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Everything posted by Sassygirl06

  1. Sassygirl06


    i was so shocked when he said that i had it! i had no signs on my last blood work that i had done...but then i didnt have any sx of gout at that time either. i thought it was more of a mans disease. i really hadnt heard of a woman having it before. my uric acid levels werent that high the next time, but it definatly was a red flag. im glad your levels are fine.....that is great that you can email your doc. i work in the health care field so i just ask one of my docs at the hospital.....they love telling me everything they know...and showing off....hehe
  2. Sassygirl06

    Why Does Everything Revolve Around Food?

    i dont stop myself from enjoying something that i really want, or it will just sit there in my mind until i break down and have to much. i instead take a little bit, and enjoy that little bit, savor it. that way it is finally out of my mind and i can move on. i think it is self sabatoging to say to ones self.....i cant have this or that any more. better to say, i can have that occationally and just a little bit. unfortunatly food is forever going to be a part of our every day lives...we have to learn how to manage it, and survive the bad stuff. that is why i believe that food addiction is the worst addiction there is. for all the other addictions you are supposed to stop completely and avoid it all together. for food we are supposed to have it every day. tell an alcholic or a drug addict to have just a little every day to survive...and see what happens. good luck! thank god for the sleeve!
  3. Sassygirl06


    haha probably not the greatest thing to say to a hypochondriac...but i too had stiff sore hands, every morning, and i being not a hypochondriac didnt think anything of it until i was doing my labs one time and my doc asked me if i had stiff joints. i thought about it and then of course it all came flooding in...yes i do. the doc diagnosed me with gout. i have been avoiding the red meats and cured meats since then, and no more problems with stiff hands. just thought i would chime in good luck
  4. Sassygirl06

    If I Can Do It, You Can Do It.

    what a wonderful story! you are doing great! keep it up!!!
  5. really cool. that is funny you mentioned the amusement park, as that was one of my goals was to be able to fit on all the rides. i had my surgery on august 16th 2011, and i am now down to 200 pounds. i went 2 weeks ago to knotts berry farm, and was able to fit on everything. it was so exciting. of course my tummy thought otherwise by the end of the day.(i felt like hurling) it was still so cool to have those bars go all the way down! i started right were you were as well, i was 311 pounds at the begining of my journey, and i was 266 the day of my surgery. i am what you call a slow loser, since i have only lost 66 pounds since surgery, 6 months ago, but i will take that anyday, cause before the surgery i wouldnt have lost any of that anyways. good luck...and congrats!
  6. i havent gone to any of my post op appointments. I just go to my nut appointments where she measures me and takes picts, reviews my intake. all of this is included with my approval of the surgery so it doesnt cost me anything. you might want to check with your old insurance about follow up care, since the surgery was done when you had the insurance, they might be obligated to pay for follow up care anyways. just a thought!
  7. Sassygirl06

    Tell Me What The Sleeve "pb" Is Like

    my one bite to many sends me to the bathroom to puke. I have control over it, and usually make myself throw up, not by sticking my finger down my throat but by squeezing my stomach muscles together, and out it comes. it doesnt hurt when I throw up, or taste bad, i dont have hardly any stomach acid, so it tastes the same coming out as it does going in. if i'm hungry i get the hic-ups and if im full i get the hic-ups. i dont have any trouble getting water down now, (6 months post-op) but in the beggining it hurt to drink water...like my sleeve was going to pop. you can feel the bulge in your stomach. I did get the slimmys when i first started, nasty, and felt like they would never stop. if I eat anything with sugar in it i get a little nautious. i never had any problems with burping, but farting is something i do a whole lot more then before. I know when one more bite is going to be to much because while i am chewing the bite i feel like i am going to throw up. i promptly spit it out and that is that. one of my goals for losing this weight was to be able to go to an amusement park and fit on the rides, the only problem with that is i was able to do this however with my new tummy i felt like i was going to hurl with every ride i was on. i can get nautious and feel like puking at the drop of a hat. even the car rides can make me sick now, and i used to have the strongest iron stomach there was. however even with all of that, still the best thing i could have ever done for myself. there are always going to be down sides to this surgery......but the rewards are to many to count, and that was totally worth it!
  8. Sassygirl06

    Calcium And Iron

    have you ever been anemic? I just take my multivitamin that has iron. My levels have always been fine. I would talk with your surgeon about how much you are taking. To much can be a bad thing.
  9. Sassygirl06

    I'm Pissed

    you will show him! dont stress about it. I do the same thing with my tom!
  10. Sassygirl06

    What To Eat?

    I loved soups at the stage. It was easy to get down, and fit into the sleeve nicely without irritating it. Split pea soup was my favorite. Made my tummy feel warm and satisfied. I couldnt do dairy products till I was about 2 months out or they made me sick. I liked pulled pork mixed with some bbq sause. or tuna mixed with some mayo. I didnt really worry about low fat, low calories, as I was barely getting in 500 calories a day back then. I stayed away from anything sweet as it would make me want to throw up. Good luck!
  11. Yes totally normal. You will get through this. As for not being able to eat some things EVER again, that is totally false. I am now 6 months out and can say, I havent found anything that I am not able to eat, just a really small portion of it. I dont like some things now that I did before, but I am able to eat them with the sleeve. You are making the right decision. This will make you so much more healthy, and happy! ((hugs)) you will do great!
  12. Sassygirl06

    I Need Help...

    I did have the same problem as you in the begining. It might be due to the fact that you were an emotional eater, and you curbed you moods with food. Now the food is gone and you are finding it hard to cope without it. I found two ways to help. I replaced my food eating with exercise, it is a great way to get out those frustrations, and it helps you to drop the pounds too. Second I went to a psychiatrist and I got on some anti-depresants. I am now taking effexor every day, controled release, and I feel so much better because of it. I finally feel normal again. Please get some help, because the goal here is to make yourself happier, and healthier. Stress can be so counter productive, and cause you to hold onto the weight longer as well. Sending ((hugs)) your way! Good luck!
  13. Sassygirl06

    Ladies - Starting Weight 200

    My starting weight was 311 pounds in November of 2010. The day I had my surgery I was 266 pounds. That was august 16th 2011. I am currently 205, so I have lost 61 pounds since suregery that was 6 months ago. I am in a size 14 now, and I am loving that. My goal weight is 150 pounds, I am 5'8 1/2" so 150 pounds should put me in about a size 6. I dont really care how long it takes me to get there, I know I will eventually. My surgeons goal weight for me was 170, but I want it to be lower, so that is what is going to happen. I have been working out in kickboxing 4 days a week, and hiking 4 miles a week. I dont count calories, carbs, or fats. I dont even really count protein, I just make sure to eat it first and I drink a whey protein shake a day that has 54 grams of protein in it. I really can say that I love the sleeve so much. It has been a real struggle for me since I had my first child to lose weight, and since the sleeve I havent had to worry about it. I just won first place in a bootcamp for most improved on all my statistics, and so I am very proud about that. Most of all I have gotten my life back. I play tennis with my girls, I go walking with all my kids. I even was able to go to an amusement park and fit on all of the rides with ease. I have been mistaken for my husbands new wife...lol I have even been called a milf! The sleeve is the best decision that I have even made for myself. Sorry this is so long, but I just cant help myself. This feeling is soooooo great!
  14. Sassygirl06

    Would You Have Done It?

    I didnt have any co-morbidity's either. I did this to lose weight, and get healthy before it was to late. It dawned on me that I needed to make a change when I was buying life insurance so that my family would be taken care of when I died from being over weight. That was my wake up call. I would do it over in a heartbeat!
  15. Are you exercising more? The reason I ask is because that could be causing the extra hunger, and the need for extra calories, as well as the lower number lost on the scale. Turning muscle into fat would be the reasoning behind not losing weight. when I dont lose on the scale i make sure to measure because that tells me that I have gained muscle weight and lost fat weight. I have gained 18 pounds of muscle since surgery and have lost 124 pounds of fat. so even though my actual number of pounds lost on the scale is 106 pounds, it makes the difference to know that I have lost more fat good luck to you!
  16. Sassygirl06

    I Am No Longer Diabetic!

    That is so wonderful. You gave yourself the best gift ever! Here's to your health!
  17. Sassygirl06

    "friends"-The One About Going Out

    I still find going out to eat really enjoyable. I will either order a half plate, or ask for a to go box when I am ordering my meal. I make sure to substitute veggies, or cottage cheese for fries, and do baked not fried, and things that arent cooked or drenched in sause. As for going to the bar, you can offer to be the designated driver (hehe) or just skip out after dinner. Do what ever makes you feel comfortable! You arent being a (you know what) you are working on your health! good luck!
  18. the burpies lasted a while for me. I hated it sooooo much!I also got the slimmies for a while too. I get the hiccups when I am full. I also get them when I am hungry. the nurse was right....slow way down when you eat, and really really dont drink anything with those meals. It would make me sick sooooo bad when I tried to cheat. good luck! Way to go on the weight loss, and great self control. Your hard work is shinning through!
  19. Sassygirl06

    Change In Capacity?

    I noticed that you said that you have increased your exercise. This could lead to you being more hungry for carbs as you need some to burn for exercise. As for being tired, I would check on the iron, also have you been taking a b-12? We all should be taking b-12 after the surgery, and dont forget the daily vitamin. Alot of vitamins do not include iron (especially gummys-due to the chances of overdose for children) so make sure you are getting it somehow. Hope you all feel better! good luck!!!!
  20. Sassygirl06

    7 Weeks Out Follow Up Report!

    wonderful! you are doing great. way to work that sleeve!
  21. I felt this way too. I was lactose intolerant for about 2 months. I am almost 6 months post op now and I can have dairy again. More of us feel the way you do now then not. I was really saying to myself "what the heck did I do!" Now my only regret is not doing it sooner. Being tired is totally normal. You had major surgery. Not wanting to eat is also normal. I felt hungry all the time, but hated to eat because it caused me pain. I can say without a single doubt that with time all of those issues I had totally resolved. I feel sooooo great and my energy level is way up compaired to pre op. I hope that you feel better soon..... try to stay possitive and keep your eye on the prize. ((hugs))
  22. Ive been kicking butt at kickboxing. The special scale says that I have gained 18 pounds of muscle. WOW! I cant believe that I have more muscle weight then fat now! It used to be waaaayyyy the opposite. The sleeve is such an amazing tool!

  23. Ive been kicking butt at kickboxing. The special scale says that I have gained 18 pounds of muscle. WOW! I cant believe that I have more muscle weight then fat now! It used to be waaaayyyy the opposite. The sleeve is such an amazing tool!

  24. Sassygirl06

    What Is Your New Addiction?

    I dont really have one. I do exercise now, but not obsesivly. My nurse at my gp practically tried to talk me out of the surgery because she believes that everyone who has wls developes secondary addictions after. i am 5.5 months out and I am not addicted to anything, so I am happy to say she was wrong.

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