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Everything posted by Sassygirl06

  1. Sassygirl06

    my first nsv!

    nsv= non scale victory its when you have something happen because of weight loss that doesnt involve the scale
  2. Sassygirl06

    my first nsv!

    Thank you my sleeve buddies! I totally look forward to coming on here every night and being able to offer words of inspiration, as well as find a little of my own! I was able to go with my friend today to get her referal for the sleeve. She was feeling nervous about talking with her doctor about it so I went along with her. Her doctor was wonderfully supportive. She cried after the appointment. It was so wonderful to be there with her in the start of her journey. I look forward to being there for her as well as others on here. Thank you all again!
  3. Sassygirl06

    8 weeks out tomorrow.

  4. Sassygirl06

    Is it worth it?

    there are a lot of gyms offering this class. you can go to any of them and ask for a free pass to try it. i would try it out first to see if you like it before you buy. i bought something similar to this and used it once...didnt like it and waisted my money. i know you dont like going to the gym but i think it might be worth it to try it for free first.
  5. i have to hand out medications to mental patients that cheak their meds all the time. i have to crush them up and float them in punch. you can try doing one of them at a time in a little shot cup mixed in some crystal light....a strong flavor, and not diluted all the way. take a break in between to take away the gag responce. also to get them to disolve all the way you can make the crystal light warm first...if you can manage to drink it warm. after a few weeks of being sleeved you can start taking the meds whole again...as long as you can handle it. make sure to try one of them at a time at first to see how your tummy will react to it. good luck to you
  6. Sassygirl06

    I took before pics...

    i was going through some old pictures on my computer and found some of me right when i started my last diet. i had totally forgot about them. i know i weighed more than 311 pounds....that was the weight i was after dieting for a while and when i finally decided to step on the scale. when i found the pictures my mouth (im sure) was open wide! i couldnt believe my eyes. i was so huge. im glad that i have them. they are a great motivator. after i found them i decided to go ahead and take some more of myself at my weight now. i now weigh less than 240 pounds and although i am only about half way through i am able to see such a huge improvement already. i posed in my bra and panties so that i could see everything change. i cant wait till i am at the end of my journey and i can do it again when i look really good!
  7. it is totally normal to feel this way. stalls are totally normal as well. i am in a little stall right now too. i know that it will go away soon...just keep the faith. it is impossible for us not to eventually lose weight with how little we are able to eat. your body is just in shock right now. when it finally gets over the shock the weight will come off. keep the faith! and just keep smiling. you will get there!
  8. Sassygirl06

    To tell or not to tell...

    i only told my husband, teenage daughter and one of my best friends. the only reason i told her was because i thought she could benifit from my journey. she has and has decided to do it herself. i havent told my mother, father, or siblings. in my opinion i dont believe that it really makes a difference how i lose the weight. so what if i had a little help? it really isnt anybodys business at all. i really didnt want to hear all of the different negative comments either. i know what they are because i used to feel the same way. not anymore. i am so thankful for my sleeve. i was talking with a woman today that is worried about her 400 plus pound daughter. i asked her if she has ever considered wls....her responce was exactly what a skinny person would say....that is the easy way out. i tried to explain the new procedures to her but she was stuck in her own thoughts. i just think it is sad when people think that way because it is only hurting them in the long run. as for me, i will never be telling anybody else. i dont feel guilty about keeping it to myself either. i wouldnt go around telling people if i had to have a hysterectomy...so why would i tell them about my sleevectomy? good luck to you...and im sorry that you were met with that responce.
  9. Sassygirl06

    My progress so far...3 months out

    totally true! doesnt it feel sooooo good?
  10. Sassygirl06

    I'm a vegetarian: pre-op & post-op HELP!?

    well with my post op diet i got to go straight to full liquids...so no clear for me. hope you get to do the same. i would also add in some teas and juice if i were you so that you at least get some variety.
  11. Sassygirl06

    I'm a vegetarian: pre-op & post-op HELP!?

    i am not vegitarian, however i have found some stuff that is non meat and high in protein......i use almond milk for my protein shakes. you can pour almond milk in a blender...add some fruit like bananas and then put in a couple tablespoons of peanut butter, along with some protein powder that is vegan. add some ice and blend....it is yummy! sugar free popsicles are wonderful. they also have some vegitable broth that is really good. if you have a trader joes they have a big selection on broths. also you can do the same shake above except instead of bananas and peanut butter you can use some berries for a berry smothie. good luck to you!
  12. Sassygirl06

    Nothing tastes this good

    i know 6 pounds doesnt seem like a lot but try to imagine if you will putting 6 pounds of hamburger in your pants and fitting them on with that! 6 pounds is a whole lot when you think of it in terms of hamburger meat....and fat is actually bigger then that! good job! keep up the good work!
  13. Sassygirl06

    Please Help me!!!!

    what size bogie are you going to do? how long will i be in the hospital? when should i start full liquids? mushies? real food? what kinds of vitamins should i take? do you use a drain tube? if so how long do you usually keep it in? can i fill my pain, ppis, and nausea meds before my surgery so that i have them when i am going home? how much protein do you expect me to get in after surgery? how many carbs? how many calories? when do you think i can return to work? how long do i need to take a break from heavy exercise? what type of exercise can i do right away? just a few that i asked my doctor. good luck to you!
  14. Sassygirl06

    My progress so far...3 months out

    looking really good! way to go!
  15. well i sue pray that your levels go up so that this wont be an issue and you can hear those prescious first crys! sending you hugs and prayers
  16. i made up a good receipe for a healthy alternative to the fatty pizza.... there are chicken and shredded mild chedder on top. cook on medium high heat for about 2 minutes. the tortilla crisps and you can cut it into 4 slices. have a slice and save the rest for later i made one for myself because i was totally craving pizza but didnt want to pig out....my family smelt it cooking and they all wanted me to make them some. so i did...and my whole family LOVED it. (this includes a very picky 8 year old) very tastey and low carb/calorie! enjoy your pizza! hehe!
  17. you are doing great! it doesnt matter what the surgeon thinks anymore anyhow. it normally takes people 2 years to get to goal anyways. keep doing what youre already doing and you will be just fine. keep smiling
  18. believe it or not a lot of us would consider you lucky. i didnt have a bowel movement for 7 days after my surgery. when i finally did it was liquid. i am almost 5 weeks post op now and i no longer have runny stools. started having normal bms about 2 weeks post op. it wont be like that forever....so cheer up and keep smiling!
  19. i have thrown up a few times. usually because i forget and i eat to fast. the weird part is that it doesnt hurt to throw up anymore. also it tastes the same as it did going down. mabye because of all the acid reducers...so there really isnt that much acid for it to mix with and so none of the nasty taste. also when i throw up i dont get those horrible spasms from it. i just feel like i need to throw up and so i got to the bathroom and kinda clench my stomach muscles and out it comes. as for gaining the weight, its just water. there is no way you gained that much without it being water. you have to eat 3500 calories in order to gain a pound, and i doubt that you were able to eat enough to gain 4! its hard for us to even get 3500 calories in in a week in the begining....so cheer up...the next time you get on the scale you will have lost all that water and then some actual pounds and you will be jumping for joy! keep smiling and thinking happy thoughts and soon you'l be flying on cloud nine
  20. Sassygirl06

    Remove steri-strips?

    i was a naughty girl and took them off myself. i could see under them and tell that my skin was already closed up. i went really slow and held my skin tight as i took them off. i didnt have any problems from this. my girlfriend waited for her doc to do it for her and she ended up with green puss coming out of hers and she had to be put on antibiotics. also one of her incision sights had the internal stich pop out of her skin. i made sure to keep mine clean, and i did put on some triple antibiotic cream for the first few days after i removed the steri strips. i waited until day 5 before taking them off as well. good luck to you.
  21. Sassygirl06

    Post Op Diet

    im almost 5 weeks out and i am eating pretty much anything without problems. the first week i stuck to most things liquid...then the second i added some stuff like cottage cheese, yogurt, soups, (split pea soup felt the best on my new tummy) then after the 2 weeks i started adding in one thing at a time making sure to chew really well. i never blended anything. i only have protein shakes if im on the go and dont have time to get anything else. i have been able to eat out at resturants as well. i usually order off the kids menu. most places dont make a big deal about it...except chinese buffet. i went in and told them that my hubby was getting the buffet and i was going to get a to go plate and have them weigh it and eat it there. they said that i couldnt do that...so i pulled the guy to the side and told him that i had a surgery that made my tummy really small and that i couldnt eat very much and wasnt going to pay full price for a few tablespoons worth of food. after that he said it was ok. i went and got what i wanted and took it up to be weighed...lol my lunch cost was $2.15, and i still had some left overs that i took home with me for later. my hubby laughed and called me a cheap date. i think the doc is just trying to do the same thing everybody is trying to do...make more money. you dont need to buy his shakes. as for speeding up weight loss....i didnt do all the protein shakes and i have already lost 27 pounds since my surgery. im happy with that! hehe good luck to you
  22. interesting. i have only been taking a vitamin, calcium and b-12. i guess i need to get some more stuff! thank you for posting this.
  23. first and formost....i will be praying for you and Tatum. second i am so happy for you that Tatum is thriving, as when i first read the discription of your post i thought something had happend to her. now, do you have to have a c-section, and that is why the epidural is required? if the answer is no for the c-section then if you dont want to miss her first cry, and moments after would you consider delivering natural? not that i am against epidural, as i am not! they are the best thing every made! lol but it is such an important time in your life to miss. i have had both natural and epidural deliverys by the way i have 3 children...the first 2 were natural and the last one i had the plessure of having a great epidural. i also have had 3 miscarriges and 2 of them were considered still births since they were past 20 weeks along. i sure hope and pray that your levels will go back so that there will not have to be this issue for you. just wanted to throw some stuff out for you. natural delivery is very hard, however there are some great narcotics that they can give you to take the edge off. please keep us posted. also i wanted to let you know how beautiful you look as a pregnant woman. you look amazing and very happy. best wishes your way
  24. Sassygirl06

    Tortilla Pizza?

    im almost 5 weeks out and i have been able to eat one slice of real pizza without problems...but i have a good receipe for a healthy alternative. there are low carb tortillas that are garlic flavored...i found it at albertsons spread butter on one side. put it in a frying pan, butter side down. spread a little tomatoe sause on (i used ragu sweet italian sausage style) put your favorite toppings on...i put sliced olives, mushrooms, oven roasted chicken and shredded mild chedder on top. cook on medium high heat for about 2 minutes. the tortilla crisps and you can cut it into 4 slices. have a slice and save the rest for later i made one for myself because i was totally craving pizza but didnt want to pig out....my family smelt it cooking and they all wanted me to make them some. so i did...and my whole family LOVED it. (this includes a very picky 8 year old) very tastey and low carb/calorie! enjoy your pizza! hehe!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
