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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tweetybd73

  1. Tweetybd73

    Newbie From Chicago :)

    Hi Ashley, I too am from the sw burbs, New Lenox to be exact;). I had my surgery in October of 2011, I have lost 62 pounds so far. I am soo happy with my decision, I noticed you have the same surgeon as me, Dr. Shayani, he is so awesome! He is the only dr I actually look forward to going to;). Best of luck to you and let me know if I can help with any questions you may have. Jenna
  2. Tweetybd73

    Caffeine Substitute??

    Monster makes an energy drink called PROTEAN and it has 15 grams of protein and it's non carbonated but seems to have a flowery taste. Rockstar has an awesome non carbonated orange energy drink and it is sooo yummy,it tastes like an orange crush. I was a sf red bull drinker before getting banded and have had to switch to non carbonated. Best of luck to you. Btw the rockstar has 80 g of caffeine, it will get ya movin;)
  3. Tweetybd73

    Lapband And Diabetes

    I too have cut my insulin down drastically. I have an insulin pump and now take about 30-35 units total a day, I used to take close to 100. Getting the lap band has done wonders for my sugars. I wish you the very best with your journey!!!
  4. Tweetybd73


    I mix it in a container with a sliced banana! Oh so good, also great mixed in with a chocolate Protein shake. I love my PB2 and the PB cocoa is great too!!!
  5. Tweetybd73

    Food Dehydrator Suggestions?

    I have the nesco dehydrator and I love it. If you can have the butcher precut the meat for you frozen it makes it a lot easier. Also, mine came with a little cookbook and I have been meaning to use it more, I think you've motivated me to pull it out;). I've made beef jerky And also made some fruit leather strip with applesauce and blended fruit, quite delicious! I haven't tried jerky since I've had my last fill and feeling like I'm in the green zone, so hopefully I will use it soon and try some more. If you want some specific recipes let me know and I could post them for you or email some to you. Hope this helps, highly recommend the Nesco!
  6. Tweetybd73

    Question..vitamins And Supplements

    I was looking for liquid vitamins and was told only by presription so I will have to check vitamin shop too! Thanks for the info! Right now I take 2 gummy vitamins 2 gummy fibers and a calcium chew, I make them my mid morning snack:)
  7. I too am insulin dependent with a pump. I do find my sugars drop a lot since getting the band. I have decreased my basal and bolus sooo much but still bottom out, it's very frustrating:/ I tend to drop at night and find I need to drink juice because have a hard time eating anything early in the day. I hate having to have the extra calories but do what you gotta do to feel better. I wish I had some good advice, I would just say talk to your doctor and see if you can decrease your insulin. Lots of luck to you. Keep me posted, I can use any advice you may have to offer too.
  8. Hello everyone, I just wanted to say "hi" and say I'm in New Lenox, Illinois, so really close to Joliet. I was banded on October 18th and have been loving the lap band. I have lost 25 pounds and have had a couple of fills and feel like the last one really helped me get to the green zone. Well, best of banding to everyone!
  9. Tweetybd73

    Question For Diabetics

    I was able to cut my insulin in half or most time I only take a couple of units. I have an insulin pump and I noticed I was getting low a lot, so I did have to adjust that too. I haven't had an A1C test since surgery, but for the first time ever I'm curious to see what it is;). Good luck with your surgery, I think it will do wonders for your diabetes!!!
  10. I just want to say we have the same surgery month same surgeon, Dr. Shayani. He has been awesome. You are doing great from the looks of things:). I had my surgery on oct. 18 and my first fill yesterday. Looking forward to not eating a huge meal today (thanksgiving). Well, just wanted to say congrats on your new life journey!!!!

  11. Tweetybd73

    October Bandsters!!!

    I was banded on October 18, what an experience! The first couple of days were rough but feeling great now! I am finding my appetite is returning so looking forward to my first fill on November 29th!!!
  12. Just banded on October 18th and doing great. Looking forward to this journey!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
