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Everything posted by Sassygirl06

  1. wow you dont even look like the same person anymore! congrats
  2. this is what helped me. get a medicine cup from your pharmacy. have a water bottle with you at all times. fill your medicine cup with the water and sip on that for 30 minutes....repeat every 30 minutes. if you do this all day you will get in 64 oz of water. after i got used to this i then started freezing my water bottle. as the water thawed i would sip on that so that i didnt drink to much. good luck!
  3. almost 3 months out now, and feeling way better. its a case of buyers remorse and alot of us go through it. you will get better and you will have to take less meds as time goes on. try mixing your meds in thin applesause so to disguise the taste...and spread it out through the day. try to keep in a good space although i know it is hard
  4. Sassygirl06

    Maternity photo shoot

    beautiful....happy birthday tatum!
  5. Sassygirl06

    Your most exciting NSV

    i have had a few...tonight though i was out with my kids trick or treating and i ran into an old co-worker of mine. it was dark out so she couldnt see me to well, but she gave me a hug, and while she was hugging me i could feel her hands feeling around for the rest of me...haha she stepped back while still holding my waist and said, oh my god, where is the rest of you! i laughed and told her that i have lost 80 pounds and she was flabbergasted! to fun my other nsv happened a while ago that i already posted once, that was when i put on a bath towel and for the first time it fit all the way around me and tied in the front. that was sooooo cool!
  6. Sassygirl06

    I have to brag...

    That stuff is so addictive! my hubby is soooooo addicted to mountain dew, but not the diet either. He drinks a 24 pack of them in 3 days, not exagerating either. No one has ever seen him anywhere without one in his hand, or pocket. He just happens to be one of those lucky people that has a high metabolism and doesnt gain a pound from anything. seriously, he is 6'2" and weighs 179 pounds. it is sooooo not fair. I keep telling him one day his age is going to change his luck and then he is going to be huge! good for you kicking that nasty habit, i swear if my hubby could have an iv hooked up to it he would. his blood has to be yellow green by now...hehe
  7. Sassygirl06

    Halloween (Oct. 31) - What will you Weigh?

    I didnt quite make it...bummer! I got to 224, I am making a new goal of 215 by Thanksgiving. That gives me 3 weeks to lose 9 pounds, i think that is realistic enough. I need to make sure to stay out of the kids Trick or Treat candy! It will be a whole lot easier this year then the last since i have a tiny tummy that makes me regret eating junk now. Love my sleeve!
  8. took my kids trick or treating, now the real battle...stay away from the candy!

  9. took my kids trick or treating, now the real battle...stay away from the candy!

  10. yeah, same here..showered when i got home. you arent allowed to take a bath until your steri strips come off. the main advise is to walk walk walk. it makes you feel better. takes the pressure off that tummy. good luck tomarrow!
  11. would do it all again in a second! no regrets whatsoever!! good luck!
  12. Sassygirl06

    Concerned about my dad

    they will give him meds to lower that blood pressure, thats what they did for my hypertensive friend prior to surgery. this will definately help him lower his blood pressure and his hgba1c for sure (losing weight) that is. i hope all goes well
  13. an hour is usually about the amount of time it takes. i was in the hospital for two days because i lived far away from the hospital so the doc wanted to be safe. usually most people stay one day though unless there are complications.
  14. Sassygirl06

    Does anyone regret getting sleeved?

    mememee_ im so glad that you are feeling better and that they caught what was causing your pain, and just overall feeling of yuck! i know we had our surgery about the same time and i was wondering if you finally came out of those hard times. hope you have a quick recovery this time!
  15. Sassygirl06

    Does anyone regret getting sleeved?

    i had a case of buyers remorse for a period of about 2 weeks. that was between week 2-4 post op. i am 2.5 months out now and i am sooooooo happy that i changed my life. food is no longer an overpowering thing to me. i can eat to feed my body, and stop thinking about it like i did before the surgery. it is really a life changing thing not to be entered into lightly, but if you are asking this question then obviously you are not just jumping into it. good luck!
  16. Sassygirl06

    When does the gurgling stop?

    im 2 and 1/2 months out and it stopped for me already. i still get the hicups that someone else mentioned though, and its not always when i eat....sometimes it just randomly happens.
  17. Sassygirl06

    Great Dream

    i have one teenage daughter that is 16 and a middle of puberty 13 year old boy, and then an 8 and 1/2 year old girl going on 18 (lol) i just tell them like it is. i give them respect and they give me back what i give. i make sure to tell them all of the mistakes that i made, even the ones i really dont want to tell them, but i feel it is more productive to tell them what really happened in hopes that they learn from my mistakes. try to keep your cool, and remember you are in charge, no matter what..... you cant be their friend, but you can be someone they come to when they need help. good luck ladies, both with surgery and with the boys
  18. Sassygirl06

    10 Day out from surgery and scared

    i looked forward to it because i was tired of always feeling hungry. but there was also being nervous about the "what could happen, or go wrongs".... try to put that out of your mind and focus on the possitives. this surgery is preformed so much now, the doctors are great. give yourself the best chance at a great outcome by sticking to that diet no matter what, plus losing weight now just means less to lose later. i lost close to 50 pounds before surgery so that my body was as healthy as it could be for surgery, and i figured why not now? good luck to you!
  19. i really dont understand this thing that some people do. i have a sleeve sister that i walk with 3 times a week. we always are complimenting eachother on how much weight we see that we have lost. i basically follow the "if you dont have anything nice to say then dont say nothing at all." that works for me. ignore her, for soon you will weigh less and feel better and she wont be saying anything at all about weight to you other then how she can do the sleeve too. she feels that she has a leg up on you now, and she is insecure on her own body image and so making these little snarky comments makes her feel better about her weight. dont let it make you feel bad about yours. keep up the great loss!
  20. Sassygirl06

    Confession Time

    i have had some chocolate once or twice i dont understand why that doesnt make me throw up, but when i eat right (yesterday i had one egg scrambled with some cheese on it-tasted great going down, not so great coming right back up) i get sick? not always but i have never gotten sick off of chocolate
  21. Sassygirl06

    Almost 8 months

    it takes a while for your mind to catch up with your body your mind still thinks of you as fat, while others see somthing different. you might try doing some counceling on how to improve your self image/esteem. you are young, you have your whole life ahead of you, and you have done a terrific thing for yourself. make sure to go out and buy the nice clothes that you have always wanted to wear, and go out with your friends to those places that you have always wanted to go. you are worth it.
  22. Sassygirl06

    Almost 8 months

    how did the gall bladder removal go? how did your moms surgery go? congrats on begining your new life.
  23. Sassygirl06

    So HUNGRY ALL THE TIME! Please help

    did you have plication or the sleeve, cause your signature page says plication? hope you get better either way.
  24. clam chowder tonight! i am just a soup cooking fool! haha. my kids loved the chowder.

  25. just one out of 3 of my kids, my husband, my best friend and my doctor. im keeping it that way.

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