he was going to do so. His reply to my request is here:
  9. Matt Z

    Flabby loose underarm skin!

    Bicep and Tricep exercises will help with this to some extent. Found this https://www.myhealthtips.in/2015/10/exercises-to-lose-arm-fat.html https://www.fitnessmagazine.com/workout/arms/exercises/7-move-firm-arms-workout/
  10. Matt Z

    Numb spot on leg

    No idea... It wasn't something specific that happened and I noticed, I just happened to notice it one day. Wasn't sure if it was nerve based given the very small, limited scale of the issue. Such a quandary!
  11. It's not just here, it's all over, and I'm not the only one that's noticed the appearance that you've got some ax to grind with me or something. You posted on the Guys room chastising females posting, Less than a month later I make a joke directed at one of the females that posted in a Guys room post and you chastise me for it. There are other instances as well. I just don't understand the logic. And again, it's not me, others also see a number of your posts as coming from a "I'm better" perspective... it's not my insecurities. Nice try though. Deflect rather than reflect on your comments and how others view them, Very classy.
  12. Seriously dude, do you just follow folks around and talk about how much better you are or how your stuff is better than others? It's gotten a little annoying man. It's to the point where sometimes you don't even add to the conversation, you just talk about how something you've done is better. I don't get it.
  13. @fargosk MyFitnessPal is a *GREAT* app for food tracking. I don't use it for exercise since I have a FitBit, but the 2 apps do communicate to some extent. Just really like how MyFitnessPal has the ability to save whole meals, as well as has a barcode scanner for food products as well.
  14. Matt Z


    Just watch the fat and sugar content and you should be fine if you are ok with the spices that might be in that brat. It's meat, not the best meat, but as long as it's low on the fillers and added sugars and fats, you should be ok. Just be sure to chew chew chew!
  15. Matt Z

    Ducolax Question

    @mylighthouse how's the water intake? Water intake is critical to preventing constipation. I was prescribed Colace (generic Dulcolax) post revision to bypass, it's a small pill, smaller than an M&M. I'd work on LOTS of water uptake at this point, just to be safe! And clearly communicate with your surgical team.
  16. Matt Z

    Modesty question

    No joke, I still don't see this body as mine when looking through my eyes. In the mirror sure, but I find myself getting caught off guard on occasion, like, this stomach can't be mine it's so much flatter than mine is, or I've taking photos of cigars i'm smoking and I'm like... that's not my... yes, that is my hand. It's crazy!
  17. Matt Z

    Modesty question

    I'm much more open with my skin. I know I'm still "a fatty" but, I'm way less a fatty than I was and it bothers me SO MUCH less now. Like, going to the gym and changing in the locker room. Normally I'd be SUPER QUICK to get a shirt on during changing... now, I don't rush it. Sure those super buff dudes walking in are going to be like.. damn that dudes fat. But, it no longer bothers me. The way I figure it out. You don't judge a statue by the size of the block of stone, you wait until it's finished before you judge. I'm part way through my own personal re-sculpting, and I give myself a TON of slack for it.
  18. Thanks Ash! Wish I could shoehorn more hours into my day to dedicate to this site and helping folks out! Not every answer is going to be a winner, and too many people don't want the honesty, but that's what I got, so that's what I give.
  19. Matt Z

    Pre Op Diet

    Glad to hear! Good luck on your journey!
  20. I'm testing something out... having issues with notifications and emails. Liking my own helps me track. Rather than wait for someone else to maybe like something. But it doesn't effect anyone else so, not sure why it matters.
  21. Matt Z

    Post op weight loss

    This is exactly what my frustrations have been over. I weigh in every morning, same time, after doing the same things, in the same way, just to make sure it's as accurate as possible. I've been stuck at the same weight for over a week now and I'm not taking the normal stalls as I'm at over 2 months post op now. But having that body fat % there for me to track as well has really relived a lot of stress and frustration. I'm in the gym every day, for at least an hour a day. I'm working hard on muscle building. So if I only saw the weight staying the same and not the body fat drop... I'd have lost my mind at this point!
  22. Matt Z

    I’m so ashamed

    Believe it or not, this reaction is a positive one. You've "slipped up", and you are upset about it. That's a VERY good thing. Work harder next time. Try harder next time. When you think you are going to cave, remind yourself of what you are gaining by giving up these unhealthy food choices. Now is when to start looking for alternatives, because those cravings, while they might reduce, generally don't ever go away. This is where the habit changing comes in. You haven't failed. Because you really haven't really even messed up because you aren't on your pre-op diet yet. So give yourself some slack here, clearly you are displeased with your actions, and that's fantastic! So, what could you have done differently? You don't have to answer here, but think about it. The burger on it's own isn't *THAT* bad... the fries, mayo, bread, etc... that's the bad stuff (at McD's anyway). So, look for the tweaks and changes you could have made to make that meal better for you. You've got this, as ashamed as you are, the fact that you are, means you've got the right mindset moving forwards. Stay Strong!
  23. Matt Z

    Pre Op Diet

    Hopefully, but if you go through that book and it's not there, get on the phone. They should have sat down with you and explained the pre-op diet in some detail and not just thrown you to the wolves so to speak.
  24. I'm well aware of what the question was, and my answer is still 100% accurate. With everyone being totally different... the only safe answer is "in a while"...
  25. Matt Z

    Pre Op Diet

    Your nutritionist didn't give you a pre-op diet plan to follow? I'd go right back to that nutritionist and tell them to give you the proper diet not to have you wing it and figure it out.... it's kinda their job to give you the pre-op diet.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
