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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sassygirl06

  1. Sassygirl06

    Women Only!

    My periods have been more regular, but right after surgery it was way overdue...like by 3 weeks. no extra cramps or bleeding here. its nice to know when to expect it now....and everytime it comes I know that when it is done I will lose some weight big time...this last period I lost 7.4 pounds in the week following it....oh yeah!
  2. Sassygirl06

    Nsv Ho Roundup!

    Haha, I love this one.....I have a few that are really good ones but I will warn you that one in perticular is TMI and might offend some of you.... so dont read it if you think it might offend you 1.) the small towel fitting all the way around me. 2.) getting a honk and a whistle while walking down the street. 3.) having to tell the lady at the dressing room....can you get me the next size down. this one is to big. 4.) (this is the TMI one) my hubby going down there (you know the spot) for the first time in 16 years. 5.) accidentally grabbing the medium dress instead of the ex large one.....getting upset when I tried it on and it was just a little tight...thinking to myself WTF ex large didnt fit? (FYI I bought the dress anyways cause I loved it and knew it would fit eventually) got it home and was hanging it up when I realized the tag said medium instead of ex large! hehe...and BTW... it fits me now! DOING THE HAPPY DANCE!!! OH YAH!
  3. Sassygirl06


    I never had a problem with a bike holding my weight. I have ridden a beach cruiser as well as a 10 speed. just make sure you have good tires. BTW my heaviest weight was 320, and I rode bikes back then too. have fun!
  4. My ONLY regret of this surgery is not having it done when I was younger. Dont waist your youth being unhappy and unheallthy. GET IT! I promise that this is the best thing you could ever do for yourself! Good luck!
  5. mine was an hour and a half as well.
  6. well then you must have a whole lot more muscle then most You look great!
  7. Sassygirl06

    Nsv Up The Wazzzooooo Today!

    yeah! I felt the same way when I was able to go into a Victoria's secret and buy a bra from them. Usually they wouldnt have had my size when I was bigger. Then I was able to buy a 38 DD...down from a 44DD. Big smiles
  8. Sassygirl06

    Onederland! Omg!

    Thank you guys for all your responces and support! I am just on cloud nine right now. My hubby brought me home a card with the mail today.....he congratulated me on meeting my goal, before he even knew I had met it. He said, I know you havent weighed in yet, but I just know today is the day, you look so much thinner. So I got on my wii fit, and did my measurement......he stood by waiting. when I finally switched over to the weight and it said 198.6 he jumped up in the air and was more excited then me ...lol He was hugging me and kissing me and all giddy that he knew before me that I had reached this onederland goal. just thought I would share
  9. Sassygirl06

    Not Loosing Weight

    that lovely three week stall that lasts sometimes 2-4 weeks. that scale will move....dont worry! you will get there! stay possitive
  10. way to go! you are doing great....try to remember there will be stalls along the way, its just your body catching up...and then bamm.....you are smaller Congrats and you look really good.....you dont look like you weight 296....btw more like 230-240 so you carry your weight really well, you must be tall! Keep up the hard work!!
  11. Sassygirl06

    Onederland! Omg!

    thank you ladies!
  12. I have this problem as well. I saw a picture of me holding a little baby. I didnt know that the picture was taken, I saw the picture while I was going through facebook, I recognized the baby, and said..."who the heck is holding lucy?" then when I clicked on the picture to make it bigger I realized it was me. I dont think of myself as a thin person, or that I look thin, but others keep telling me how thin I am. I walk by a mirror and have to take a second look because my mind just doesnt match to the person in the mirror. I guess this is a whole new learning expierence for all of us
  13. Sassygirl06

    Loose Skin Question

    I started at 311, at 5'9". I have lost more then 100 pounds now and I'm not really having an issue with the extra skin yet. My arms look good, so does my legs and neck. The only thing that I have an issue with is my lower abdomen. I have a pouch, but I have noticed that with my workouts it is getting better. I have had three babies, so all that skin is streched out from pregnancys. I plan on having a tummy tuck after I get to goal and maintain the weight for about 6 months. BTW, this is not to personal at all. This is the kind of question that a lot of people have, and exactly what this web site is all about
  14. Sassygirl06

    Couch To 5-K

    Havent done it, but it sounds great. Good for you for getting up and getting active! Congrats!!!!
  15. Sassygirl06

    I'm In Tears :(

    It will work out, have faith! everything happens for a reason, its hard to see it now, but in the end it will become clear. I will pray for you that wou will be able to get the surgery soon! Keep the faith! I'm sorry that this has happened.
  16. Sassygirl06

    This Was A New One For Me!

    never heard that one before....but i have perfect vision, so i guess that may be why. my weight loss hasnt effected my sight yet.....hope it doesnt. I hope it gets better for you!!
  17. Sassygirl06


    Well i couldnt agree with you more. I was all upset when I found out I had it thinking that I was set for a ton of misery. However when I realized how easy the tx was for it I was like....well at least I know why my hands have been hurting (occationally the feet) and now I can do something about it. I havent required any medication, and when I want a steak I will have one....i just rarely do and if I do I drink some cherry juice with it (it helps get rid of the extra puriens--or so I have been told). I havent had any problems with it at all since I have been dx. best of luck to you (and wishes too)
  18. Sassygirl06


    yes they test your blood...one of the most common things they test for pre op for the vsg. i didnt have a clue that i had it until my pre op testing. at least being a hypochondriac helps you to be on top of your health. that is one good thing from it. far to many people dont pay close enough attention to their bodies warning signs and it ends up to be to late. there are good things in everything
  19. Sassygirl06


    my levels were above normal....low to mid range.....so they were high, just not so high that i was bending over in pain sorry for the misunderstanding.
  20. Sassygirl06

    Happy 1 Year Sleeversary To Me!

    you are only 33 pounds to goal! that is amazing! keep an eye on the possitive, avoid the negative....it doesnt help lose weight!
  21. Sassygirl06

    Can I Get A Whoo Whoo!?!?!

  22. Sassygirl06

    1St "cheat"

    you definatly need to be having more then 3 meals a day. there is no way for you to get everything that you need in 3 small meals a day. no wonder you feel so bad! you poor thing!!! i eat 6 meals a day.....and when i say meals, really i mean snacks. you shouldnt feel bad about one slip up.....ive had a ton. you are only 6 weeks post op and have lost 17 pounds!!!!! that is almost 3 pounds a week....that is amazing! stop stressing yourself out, and have a little fun with this journey. that is what i have chosen to do. you can do it!
  23. Sassygirl06

    Waiting For My Surgery To Start

    time seems to stand still till the day that it finally gets here...then.....bamm......post op 6 months! stop counting the days, and it will get here sooner then you think.
  24. sorry about the bad, woohoo about the good. i lost my grandpa when he was 86. we were so close, he raised me. treasure every second you have with him. i would give almost anything to just have a minute more with my papa! i will pray that he has a speedy recovery....sometimes the doctors dont know what they are talking about...when my papa was 70 they told him he had 6 months to live.....he thought....um i dont think so! the more stubborn they are the better!
  25. Sassygirl06

    Cytosport - Anyone Else Like This?

    i got a whey protein at walmart for 15.00 bucks. it is peanut butter chocholate flavor. 27gm protein.....130 cals....2 net carbs. its only 2 pounds per conntainer. it is by body fortress in an orange and black container. good taisting if you mix it in a blender bottle. you can mix it with milk or with water. i prefer milk.....makes it creamier. but lower cals and carbs with water.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
